Podcast: The Lobster, Sing Street, A Bigger Splash, High-Rise

With two not-worthy wide releases set to dominate Memorial Day Weekend, Nathaniel, Nick, and Joe catch up on recent quality limited-release movies we hadn't yet discussed together. Catch these in the theaters, please.
Index (42 minutes)
00:01 The Lobster (Yorgos Lanthimos)
11:18 High-Rise (Ben Wheatley)
15:45 Sing Street (John Carney) and a Keira Knightley tangent
22:37 Dakota Johnson & actress nemeses
24:35 A Bigger Splash (Luca Guadagnino)
40:03 Venice detour & goodbyes
You can listen to the podcast here at the bottom of the post or download from iTunes. Continue the conversations in the comments, won't you?
Reader Comments (12)
Oof, while we're on the subject of John Carney: http://www.vulture.com/2016/05/begin-again-director-shades-keira-knightley.html
Dave -- that's addressed in the podcast
Sorry! Didn't get to listen all the way yet and thought the news was just breaking. Well now people have the link if they're curious.
John Carney's remarks are so unprofessional it's ridiculous. She's the best thing about that film and for him to go off on a tangent about "real film actors" only to go on about how great of an actor Adam Levine is kind of says it all. Sexist and delusional.
Dave -- Nick knew about it a week ago (when we recorded this) somehow. But i see today the story has suddenly exploded online -- someone must have done a story on someone else's story or something -- so our timing is on ;)
Jesse -- there's no accounting for taste sometimes.
keira knightley was indeed the best thing from begin again, which i loved. she is so good in so many movies. what the hell is his problem?!?!
Lol the "never making films with supermodels again" bit while praising his male actors is what really sends this over the edge for me. She's been nominated for multiple Oscars, SAG Awards, BAFTAs, Globes, has an Olivier nomination nomination to boot and has been acting since she was a child. Like her acting or not, it really does cross a line to devalue her like this. It's straight up character assassination and it feels really personal. Not a good look at all.
Looking forward to this podcast. BIGGER SPLASH was two months ago for us here in Oz, and LOBSTER was a full six months, so I have been eager for a while to hear the opinions of Team FE.
A) I just came from High-Rise, and I have to admit I was underwhelmed. The whole thing felt underthought - so much effort was put into the production design (which was admittedly superb) and it certainly has an idea of what it wants to be, but it either needed to be six hours long or twenty minutes shorter.
The last podcast, of course, discussed another Ballard adaptation and I think Cronenberg's was far more successful (and I would've loved to see what he coulda done with this).
b) I saw The Lobster last year. I liked some of it - the performances were largely on point (and I agree with Joe, Coleman definitely deserved to be singled out) and it kept me off balance throughout. I need to see it again, though.
c) Saw Sing Street. Loved it. Wish I liked it less so I could be snarkier about Carney's comments re: Knightley (though I kind of hope Knightley says she'd never make a film directed by a musician pretending to be a director)
d) Melanie Griffith was so good in Something Wild, but yeah, her spot belonged to Susan Sarandon. But 1988 was also a really strong year for actresses.
e) I'll see A Bigger Splash for Fiennes, Swinton and Schoenharts, but I loathed I Am Love.
I really enjoyed the podcast as usual, and was stupefied at the news that John Carney was so insulting towards Keira Knightley. I had read some interviews back in the fall where he was sort of apologetic about the "Hollywood" budget and experience of "Begin Again", but he hadn't been as pointed as the interview in The Independent. (May 29th)
I find Carney's opinions so wrong headed, and his expression of them to be so totally unprofessional. He actually says she isn't a proper film actor capable of honesty on film, and yet that is exactly what she gave in terms of her performance.
Keira Knightley did many interviews promoting Begin Again, was always warm and spoke highly of Carney and her fellow colleagues. Her fame helped international sales so much that it made 60 million world wide. Yet Carney is supremely ungrateful, and disloyal to the point of calling her a "Super Model", not a true film actress. What a douche. He has more compliments for Adam Levine's acting than Knightley's - go figure.
I will always like his films, but Carney is a graceless ass, and his sniping at Keira isn't going to win him any admiration.
Nick was almost psychic to anticipate this news, love listening to you all, thanks again.
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