Finding Treasure (with Pixar's Dory)

It will surprise you less than Dory, that she's the new queen of the box office. Finding Dory, the sequel to Pixar's most beloved non-Toy based title with mainstream audiences (not with us though - we're WALL•E / Incredibles people round these parts), broke records when it swam into theaters Thursday night. The bankability of a little Hart (Kevin) and a Big Johnson (Dwayne "The Rock") made an impact in second position, as well, though it's worth noting that pairing them didn't remotely result in twice their usual opening weekend grosses (these are fairly typical for either of them. Maybe their fanbases are too similar?) Between those two movies requiring nearly 8,000 screens between them it was a rough weekend for other movies with most big and small releases losing a ton of movie houses (yes even Love and Friendship and The Lobster which both had strong momentum until they lost theaters. *sniffle*). There's a lot of summer left but there's only one last tidal wave of box office as we move towards the July 4th holiday and Independence Day, The BFG, and Tarzan soon battle for dominance.
arrows indicate gaining or losing screens
🔺01 Finding Dory $136.1 NEW Review
🔺02 Central Intelligence $34.5 NEW
🔺03 The Conjuring 2 $15.5 (cum. $71.7)
▫️04 Now You See Me 2 $9.6 (cum. $41.3)
🔺05 Warcraft $6.5 (cum. $37.7) Six Questions
Jude Law & Colin Firth in GENIUSTOP LIMITED
Under 1000 screens. Excluding previously wide.
🔻01 Love & Friendship $797K (cum. $10.9) Review, Podcast
🔻02 The Lobster $647K (cum. $6.3) Reviewish, Podcast
🔺03 Maggie's Plan $471K (cum. $1.8) Review
🔺04 Genius $306K (cum. $442K) Review
🔺05 Weiner $144K (cum. $1) Review
I caught Neon Demon (ooh boy. that's going to be tough to write about) and rewatched Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf (1966) - our 50th anniversary celebration of that classic begins tomorrow!
Reader Comments (27)
I caught The Neon Demon (ooh boy. that's going to be tough to write about)
Because of its gender politics?
Incredibles has nothing on Up.
I saw "The Conjuring 2" which is an above average sequel- James Wan is obviously a fan of "The Exorcist" and it shows. The movie like everything else now is a bit too long-but the cast is excellent and it delivers the horror/suspense thrills.
I saw Tab Hunter Confidential and The Good German.
I saw a pre-release screening of Our Kind of Traitor, based on the 2010 novel by John Le Carré. Most interesting thing about it was the large number of women in charge of the film, including its director, Susanna White (Bleak House with Gillian Anderson, the Nanny McPhee sequel). It was lensed by the amazing Anthony Dod Mantle.
Oh...and there are worse ways of spending 107 minutes watching Ewan McGregor, Naomie Harris, Stellan Skarsgård and Damian Lewis. The film won't win any Oscars, but I was constantly engaged. #RussianMafia #UKcorruption #MI6 #TroubledMarriage #Honour
I watched Humans. a steaming show about synthetic robots. It's strangely entertaining and engrossing. Timely. William Hurt is great in it. I fully expect hotels to offer a male or female synth in every hotel room (credit card accepted).
Question: They could not find any actual American stars to play the leads in "Genius"?
Predestination (Sarah Snook is terrific)
The Good Dinosaur (3rd tier Pixar, but gloriously shot and scored)
The Assassin (a little boring but very beautiful)
Captain America: The First Avenger (Pretty good)
The Diary of a Teenage Girl (Terrific)
The Broken Circle Breakdown (Eh, not that good, but great music)
"Maggie's plan" & it is superb. Julianne Moore is so far my favorite Supp. Performance of the year. She should get a nomination (probably won't happen)
Tom Ford -- i thought William Hurt was great in that, too. good show
/3rtful -- for numerous reasons
I saw Hello, My Name is Doris on DVD with my family while visiting them (mom wanted to see it). It was sitcom-y but entertaining. I thought Sally Field was good.
Nat: Oh, so it's one of THOSE movies, one where you're pretty darn sure it's excellent in spite of it's politics being thoroughly questionable?
Old films. I watched Blackhat and it seemed like everyone involved were on sedatives. I did appreciate it as a film that shows how a diverse cast can work. Too bad it wasn't a better film.
10 Cloverfield Lane - Best movie of the year that I've seen so far. So great and Goodman and Winstead should be in awards consideration come year-end.
OITNB (season 4) - Binged it. Easily the best season of this show - i'm actually shocked by how good it was this year.
Yeah I had the same problem with Blackhat. Everyone outside of Davis was pretty darn terrible/bland.
Saw Sing Street ... absolutely loved it
Diary of a TEENAGE GIRL... great ! she should have won Best Actress of the year ... imo
Finally saw "The Lobster". On the whole, I liked it even though it wasn't exactly...subtle and it didn't have quite the impact of "Dogtooth." But that might not be a fair comparison since I walked into the latter having no idea what to expect and knowing nothing about the director. (in fact, for a little while I thought I was watching a documentary about a really weird family!)
In contrast, I was well prepped this time around. The friends I saw it with, not so much, heh.
I saw The Nice Guys at the cinema. It's fluff. But hey, I sat there with a big grin on my face the whole time. And despite Russell Crowe seriously phoning it it, something about it felt fresh. Probably because it's not part of some bigger franchise or re-boot. I'm glad they make movies like this. Please though, no need for a sequel.
I also started on season 2 of Transparent. I really really want to like this show. Jeffrey Tambor is sublime. But my god, the rest of them are just insufferable. Made it to episode 4. Sadly I don't think I'll bother finishing it. (Especially since OitNB is back, hollaaaa!!)
I saw Finding Dory and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (on the big screen!)
Finally got to see Sicario. Emily Blunt's probably one of the best female actors of her generation, it's about time the Academy recognises that, even if she doesn't pick bait-y roles.
Dietrich: As much as ScarJo is a better actress, Emily Blunt's lack of nomination is even more surprising. Why? Blunt is very good in roles that are Oscar FRIENDLY (Devil Wears Prada, Into the Woods, Sicario), even if they aren't Oscar BAITING, unlike ScarJo, who basically owns it in very Oscar UN-FRIENDLY contexts (Whedon and beyond Black Widow, Her, Under the Skin). But who cares about giving Blunt a make-up nom for Into the Woods when we have an empty nom to toss to Felicity Jones for some stupid reason. (Both Theory of Everything nods are going to hold up terribly, let's be clear, but Felicity Jones being on the ballot was dumb from the get-go, because it implied she was actually getting #1 votes.)
Blunt >>Johansson
I saw Finding Dory. It was a respectable sequel. I knew going in it was never going to be better than the first. But it was pretty good.
I had a really good movie-watching weekend. I saw Weiner, 45 Years and OJ: Made in America. All were fantastic.
Didn't catch up on any movies (there's really nothing in theaters that's calling out to me) but finished season two of Transparent. It's crazy to me that the show and its actors will have to compete as a comedy for the Emmys when this season was so intense with melancholy and depression. There was hardly anything funny. This isn't a criticism - I actually thought the season on the whole was pretty fantastic even if some things don't always work.
And it's interesting that Tambor is basically one of the ensemble now as opposed to the lead. His story really didn't get any more time than his kids' storylines.
And also, I get what Judith Light is going for, but man does she just come off like a cartoon, and those giant glasses aren't helping. Easily the worst one in the ensemble.
Also finished the latest season of Orphan Black. I really good ending to a really good season. Maslaney has GOT to win the emmy before the show is over next season.
I finally got around to Joy and The Witch.
The latter was one of the more disturbing movies I've seen in recent years. Intense but so depressing. Very well-done but probably not a rewatcher--too morbid and upsetting for that.
Due to my virulent hatred of American Hustle, I was not prepared for how much I liked Joy, Lawrence is great and continues to show why she's a movie star. I particularly enjoyed seeing Susan Lucci and the references to Jennifer Jones. An unexpected delight, if not a particularly good movie.
Also saw Neon Demon (it´s been out for a while here in Sweden) and it´s a very fucked up movie but it´s truly hypnotic. The whole thing feels like some long form music video á la The Hunger. Been thinking about it a lot since I saw it and Cliff Martinez` soundtrack has been on repeat. Is it misogynistic? Homophobic? For me it did´t feel like that, it´s more like forget all presumptions about a message and just get swept up in the sound and images. Def. a movie to be seen in the theatre. A shallow movie about shallow things.