Beauty Vs Beast: War of the Plastics

JA from MNPP here, bringing our weekly "Beauty Vs Beast" competition to North Shore High School for Mean Girls Week, The Film Experience's ongoing celebration of the film's 10th anniversary. That's right, it's time to pick a side - will you put on your bathing suit even if you're a lesbian and stand in defiance of Regina George, mean queen of the Plastic machine, or will you side with her, the devil you know, in the face of Cady Heron, that cruel interloper from the carcass-strewn wilds of the home-schooling system? Take a stand (and make sure to get your pink shirt back too)...
You've got one week to make your preference known and to scribble down your thoughts in the Burn Book that is the comments, so have at it.
PREVIOUSLY Last week we went mutant-crazy and asked you to choose between Professor Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) and Magneto (Michael Fassbender) and whaddya know, evil has triumphed! It was closer than usual but Fassbender found the metal-core of your affections and yanked it his way, 60%-wise. Kate spoke truth to most everybody's feelings regarding the difficulty of this choice...
"I'd actually call it draw, myself. Xavier and McAvoy are the emotional core/grounding force of the film, while Magneto/Fassbender provides a kind of electric energy that jolts the audience. Their powers mirror their dramatic function in XMFC. Both of them are needed for the film to work."
Reader Comments (7)
Regina. Duh.
Team Gretchen because she's SUCH a good friend. (But, Cady taught me about limits, so...., I guess she's my choice.)
This is rather easily Cady for me since Regina is my least favourite plastic.
(My sister and I actually do use grool between us....)
I feel bad that Cady is losing by a landslide, but yeah. Regina forever.
Team Cady all the way. And that's how Regina George died.
Just kidding.If Lindsay Lohan hadn't grown up to become an adult version of Regina George, Team Cady would probably be walking away with this. (Team Regina here.)
Cady because a movie celebrates (more or less) mathematics and thus we should celebrate with Cady.
cady all the way.