The ½ Way Mark Finale. Best Supporting Actress

Previously: Actress, Actor , Supporting Actor and Picture.
As per usual even with only six months of film releases, not even of the prestige variety, there's more than enough to choose from for a solid Supporting Actress list. Though I'll always be most tied to Best Actress on account of movie star fascination, it's easy to understand why this is year in, year out, many readers favorite category.
SUPPORTING ACTRESS January through June Releases
For Your Consideration... my ballot as of July 7th.
- Eva Green, Dark Shadows (discussed in the review)
- Frances McDormand, Moonrise Kingdom
Magic. Don't you feel like you know exactly what it's like to be her child, her husband, or her middle aged lover while you're , to be her husband and her lover while watching this? - Olivia Munn, Magic Mike
A textbook example of seizing an opportunity and making the most of a character. Her slumming grad student with an open body, adventurous spirit, but compartmentalized heart is a key foil to reveal Magic Mike's own self-awakening. - Michelle Pfeiffer, People Like Us (previously discussed)
- Maggie Smith, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
Could she do this in her sleep? Probably. But that shouldn't negate the joy of watching her work or the affecting reveal of a kind heart buried under a nasty exterior and a lot of ignorance.
With apologies to Charlize Theron who made good on that Young Adult comeback twice over by ruling over Snow White and the Hunstman like a Queen, the royal kind, in Snow White and the Huntsman (maybe she went too big ... maybe... but someone had to keep that film from flatlining!) and an intriguingly robotic ice queen, the figurative kind, in Prometheus.
Team Experience Votes?
Alexandra says: since I am at a loss, I have to give it to Anne Hathaway for Les Misérables, purely on the strength of the trailer ;)
Michael says: The Five-Year Engagement may have been a minor entry in the Apatow pantheon, but his technique of loading the supporting cast with comedy ringers continues to pay dividends. This time its Alison Brie, sporting an impressive English accent as Emily Blunt's sister, who ends up supplying the film with its most consistent source of laughs. It makes one wish the movie was changed to Five Week Engagement and rewritten to follow her and Chris Pratt's couple.
Beau says: Eva Green in Dark Shadows. For (finally!) delivering on that promise she showed nearly a decade ago in Bertolucci's The Dreamers. For circumventing the limitations of the script and strutting off with the film in tow. For stealing a picture away from incredible name actors, looking quizzically at you when you mention that and denying it; you can't steal something when it was always yours.
Nicely said, Beau. Green would be my winner if I was forced to vote right now, too. On to the second half of the year! (After we get your ballots in the comments that is.)
And if you haven't seen them... my Current Supporting Actress Predictions
Reader Comments (30)
these were all decent performances .. I do not know about McDormand, though ( sort of a by-the-numbers performance she often does ). I don't think any of these will make the final cut.
I think your actual awards page is a lot closer to what will be the actual contenders.
YES @ the Olivia Munn praise. Close second favorite performance in MM after The Chan. Pleasant surprise to find someone totally unexpected casually steal all their scenes and linger after the lights come up. I was a fan.
The acclaim for Eva Green in Dark Shadows kinda make me wanna see that horrid movie now. I love her but she rarely delivers as good as she should.
I'd actually spring for Cody Horn in Magic Mike. It's hard having to be the no nonsense girl in a male stripper movie and still make her interesting. Loved her chemistry with Tatum and the scene where it keeps backing forth between the first time she sees Mike on stage and her face is my favorite in the whole movie.
Mega-props to Michael for mentioning Alison Brie! Loved her.
This is probably the thinnest category so far for me this year, although I haven't seen Pfeiffer or Green. I have high hopes for the second half of the year. I really only feel strongly about my first, second, and third choice from the list below.
1. Kristin Scott Thomas for "Salmon Fishing in the Yemen"
2. Kristen Wiig for "Friends with Kids"
3. Alison Brie for "The Five-Year Engagement"
4. Penelope Wilton for "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel"
5. Carrie MacLemore for "Damsels in Distress"
Cecil de France in The Kid With the Bike.
If it were out yet, I'd say Gina Gershon in Killer Joe.
Seeking Amy -- yes, it's a testament to her (and Soderbergh's judgement elsewhere) that that scene works. It's such a good scene.
Ooh, I loved Cecile de France. But I have her down as a lead. I thought the core of the movie was the relationship between her character and Cyril. But if she would be considered a supporting actress (not that she's going to get near Oscar or anything), she would easily be my first half #1.
Julia Roberts in Mirror Mirror all the way. Gets into the role with this gusto and plays around with her own weird brand of charisma.
Totally agree, Julia Roberts for MM is my winner at the moment. Far from the overacting of Charlize in SWATH, Roberts was perfect mixing humor and evil in her performance.
Sarah Silverman in Take this Waltz. I had a hard time connecting with any part of this movie. I was bored and annoyed with Williams' character. Thank god Silverman was there to give some life and energy to the story.
My lienup:
-Cécile De France - The Kid with a Bike (WINNER)
-Gina Gershon - Killer Joe
-Eva Green - Dark Shadows (Runner-up)
-Julia Roberts - Mirror Mirror
-Maggie Smith - The Bext Exotic Marigold Hotel
Hell yes, Olivia Munn. Also want to throw in a mention for Susan Sarandon and Judy Greer in Jeff Who Lives at Home.
What the heck!. Julia Roberts was awful in " Mirror, Mirror."
I would add Elizabeth Banks in People Like Us (unless she's lead?). But yeah I never saw her in anything dramatic and she just nails it. In fact... how about Elizabeth Banks in The Hunger Games? I still say "THAT IS MAHOGANY!" from time to time. ELIZABETH BANKS FTW!
kristin scott thomas (Salmon Fishing in the Yemen), Joy Viado (MNL 143), Charlize Theron (Snow White and the Huntsman), Elizabeth Banks (The Hunger Games), Emma Stone (The Amazing Spider-Man)
1. Isabelle Huppert - Amour
2. Maggie Smith – The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
3. Nicole Kidman – The Paperboy
4. Judi Dench – The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
5. Samantha Morton - Cosmopolis
I have De France in lead, but she'd definitely be in here somewhere, as much as I'd hate to knock Morton out right now.
Hathaway will be nominated for something. With her (alleged) scene stealing and perfect performance in The Dark Knight Rises and the trailer for Les Mis I don't think she'll miss out this year.
love Julia R. but she's so so in MM. Carl Papa, who's Joy Viado??
Eva Green - Dark Shadows (WINNER!!)
Kristin Scott Thomas - Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (runner up)
Dame Maggie Smith - The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
Cecile DeFrance - The Kid with the Bike
Sorry but I really loved Charlize in SWATH so she's my fifth...
Olivia Munn surprised me. I used to dislike her but her supporting turn won me over. Plus, she has nice boobs :)
@Ryan T., I was just going to suggest Elizabeth Banks in The Hunger Games! She'll never get nominated but she was definitely my favorite supporting actress performance so far this year. I'm really excited to see her come into her own as an actress - it seems she's starting to get some really big roles.
Who is the moron who wrote this article? Do you know that you include a spoiler for Prometheus? I had not seen the film, you brainless chunk!
gomskiXXX --- no need to be sorry. Theron is an awesome movie star. so happy she's back and working regularly.
golden -- yes.
Yo -- there is no spoiler in this article. Just see the movie.
I'm still thinking that Hathaway's performance in Les Mis might end up being very divisive, since a lot of Les Mis purists I know were far from impressed with her rendition of the song in the trailer. Certain critics may also criticize it for being too "Oscar-baity." Of course, I don't think the inevitable detractors will necessarily prevent her from being nominated, but I'm wondering whether she'll be the frontrunner some people seem to think she'll be, or just an obligatory filler nominee ala Penelope Cruz in Nine.
John-Paul -- i don't get that at all -- not saying you're not right -- I L-O-V-E Les Mis and I am definitely a musicals purist and I think she sounded awesome. I just rewatched Chicago the other night by accident and it was alarming how bad everyone sounded. With Les Mis I know that at least three of the stars (Jackman, Hathaway, Tveit) have amazing voices since I've heard them sing more than once and at least one more of them (Seyfried) has a decent voice. So I'm very hopeful.
I'd give my top prize to Isabella Rossellini for Keyhole. She was fantastic! I also loved the two actresses from The Day He Arrives.
So far I have not seen any performance worthy of Oscar nomination for a supporting actress this year but the one I enjoyed a lot was Julia Roberts´ queen in Mirror Mirror, not Oscar worthy but for me the best so far.
I have Judi Dench and Cecil de France as leading, haven't seen Pfeiffer, so the rest are
Gin Gershon - Killer Joe
Charlotte Rambling - Eye of the Storm
Maggie Smith - The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
Kristin Scott Thomas - Bel Ami
Penelope Wilton - The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
Cody Horn for sure.
I follow your predictions in years now, but there is one think that puzzles me.
Hobbit is not in your 3 for makeup? I mean, this is one of the most obvious locks. Hobbit WILL (not might) be nominated for Makeup and Visual Effects. That's a guarantee.
Are you planing to move it? If not, why do you not consider it a front runner?
My 3 are: