Team Experience is celebrating Valentines Day with favorite love scenes. Here's Chris...

Let’s not allow the roses of Valentine’s Day to let some thorny romances go unnoticed. For all its shocks and grisly goings-on, Gone Girl is still something of a morbid romance - if you can get past the extremity (ya know, like murder) to see its proposition that successful relationships require big compromise. And also that a relationship can’t expect to keep up its picturesque beginnings.
Take Amy and Nick’s rose-colored glasses moment: in a literal haze of sweetness, the two exchange a kiss, Nick grazing her lips in a distinctive cool move. It’s a sexy and definitive moment, one that defines what their love will forever chase when things get much more difficult.
The memory of the confectionary kiss is almost too good to be true, certainly at least too “perfect” to maintain. When Amy sees Nick recreate this with his mistress, it isn’t just a betrayal of fidelity but of the veneer they had created together, a moment she thought was theirs alone. She recounts this (a version, at least) to Lola Kirk’s shifty confidant with such reverence as to reveal more of Amy’s storytelling abilities, but a true genuine love for Nick as well. Amy’s sociopathy means she plays with a different language in expressing her affection, one that requires mining through terrible deeds to understand but is there all the same. Interpret Nick’s decision to stay together as you must, but their twisted game isn’t without actual love.
What's your favorite twisted love story?