Tweetweek: Sleepovers, time loops, and one very gay summer

First, two tweets that stunned us in their perceptiveness. Exactly right on both counts.
Long overdue rewatch of A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE and it occurs to me that the exact same narrative material that is dealt with here in 96 minutes would now cover five seasons of a ‘prestige’ streaming drama.
— Jeff Billington (@faces_of_jeff) June 30, 2022
the multiverse and time loops displaced time travel as a genre bc we no longer agree on the past or believe in the future, just infinite minuscule variations on the present
— Tony Tulathimutte (@tonytula) July 5, 2022
More curated and mostly amusing tweets for you after the jump featuring George Clooney's batsuit, Barbie sleepovers, a perplexing Dianne Wiest situation, Alien & Predator trivia, the summer of 92 at the movies, and more ...