10 Years Ago Right About This Very Second...

... Oscar night was wrapping up for the films of 2000. The lady whose smile devoured the world was loving her life.
Did you watch on that night? Were you into the Oscars yet? How is that particular race holding up for you.? It broke down like so among the "Big 8"
- Picture: Gladiator
- Director: Steven Soderbergh, Traffic
- Actress: Julia Roberts, Erin Brockovich
- Actor: Russell Crowe, Gladiator
- Supporting Actress: Marcia Gay Harden, Pollock
- Supporting Actor: Benicio Del Toro, Traffic
- Original Screenplay: Cameron Crowe, Almost Famous
- Adapted Screenplay: Stephen Gaghan, Traffic
It was a spread the wealth night. Honestly, I'd forgotten that Almost Famous won Original Screenplay since it missed the Best Picture slot that many expected it to nab. You can blame the Weinsteins and the late entry Chocolat for that, I suppose. The other wins I remembered. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon won 4 Oscars but I still think it got the shaft (among their nominees) and should've taken Best Picture with ease. And I still maintain that Erin Brockovich was the keeper from Soderbergh's double dip.
And remember this? Winona Ryder sure loved musicians back in the day (in more than one way).
Thoughts? Jump back a decade, won't'cha.