Tweetweek: Sleepovers, time loops, and one very gay summer

First, two tweets that stunned us in their perceptiveness. Exactly right on both counts.
Long overdue rewatch of A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE and it occurs to me that the exact same narrative material that is dealt with here in 96 minutes would now cover five seasons of a ‘prestige’ streaming drama.
— Jeff Billington (@faces_of_jeff) June 30, 2022
the multiverse and time loops displaced time travel as a genre bc we no longer agree on the past or believe in the future, just infinite minuscule variations on the present
— Tony Tulathimutte (@tonytula) July 5, 2022
More curated and mostly amusing tweets for you after the jump featuring George Clooney's batsuit, Barbie sleepovers, a perplexing Dianne Wiest situation, Alien & Predator trivia, the summer of 92 at the movies, and more ...
i love that bands still pretend to leave before their encore. like peekaboo for adults
— oatmeal influencer (@acechhh) June 26, 2022
Hope he comes home one day and Amal is sitting in the dark in it.
— Jordan Veilleux (@veilleuxwho) July 6, 2022
Speaking broadly, it’s surreal how the MCU went from fairly memorable, rewatchable cinematic events that occurred 2-3 times per year to hours upon hours of content in theaters/on streaming that you may or may not enjoy and definitely won’t remember or feel compelled to revisit.
— Johnny Sobczak (@JohnnySobczak) July 5, 2022
we also did this for Oppenheimer
— Devon Bostick (@devbostick) July 6, 2022
This is legit one of my favorite shots from a Dracula movie.
— John Squires (@FreddyInSpace) July 7, 2022
It's from Hotel Transylvania.
rewatching the frst ep of BLL and this still stands
— Murtada Elfadl (@ME_Says) July 7, 2022
Well played, Target.
— yeah ok (@poutinesmoothie) July 7, 2022
BAFTA snubbing Dianne Wiest for HANNAH AND HER SISTERS and BULLETS OVER BROADWAY but nominating her for RADIO DAYS
— Andrew Carden (@AwardsConnect) July 5, 2022
Paxton and Henrickson share one unique thing in common in film history: they are the only actors to play characters killed by a Terminator, a Predator, *and* an Alien (xenomorph). #TCMParty
— The Filmatelist (@Filmatelist) July 1, 2022
but Billy Wilder does!
— asta (@astaIavistaa) June 30, 2022
As a musical he's a 9, but as a film he's an 8 1/2
— Patrick McKelvey (@pmckelveyphd) July 7, 2022
if you went to the movies as a young person in the summer of 1992, congratulations- you’re gay
— sean paul mahoney (@seanpaulmahoney) July 7, 2022
FINALLY... we're trying to go easier on the politics because it's so f***ing depressing but here are a couple that we had to include.
Truer than ever.
— HeatherMatarazzo (@HeatherMatarazz) June 30, 2022
— Margaret E. Atwood (@MargaretAtwood) June 30, 2022
Reader Comments (6)
Every week when this column pops up, I first think it says "TwinkWeek" I can't be the only one.
That woman in the Dianne Wiest tweet/meme is Renata Sorrah. You may havd seen her in a great supporting role in Karim Ainouz's Madame Sata.
@cal roth
Exactly what I was going to say here.
This meme is from a very popular Brazilian soap opera. I had no idea that it was used outside of Brazil.
Renata Sorrah played a totally crazy villain in the show. That kind of explains the meme.
Tony Sirico aka Paulie Walnuts of The Sopranos just died. This is not a good year for fans of mob movies/TV shows.
Johnny Sobczak is speaking the truth!
John From -- it's actually a very popular meme here. I had no idea where it was from though.