Yes, No, Maybe So: "Melancholia"

yes no maybe so ~ in which we determine how we feel about new movies based on their trailers.
Lars von Trier. Those three syllables used to excite me beyond any others in moviedom. I'm not sure where I lost the thread but ever since the brilliant Golden Heart trilogy (Breaking the Waves, The Idiots, Dancer in the Dark), it's been like the air slowly (very slowly) going out though I still find a lot to enjoy, respect and respond to in the films. So how about the wedding set MELANCHOLIA, von Trier's spin on the Apocalyptic Drama.
Yes. First things first, I have been a major believer in Kirsten Dunst as an actress and have been ever since The Virgin Suicides. I think that if she stays focused on her craft andgets the opportunities, two big "ifs", she will continue to surprise and evolve. I'm also delighted that von Trier cast Stellan Skarsgård and Alexander Skarsgård as father and son because that's always a treat in movies when people fictionalize their own realities.
All that and then then Charlottes? I'm in. Von Trier always gives his cast a lot of thematic and character meat to chew on... and then he makes them gag on it.
Is everyone in your family stark raving mad?
No. I don't get what Keifer Sutherland is doing here exactly and sometimes I suspect that Lars von Trier casts in a similar way to Woody Allen where he only vaguely pays attention to Hollywood and then is like "they're popular right now, right? Let's use them" and sometimes there is a lag in awareness or what not. And I do worry a bit about trying to do a Celebration style family drama AND an apocalyptic drama. Too ambitious?
Maybe So. Then again... this collision of genres might be completely fascinating. Von Trier's gift with indelible images -- and they're totally spoiling us with how many there are in this one trailer -- combined with how far he pushes his actors could make this truly special. And not to get all philosophical as we wrap up but should the apocalypse we always fear come, wouldn't it arrive and be experienced in a terrifyingly intimate way with friends and family and our neurotic interior monologues rather than with CGI explosions, a motley cast of strangers and Hollywood bombast?
This is actually the one thing i really loved about M Night Shyamalan's Signs (2002) though I didn't otherwise care for that movie and I never ever ever ever ever thought I'd cover M Night with Lars von, and I feel perverse doing so now. But watching that movie -- at least for the first hour, I thought 'this is how you'd experience something that was affecting the whole world.' It'd be how it hit you at home and what you saw on the news and what you attempted to piece together and how it affected you and your loved ones.
I am resounding "Yes" all told but I'm trying to keep my expectations down in lieu of Antichrist which I was too excited for, heard too much about before seeing it and was only thrilled by it visually.
Melancholia from Zentropa on Vimeo.
So what about you: YES, NO, or MAYBE SO?
Did Antichrist's wicked idea of a horror movie leave you ready for more or do are you hoping this is more in the harrowing Breaking the Waves human vein?
Reader Comments (29)
To correct you, Stellan and Alex are NOT playing father and son. Which is totally weird. But so is the fact that Kirsten and Charlotte are supposed to be sisters even though they look like completely opposites and have different accents?
Not that any of that will matter in the end of a von Trier movie.
I'm a Yes though with the same reservations as you.
I have to say though, after Antichrist and this trailer, is it possible that von Trier is losing it? Go for broke but in an uncontrollable way?
And I know this is fiction but, the planet was hiding behind the sun (let's pretend that can happen) and now is close to hitting the Earth? I mean, behind the Sun is far far away from Earth so I guess it's on crack or something. I'm willing to suspend my disbelief only if the human drama is more plausible and actually quite great.
As Lucy said, it's definetly weird casting having Charlotte Gainsbourg and Kirsten Dunst play sisters. But it's also weird that before Dunst came on board, Penélope Cruz was supposed to play her part (also doesn't look like Gainsbourg and has a much different accent). Anyways, I don't think this will really matter in the end, I just hope it doesn't become one of those nasty details you can't get past.
I'm a YES by the way. This looks way more accessible than Antichrist.
--and by "Lucy", I mean "Lily", the first poster. Sorry!
Lily -- where did you read this? the synopsis don't have any last names so it was an assumption given the wedding and family storyline.
I'm a yes yes yes. And I didn't care for Antichrist at all. This is probably von Trier's "prettiest" looking movie, I mean how gorgeous is the shot of Kirsten in water. Also both the Charlottes have utterly delectable voices, especially Gainsbourg. I could listen to her talk any time of day and it would be like a mental massage....anyways I am also really intrigued that Kiefer Sutherland is in it. I think that's totally awesome and it sure is something unique for him to have on his filmography.
I suppose if I had a reservation it's everything regarding the little boy's exposition, if that's all he pretty much does in the movie it will grate.
Forgive me, I can't find the link, but I watched an interview last year from the press conference they did on set. Stellan talked about how it was weird to be in a movie with his son yet not playing his father. I distinctly remember how odd it was.
I approached Antichrist with very low expectations, and I still hated it.
And yet I have continued worshipping at the altar of von Trier, and without trepidation. It's funny you bring up Allen, because as in the case of Woody, no matter how many failures von Trier chalks up (and I don't think he's chalked up many), I'll always run breathless to his next movie. Even his failures are morbidly fascinating. As for his masterpieces -- oh, boy
And that right there is a pointer: how many directors - not just contemporary, but ever - have delivered masterpieceS - plural!
Hence I say, Mr von Trier, do to me what you will, I'll be coming back for more
All I hope is that Ms. Dunst can get nominated for this. Please please please. That would make my life. I've been a hardcore fan/supporter, even when things were rough for her.
I'll probably see it just for Kirsten, but...I guess I've just missed the von Trier train. I have no idea who he is, all I know is he's different haha. I guess I'm too young. But that trailer was too weird...and not that weird is bad, I LOVE weird, but it didn't really make a lot of sense to me. And it didn't invest me in the storyline because the stakes didn't seem high enough. Idk.
I guess that would classify me as a "Maybe So."
It'll be interesting seeing fans of Kirsten, Kiefer and Alexander rush out to see a Lars von Trier film. They're all very Hollywood actors and almost never go this route. I can imagine some poor girl who's a vampire fan sitting down to watch this and being traumatized for life.
I think this looks very interesting as always im looking forward to this and it is so true as goran said that even his failures always have such amazing work because he always is provoking us all types of feeling in his films, i would be shocked for it not to be at least great
Yes! Yes! A million times yes! I'm still very much in the Von Trier camp.
A big YES for me too. I'm not too crazy about the slow motion scenes but maybe they'll work in context. Also, I would have much preferred if Charlotte Rampling was a lead instead of Kristen Dunset. I mean, think about it. Makes sense to me.
Isn't Charlotte G about ten years older than Dunst. It's possible that they could be sisters, different fathers maybe and raised in different countries. YES, I didn't like Antichrist, but I am looking forward to this.
I hated Antichrist and couldn't get what all the buzz was about, really. But it came to my city almost a year after it opened at Cannes when I almost forgot about it and nobody was really interested anymore.
This one looks better, though I liked the Antichrist trailer, too. So, I have very low expectations, but I'll still be there when the Gods of Film will deem right to bestow the honor of playing the film in my city.
I doubt very much that he can ever top Dancer In The Dark.
Hell yes. Looks as good as Antichrist, if not better. Getting kind of a Celebration/Rules of the Game/The Exterminating Angel-meets-2001 vibe. Love that Malick and von Trier are both going cosmic this year.
A definite YES for me! But more for the actors involved than Von Trier. Although the story looks fascinating. Hope it will be out soon!
No longer content to torture one woman per film, Von Trier now endeavors to kill them all at once.
Ugh. Why did Lars have to ruin this film by casting Kirsten Dunst?
I'm a yes. As always I'm intrigued by Von Trier and glad that he's out there making movies unlike anything being made (even when they fall flat).
@ Lily:
I have two sisters and none of us look anything alike. ANYTHING.
I always imagine that "they don't look anything alike" criticisms comes from people without any siblings.
Not a Von Trier guy, at all. Emily Watson gave a great PERFORMANCE in Breaking the Waves, but the film? Sadistic, nasty and, in the last frame, also quite stupid. She goes to heaven? REALLY!!? REALLY!!? I'm not whole heartedly against religion in fiction, but some tunnels just don't need "a light at the end." Better to leave her soul's resting place ambiguous.
YES. I've only seen one Von Trier film (Dogville) and that was because I was a Nicole fan. (Although I do want/need to see Dancer in the Dark.) But I also remember seeing Interview with a Vampire at the theaters when it came out, and feeling that the young girl in it was someone who was going to have a long career. For once I was right, and I love seeing Dunst evolve and grow onscreen as an actress. Plus the two Charlottes? So I'm a total yes if only for the presence of those three women. (For all his supposed misogyny, Von Trier has provided some of the greatest, or at least most interesting, roles/performances for actresses in the last 15 years. Few directors working today can top him when it comes to that.)
Bite your tounge. Sutherland is in the Alec Baldwin phase of his career: supporting player/character actor. He's better looking than he was when he was going to marry America's sweetheart. 24 gave Keifer plenty of renewed interest and awards.
You don't say this about Glenn being in a new movie -- she's a TV star now -- You don't say this about your queen Pfeiffer who does shit projects and seems to not care about her legacy --what if she was in this beast? James Caan was pretty washed up when von Trier used him in Dogville. Please bitch when that cast that ugmo David Morse -- who was the creep that ruined the planet for humans in 12 Monkeys, was torturing Geena Davis in The Long Kiss Goodnight and is the reason why Bjork was hung in Dancer in the Dark.
Breaking the Waves is one of the most beautiful movies ever made. This sadism accusations are so superficial. Lars von Trier made Breaking the Waves (and Dancer in The Dark) to be movies about sacrifice, and the essence of sacrifice is love - love can be so sublime and transcendental that you may be hurt but you don't care, because pure love is naturally overwhelming, and in these extreme cases, pain and suffering really become minor things to people that do make sacrifices. Love is a mighty power, as the tagline says.
I know this may sound strange in a world that gets more and more materialist, but I really would like that LVT's celebration of love got recognized by people who don't share his religious views. Love is supposed to be an universal concept.
I think that's why his last movies don't work quite well. Without the redeeming power of love, inflicting suffering is only sadism, actually.
Still, Dogville is a brilliant movie about sadism.
/3rtfull --- whoa too many complaints all at once. Having trouble processing them all. FTR i do frequently bitch about Pfeiffer's lack of good choices in her career. She's my favorite actress but do i think her legacy is the best? Hell no.
Volvagia -- lol. i don't even remember that. I just remember loving the emotional ringer that LvT was willing to put the audience through. There is a director who is not at all afraid of making you squirm.
Janice -- i've never actually understood that con on Von Trier? Misogynist? I don't see it. The depiction of misoygnistic situations and the depiction of victimization of women does not necessarily equate with actually being misogynistic. but i think people have a problem with this all the time. whenever someone frequently depicts something people think it means that they endorse it. That said, obviously in ANTICHRIST he was taking the piss about that very perception of him... because he's too much of a prankster to let certian things alone.
/CAL -- agreed and agreed.
I am *so* torn about this....I have only seen one VT film - Breaking the Waves - and never really had the inclination to see another. BUT, and it's a big one, I worship Charlotte Rampling and will basically see anything she is in. I also really love Charlotte G (I even liked the two Charlotte's other pairing, Lemming). What to do, what to do? I guess I'm still a maybe.
Just an aside...I loved it when Helena Bonham Carter mentioned (at the HR roundtable) that she was offered the lead role in Breaking the Waves and the draft "read like porn on the page."
Even though she was speaking off the cuff, the line delivery was quite funny and unexpected.
And Gainsbourg was brilliant in Antichrist...too bad she wasn't nominated. At least she has her Cannes honor.
Nate, babe, I didn't mean to come across bashing Michelle -- her Catwoman is one of the greatest female performances in motion picture history -- but you bad mouthing Kiefer Sutherland like he's some loser ass from yester-year got under my skin. There are a lot of stars you root for to have major critical returns -- I do the same.