NYFCC Loves Sally & Matthew & Zero Dark Thirty

The New York Film Critics Circle, the oldest critics organizations founded in 1935 has 35 members. Joshua Rothkopf of Time Out New York is the current chair and today they announced their winners, with a strong showing for Zero Dark Thirty and Lincoln. Will the other groups to come talk back or merely parrot their choices? And on and on until Oscar.
♫ ladies of Tampa... New York City ♪
FILM Zero Dark Thirty
DIRECTOR Kathryn Bigelow for Zero Dark Thirty
ACTRESS Rachel Weisz, The Deep Blue Sea
ACTOR Daniel Day Lewis, Lincoln
SUPPORTING ACTOR Matthew McConaughey for Bernie & Magic Mike
ANIMATED FILM Frankenweenie
DOCUMENTARY The Central Park Five
FIRST FILM David France for How to Survive a Plague
SCREENPLAY Tony Kushner for Lincoln
CINEMATOGRAPHY Greig Fraser for Zero Dark Thirty
Do you approve of their choices? (Other than Zero Dark Thirty which you probably haven't seen yet.)
I understand the appeal of giving people awards for multiple films in a stealler year but I'm not sure what Matthew McConaughey did in Bernie in particular to merit diluting his Magic Mike performances with a share. This seems highly uneccesary. The most surprising choice (thus far) is Sally Field, an obvious Oscar hopeful but I didn't expect the critics orgs to rally for her... unless it's one of those years where they're just sticking close to the Oscar buzz titles.
Reader Comments (71)
Woo Hoo!!! Well done, Sally!!!
RACHEL WEISZ!?!? This couldn't possibly translate to serious Oscar buzz, could it? As if Best Actress wasn't crowded enough!?
Rachel! I'm so happy right now.
PLEASE! PLEASE!! PLEASE!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! FIELD & WEISZ are two of the very few actress I don't care for (never got the deal never will). If this is the route the award season takes this year, it's gonna be a very VERY long one (for me anyway)...
I love my life!!!!!!! Rachel Weisz!
I guess they'll go with Daniel now.
Did someone roofie me or did Rachel Weisz win Best Actress? I love Rachel Weisz. BUT, I saw The Deep Blue Sea in 2011 at the EU Film Festival at the AFI in Silver Spring, MD and it was booed by the audience at the end. It must have been re-edited because she really was not very good in the version that I saw.
Matthew McConaughey is better in "Bernie" than in "Magic Mike."
Oh yes, I just went there :-)
or maybe you were with the wrong audience. It happens.
Nat-I think it may be time to add Rachel Weisz to your predictions page. :)
By the way, you're faster than IMDB so well done Nathaniel !!
John T -- yes, i feel the guilt. Sorry, Rach'
McConaughey was great in Killer Joe and very good in The Paperboy, too. If they're going to be lazy and cite multiple films, why not go whole hog?
Peggy Sue - I don't think it was the audience. I think the film was re-edited (because that was November 2011, and it wasn't released in the US until March 2012). There is no way anyone could have watched the version I saw and thought that anything in that film was remotely award-worthy. I remember walking out thinking "Rachel Weisz is MUCH better than this."
@Roark, couldn't agree more.
Time to start saving for those trips to the cinema!
Congrats McConaughey, richly deserved!
This really is a huge get considering the uphill battle he’s facing with prudish AMPAS voters. Such early critical consensus, plus being a lock for a Globe nom and those somber FYC ads could work magic…
In regards to Sally Field, they're certainly not sticking to the Oscar buzz titles if they're awarding Magic Mike. And besides, her biggest competition was Anne Hathaway, also in a buzzy film.
Speaking of, if New York doesn't go for Les Miz... who will?
The Deep Blue Sea is absolutely mesmerizing. Its rhythms are quite different from many films made these days....which might account for some audiences not being on its wavelength. But it is directed by one of the greatest of all living filmmakers, so there's that! (See Distant Voices, Still Lives if you don't believe me.)
Why do commentators always feel the need to firm up the oscar race,anything can happen,look at linney,jones surprises in 2007 or harden winning in 2000 or bardem nod,no brooks last year,hughes and morton in actress 2003oldman in actor last year,yeah we have actors etc that look certain but anyone can m,ake inroads inc wiesz and field deserves a win for lincoln,why is anne h almost certain,who knows is what i say,i also feel it is nice matt got recognised for a gr8 year..
Speaking of, if New York doesn't go for Les Miz... who will?
Plenty of people, one imagines. I don't think this was ever going to beat Lincoln among a majority of critics.
Rachel Weisz is now at the top of the second tier, methinks, if my feeling about this and her participation in the Oscar roundtable are any indication. She's in the conversation in a huge way now; how will the Globes ignore seeing her with Daniel Craig on the red carpet?
Rachel Weisz?!? WTF. First the Actress roundtable and now this?! Did anyone see this coming… if she scores a Globe nom then Best Actress is gonna get ugly.
And this is REALLY bad news for Emmanuelle Riva. If the critics don’t rally she could seriously be in trouble—especially with Cotillard (admittedly also brilliant) having the more flashy ‘foreign’ performance.
Naomi Watts and specially Alan Arkin be afraid be very afraid. Or double your PR budget.
I was expecting more for Les Mis after that NYC screening. Oh Annie.
Rachel's a surprise...I don't know why, but I thought that film came out last year.
I couldn't be happier for Weisz, an actress I've often had trouble with but gave a terrific perf in a film that could have been overlooked (one of the year's best).
Oh good for Rachel Weisz! She earned it. Also very happy to see Matthew McConaughey and Zero Dark Thirty up there. A bit apprehensive about Daniel Day Lewis's win, not because it is undeserved, but I don't know if I can handle another cakewalk to the finish line ala There Will Be Blood. Also a bit disappointed about Sally Field. Not because I don't love her (Soapdish 4eva!), but I would have hoped the critics would throw their weight behind something exciting like Nicole Kidman in The Paperboy. Biggest loser here though has gotta be in first film. That seems like a big loss for Beasts. Unless Beasts gets one of the big three, which I doubt will happen, it just got dealt a really bad opening hand.
Tony Kushner and Kathryn Bigelow have taken Best Screenplay and Director.
I hope Anne didn't dream a dream about a NYFCC award.
With Affleck, Bigelow, Spielberg, Lee, and Hooper all very possible as nominees, is this the first time ever that five former Oscar winners are nominated for Best Director? Could this be the first time ever that any category has all former winners as their nominees?
Also, if Hunt, Field, Smith, Adams, and Hathaway are the Supporting Actress lineup, that would also make this the first lineup with five former nominees for Supporting Actress.
Do the NYFCC mention their runner-ups like they do for the LA film critics? That usually gives a hint as to how things are going.
Wow Zero Dark Thirty takes Picture, Director & Cinematography...might this be a fully loaded year where there's a real race in several categories
Yes!! Rachel Weisz was so amazing in that movie.
What is taking the NYFCC so long announce the winners are they doing it through Morse code? They starting handing out around ten and five hours later they just wrapped up. And to think they have about half the categories as the Oscars.
Wow big day for Zero Dark Thirty. Very pleasantly surprised. The way these awards panned out, it's looking like Lincoln is being seen as a writer's picture. Maybe that fifth directing slot is up for grabs after all. Also pretty surprised about Les Mis not making it to the board, especially in New York, where it was received so recently. I have no doubts about its Oscar chances however. Crowd pleasing musical with bevy of constantly crying movie stars? At the very least it'll sweep the Globes.
Also agree with Roarke .. I like Rachel, but I have to think she will not make the Oscar cut ....
Matthew deserved for the whole group of movies he made ..but to pick one... maybe Magic Mike?
Hope Field does NOT win Oscar... although as I said in an earlier blog, I like her controlled performance in Lincoln.
DDL may just go all the way....
Hooper backlash? I'm on board
Very interesting, surprising list of winners! I did NOT think they would go so gaga for Zero Dark Thirty OR Lincoln, let alone name Rachel Weisz Best Actress! I'm happiest for her and Matthe McConaughey, for whom I sincerely hope this is the beginning of his long march up to the podium at the Oscars. It's an uphill battle, but I'm pretty sure Dallas can take it!
I hope more critics groups do not go for the obvious choice in Daniel Day-Lewis. He's great, and his performance in Lincoln is very, very good, but there are so many other actors out there who were better and deserve the recognition.
I don't really think Les Mis will be much of a player at the critics prizes. There. I said it. In a field this deep, I just don't see critics going for the big popular musical, however good it may be.
So do we think the foreign film-loving LAFCA will let Amour sweep all the top awards?
Happy with the all the acting choices. Especially Day-Lewis and Field.
Rachel Weisz makes me feel like a chump for continuing to put off watching Deep Blue Sea, which is handily available on Netflix Instant.
Very happy about Kushner, Day-Lewis, Fields and Alright Alright Alright.
Re: ZDT, the only downside of all this hype is that they're doing the NY/LA exclusive thing so I probably won't get to see this fucker until mid-January.
Is there any way to find out who got the second- and third-place votes in each category?
Three words: WOW! RACHEL WEISZ!!!!
I'm very happy for the Weisz win, as it'll bring more attention to people to watch the movie. Not sure if she'll make it to the Oscar final ballot, but let's see! Also, I'm glad McConaughey won as well. I was afraid he'd get forgotten since all his films were released earlier this year.
I'm just happy that Anne Hathaway lost.
I am just commenting to back up Liz N. I too would vote for MacConaughey's work in Bernie over Magic Mike. Both are strong characterizations. I suppose I was just incredibly amused by his Bernie performance.
Wow. If Nyffc went with Weisz, I can'tvwait for the Lafca!! They used to go with some weird(but not undeserving) choice for actress
I agree with all the awards for "Lincoln"- I'm intrigued by "Zero Dark Thirty"- and there is no doubt that McCoughnaney gave it his all in "Magic Mike"- oh does this mean they'll have Channing Tatum giving him the award?
So glad they gave actress to Rachel Weisz! Even though I didn't care for the film much she was wonderful and it had seemed like she was being left behind, a real shame in a rather weak year for lead actresses.
Yeah for Sally and DDL! Just saw Lincoln yesterday and can't imagine any better performances to come down the pike. I'll see Les Miz and I'm sure Hugh will be terrific, the part does provide big florid moments but DDL's embodiment of Lincoln was so total it just sets the bar so high. Sally's Mary Todd Lincoln was a wonder in support, just enough hysteria to make it clear she was a deeply troubled woman but still showing the strength that enabled her to weather the many emotional blows life dealt her up the time the story takes place.