Are you watching the Golden Globes tonight?

On the red carpet Natasha Lyonne is a complete joy, marvelling at her career ('slow and steady wins the race!'). While Laverne Cox is still giving complete chaos as an interviewer, it's generated some fun moments like this exchange with her Orange is the New Black co-star.
LAVERNE: What story are you talling us with this look?
NATASHA: I'm telling you rain-proof. Noah's Ark could come and I'd be ready in my two zebras: Givenchy. David Webb.
LAVERNE COX: This is how you prepare for Noah's Ark?
NATASHA: Well you know that from the Bible. It's all right there in black and white so I'm just following God's wishes as usual.
We'll be back later with a rundown of best moments, the best tables (which one will have the most fun?), and the winners but for now use this space to discuss the red carpet and the big night.