The Adventures of Linklink

You may have heard that Ricky Gervais will be hosting the Golden Globes again. I don't have the stomach to give this its own post but let it suffice to say what I already said on twitter... Gervais smug superiority is so offputting. You have to back that shit up and was Gervais the funniest best awards show host ever? No.
Link Time
Tom the Dancing Bug on Steven Spielberg's The Adventures of Tintin
The Advocate fun interview with Dylan McDermott on American Horror Story, nude scenes and sexuality and Steel Magnolias
Ad Age wowee but those Oscar ads are expensive. $1.6 million for 30 second of air time please.
The Playlist the competing Linda Lovelace porn star biopics. It's Amanda Seyfried vs. Malin Akerman. You'd think that was an easy call but for the news that Sharon Stone will play Mama Lovelace in the Akerman version. Sharon Stone!
Empire Will Amy Adams sign on to co-star with Clint Eastwood in The Curve, a father/daughter drama? He plays an aging baseball scout. We're betting that he won't be portrayed as indelicately as the "they're fossils!" approach in Moneyball. (A film we love, don't misunderstand. It's just hard on the old scouts.)
BuzzFeed 63 Reasons why Bradley Cooper is not the "Sexiest Man Alive". No matter what People magazine says.
Speaking of Bradley Cooper...
In Ye Olden Times when I used to watch Inside the Actors Studio I couldn't help but make immediate "you'll never make it!" assumptions about many of the audience members seeking professional advice. So it's totally crazy to see an actual future star asking one.
Puppet Mania
Flickr Muppet illustrations covering the whole alphabet
YouTube Clever Inglourious Basterds/Fantastic Mr Fox mashup
Finally, Drew McWeeney at HitFix had his son Toshi interview Kermit and Miss Piggy on the eve of the release of The Muppets. So cute...
It's a great angle for an interview since The Muppets biggest marketing muscle might well be partents taking their kids who missed out on the Muppet phenomenon to "meet" them on the big screen.
Reader Comments (18)
That Buzzfeed article is deceiving but LOL. I think I am going to sue.
I don't know if Gosling is the sexiest man alive but he does have the bluest eyes I have seen in any celebrity. I can't help but to think if Ryan Gosling could surprise as a nominee IF he actually campaigns (for Oscar that is, not for People Magazine), From last I have heard that is something he's not going to do this year. But isn't he super popular right now? He has been pretty well respected in the industry for quite some time but this is his real breakout year with the more average movie goers. That alone put him above some of the contenders for one of the filler spots but chances are slim without any solid campaign. He is growing on me as an actor I sincerely hope he doesn't fall into the oscar-baiting actor route in the future. I do want to see him stomps more heads.
And I can't wait for the Muppets movie! That Pig With The Froggy Tattoo Trailer has to be one of the best trailers of the year, along with the original tattoo teaser.
Looks like someone's a bit touchy, afraid of Gervais making a joke about their favorite diva celebrities.
Kyle D -- lol. well, yeah! do not diss my ladies. only i am allowed to do that if i don't like a career move ;)
I recall Cooper asked Robert DeNiro a question on an Actors Studio episode as well.
Yeah, Gosling was the obvious choice for the win...People dropped the ball on that one. It's all about box office though...Gosling just doesn't have that blockbuster yet...and Bradley does.
I'm with you Nathaniel...I'm not into Gervais and his brand of humor...but I do think it was a good thing he called the HFPA out on The Tourist nominations. Hopefully, they will be a little bit more discerning in their recognition next time round.
YAY FOR SHARON STONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha
I've been dying for Sharon Stone to have some sort of a comeback! She was this close to playing opposite Lindsay Lohan in it!! :)
Man oh man, how 90s is that Actor's Studio clip?
Also, it's awesome how INTERESTED Cooper is in Sean Penn's answer. Why, he's hanging on every word, he is...
Are you watching American Horror Story? I'm totally into it. The acting is so over the top... Great TV fun! I specially like Jessica Lange which I know you're not very fond of.
Gervais is a little harsh but I do laugh with his stuff.
PS Has anyone seen Other Desert Cities on Broadway? The cast is spectacular!
Cooper in the audience has that uncanny POP that actors have in relation to normal people: He seems to refract more than his share of light.
Hanging on every word or slack jawed in his hipsterism? To me, it appears the latter.
Out of topic. But Nathaniel, please tell me you've seen this clip from the Hollywood Reporter's directors round table. It's kinda shameful.
Could not agree more with you on Gervais' smug superiority. He dishes it out but if you dare criticise him, you're too stupid to recognise his genius. Fame went to his head. Hilarious, since his rationale for how he hosted the GGs is based on 'celebrities could take a peg or two down'.
Gervais wasn't funny last year, and his comments more than crossed an inappropriate line. When it's as uncomfortable for the viewers to watch as it is the audience to endure, then the host has failed at his job. The Globes should go back to being hostless. They were fools to ask him back for seconds.
Arthur -- i have seen it. i was hoping to just do a piece on the whole video (last year they published the entire conversations) but i don't understand why they've only released tiny segments.
Nate, I think HR is only doing segments of their roundtables because they now have subscriptions and want their subscribers to have exclusive content.
If you think that Sean Penn-Bradley Cooper clip was a trip, how about this:
Once Bradley got his big break, he went on Inside the Actors Studio. James Lipton was so freaking proud, and Bradley teared up.
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