FYC: Underrated Players on Emmy-Noticed Series

Team Experience is sharing FYCs as the Television Academy votes on Emmy nominations (voting closes on June 24th). Here's Abe Fried-Tanzer
There are so many deserving series and performers that never stand a chance at the Emmys simply because voters don’t seem to notice their existence. The best recent example of an extremely talented cast almost entirely missing the Emmy radar is Parenthood, which squeaked out one lone acting bid – for guest actor Jason Ritter – over the course of its six seasons. While it hasn’t received that level of acclaim, Billions is another instance of a show with tremendous awards potential that hasn’t picked up any to date. But then there are shows that do manage to earn accolades, yet the enthusiasm doesn’t extend to all players. John Krasinski never got nominated for The Office despite three costars being nominated, and he’s not the only one to be ignored even though Emmy voters were clearly watching his show.
Here are five underrated players from shows Emmy voters do watch that deserve to break through this year...