Pfeiffer Pfriday

I recently got a Pfacebook message from one of her biggest pfans and he asked me if I'd misplaced my love for the one and only Michelle Pfeiffer. "Of course not!" I wanted to shout only to immediately realize that though she's been far less elusive than usual: magazines, press conferences for Dark Shadows, fresh on DVD with New Year's Eve, at premieres -- I've said pfew words. This must be corrected.
This is my favorite 2012 pfoto of her, taken last month at Cinema Con where she was honored as a "Cinema Icon".
Catwoman black / Susie Diamond sexy.
Since I abandoned my Thursday "Burtonjuice" series which y'all didn't seem to be into, I'll redirect my eyeballs and pfantasize about Pfeiffer each Pfriday till People Like Us premieres... even if it's only a pfoto. Deal?
With Pfeiffer back on the red carpet I was expecting a parade of sleek black but she's been mixing it up: Red and gold to Dark Shadows premieres; black at Cinema Con; gray at the Globes in January (couldn't find a full length pfoto since she didn't do the press lines); purple at New Year's Eve in December.
Red and black are her standbys (it's easy to see why) but it's nice to see variety. Lock-wise Pfeiffer has never much believed in variety, preferring long curly toussled for most of her career give or take stick straight detours here and there.
With Dark Shadows opening today (more on that later) here's a pflashback to the Batman Returns premiere 20 years ago...
Penguin. Batman. Catwoman. Burton
Reader Comments (4)
I love her, but I'm SO not in the mood for Dark Shadows!
Pfeiffer has been so elusive in theaters since so long, but NO ONE, and I say NO ONE, has ever matched and will ever match her wonderful work in her late 80s and early '90s days: Dangerous Liasons, Married to the Mob, Tha Fabulous Baker Boys, Frankie & Johnny, Batman Returns and The age of Innocence. Unbeatable stuff. Such incomparable star charisma and depth. She is and will always be the best. So different. So real. So magnificent.
I don't think you gave Burtonjuice enough of a chance to say we aren't into it. For myself the earliest Burton that I can remember with any clarity is Edward Scissorhands.
I voted for red, but I'd mix it up with the hairdo in the black outfit. Also, in that Batman Returns picture, Tim Burton looks like Ross Geller in those 80s flashbacks.
I suppose I'll end up seeing Dark Shadows. If I even saw I Could Never Be Your Woman and (gasp) liked it.... Had no stomach for the Ashton Kutcher movie, though.