Streaming Roulette, July 2022

We never know which films to cover since there are so many channels so please note that we welcome comments and requests for more in-depth coverage of new-to-streaming titles.
Okay, time for this month's streaming roulette. You know the rules. We highlight new-to-streaming movies and an occasional TV series by freezing them on the scroll bar at entirely random places and just sharing what pops up. No cheating*!
Okay, we're going to have a nice CALM talk like we discussed, right?
Sad this show is ending but also relieved since so few high school shows wrap up at their natural ending point (senior year) before they've overstayed their welcome. Have you started watching the final season yet? Ana Ortiz (who is completely Emmy worthy for season 2) and James Martinez as Victor's parents are both so terrific and not at all the afterthoughts parents so often are in teen soaps...