National Link Registry

The Hollywood Reporter A former sitcom writer "kvells and kvetches" about The Guilt Trip and Parental Guidance starring Babs and Bette
PopWatch Mark Harris on Hollywood's love of gun violence. I highly recommend reading this but I highly caution NOT reading the comments because as per usual the gun crazies come out. They'd have us all packing and I so don't want to live in their preferred world.
Cinema Blend Katey & Eric on 12 Unfairly Overlooked Movies of 2012 from Hello I Must Be Going (Yay, Melanie!) through Cosmopolis
Awards Daily Whoa. Ann Dowd is footing the bill for her own Oscar campaign.
The Hollywood Reporter talks to Emayatzy Corinealdi on her breakthrough in Middle of Nowhere. You know. I've been trying not to talk about this because I can't figure out a way to say it that doesn't sound indelicate but in some ways I really hate falling in love with new black actresses in the same way that falling hard for new theater actors can be nerve-wracking. Chances are (unforgivably) strong that no one will give these gifted performers another plum opportunity after their breakthrough and that truly sucks. So I'm crossing my fingers for Corinealdi but I'm still waiting for something real to happen for Pariah star Adepero Oduye, last year's breakthrough actress of color. And I'm still trying to wrap my head around the non-career of the brilliant Kimberly Elise so...
The Carpetbagger on screenwriter Lucy Alibar's (Beasts of the Southern Wild) crash course in cinema
The Onion "Top Movies of 2012"
David Poland gives himself a new nickname. Or adopts one given.
Vanity Fair Barbra Streisand talks about her legendary duet with Judy Garland in the 60s. Really interesting comment from Babs I think.
MNPP joins the Zero Dark Thirty fan club
Oooh, look Quentin Tarantino pays tribute to Pedro Almodóvar saying that his filmography is "the one to beat" -damn straight! Nobody else in the modern era compares.
Finally, I want to extend my annual congratulations to the 25 films that are newly announced for preservation by the National Film Registry. They are:
- "3:10 to Yuma" (1957)
- "Anatomy of a Murder" (1959)
- "The Augustas" (1930s-1950s)
- "Born Yesterday" (1950)
- "Breakfast at Tiffany’s" (1961)
- "A Christmas Story" (1983)
- "The Corbett-Fitzsimmons Title Fight" (1897)
- "Dirty Harry" (1971)
- "Hours for Jerome: Parts 1 and 2" (1980-82)
- "The Kidnappers Foil" (1930s-1950s)
- "Kodachrome Color Motion Picture Tests" (1922)
- "A League of Their Own" (1992)
- "The Matrix" (1999)
- "The Middleton Family at the New York World’s Fair" (1939)
- "One Survivor Remembers" (1995)
- "Parable" (1964)
- "Samsara: Death and Rebirth in Cambodia" (1990)
- "Slacker" (1991)
- "Sons of the Desert" (1933)
- "The Spook Who Sat by the Door" (1973)
- "They Call It Pro Football" (1967)
- "The Times of Harvey Milk" (1984)
- "Two-Lane Blacktop" (1971)
- "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (1914)
- "The Wishing Ring; An Idyll of Old England" (1914)
As per usual that's a lot of titles that I know nothing about but I'm most thrilled by The Times of Harvey Milk which is one of the most moving and important documentaries ever made. And on a sillier note, can we talk about how ever-watchable the female baseball comedy A League of Their Own is? Sometimes I pine for the 1990s. It's tough to imagine that movie breaking $100 million now but the 90s were a good time for girlpower narratives.
If you're a fan of A League of Their Own (who isn't?) I want to know which scene just popped into your mind when you heard that it made the list!
Reader Comments (21)
The best thing about A League at Their Own is Marla singing all drunk.
Gotta be the scene where Madonna confesses to the priest and he drops the Bible. Or the swing dance sequence with Madonna. Or just all the scenes with Madonna.
When I think of A League of Their Own the first thing that pops into my head is "There's no crying in baseball." And that's because, 20 years later, I paraphrase that all the time, even when no one's crying. e.g. "There's no crying with BAGELS!"
And unlike 95% of the dumb movie jokes I make, everyone always knows what I'm referring to.
Giving the wife the old pickle tickle...
Mike in Canada beat me to it, but...
My first thought of A League of Their Own (which I ALWAYS watch whenever it is on cable, which is a lot) was the first scene of Madonna and Rosie O'Donnell, when Geena Davis just catches the ball with her bare hand, because she's a badass.
"How'd you do that? Hey! How'd you do that?!" The way she says that line will NEVER leave my head.
I was more impressed by Lorraine Toussaint than by Corinealdi in "Middle of Nowhere."
It was the scene with Jon Lovitz saying "I'm just going home, grab a shower and a shave, give the wife a little pickle-tickle, and I'm on my way."
Also... "If I had your job, I'd kill myself!"
Sadly, it's because my boss says both of these far too often...
Davis and Hanks coaching at the same time with all those funny/absurd gestures. However, the first thing that really pops into my head is, of course, This Used to Be My Playground. When the movie came out I was convinced Madonna would win Best Original Song. I knew nothing!
This post is so good!
1.- The fact that Ann Dowd is paying her own adds may give her a lot of sympathy votes. It worked with Kirkland and Leo...
2.- Barbra (+Bette) please don't give up even if you have nothing to prove to us anymore.
3.- Pedro Almodóvar you're a genius!
4.- The Times of Harvey Mils is a must-see
Gosh, I could quote A League of Their Own from beginning to end.
"See, how it works is, the train moves, not the station."
"This is our daughter, Dottie. And this is our other daughter.........Dottie's sister."
that scene when the death notification is delivered in the mail? OMG tears every time
just before "there's no crying in baseball"........."Evelyn, could you come here for a second? What team do you play for?" "Well, I'm a Peach."
Mae teaching Shirley how to read
"You ever been married?" "Well let me think. Yeah, twice." "Any children?" "One of them was, yeah."
"By the way, I loved you in The Wizard of Oz."
Yay. Fellow "League" fans. Honest to god, I think it's Tom Hanks' all time best performance. That's the one for which I would've handed him his only Oscar. ;)
I also think Geena Davis is a fab movie star and it's a pity we lost her.
and Madonna, duh, yeah! I still remember that Debra Winger (who had Geena's role) quit because Madonna was cast? So thorny that one. She was opposed to "stunt casting". Then of course the movie was a huge hit and Madonna was super fun in it and Winger missed out.
We don't discuss Debra Winger as much as we should, especially the amount of mesmerizing roles she turned down!
"Has anyone seen my new red hat?"
"Oh, piss on your hat!"
League was played a lot over the Thanksgiving holiday. Anyway, favorite scene? Probably when Doris throws the ball at Dottie's head and she catches it with her bare hand. Awesome.
The Matrix!
"Huh! Deja vou!"
"What did you say?"
Emayatzy Corinealdi is a stunner. She's kinda got a Marsha Mason look goin on circa The Goodbye Girl that I really dig.
I'm a Black woman, so when people ask me why most of my faverite actresses are White, its hard to explain. Its just hard to follow their careers when they're hardly given the opportunities that they deserve.
My fave line comes from where is she now geena davis when the kid of dotty is being a brat and davis says "i hope i have 5 just like him" it could be missed but it blaired out like a humour beacon,yes nat it is a shame the 90s get a bad wrap film wise but i think there are true gems in there.
"This used to be my playground (used to beeeee...)"
I always think of the ending, mainly because my older sister and I used to debate whether she "dropped" the ball on purpose. I think Geena Davis's character is way too competitive to drop it on purpose, and my sister always said she did and that I would never know what it was like to be an older sister. We actually had a fight about it once. Also, I was an athlete from the time I was young and it just made me appreciate the people who eventually paved the way for Title IX. I get the warm and fuzzies when I think of this film.