The 2017 Actress Roundtable Lineup

Chris here. There may already Gotham noms and film festivals, but Oscar season doesn't really start until The Hollywood Reporter's Actress Roundtable - at least in our hearts. This year's lineup includes returning folks Jennifer Lawrence (mother!), Emma Stone (Battle of the Sexes), and Jessica Chastain (Molly's Game), while the newbies are Saoirse Ronan (Lady Bird), Mary J. Blige (Mudbound - finally arriving on Netflix today!), and Allison Janney (I, Tonya).
The reliance on returning guests is still irksome, and that is particularly felt this year with a smaller lineup. The ongoing reckoning with sexual predators in the industry looms large over the conversation, but we also get the usual soundbites on creative risk, career advice, and dream collaborators. Who who you like to add to this lineup? Or what film would you recast with these ladies? (I'll offer Tiffany Haddish, and a Steel Magnolias where Lawrence plays Ouiser) Tell us your thoughts in the comments!
Reader Comments (51)
I only saw clips of this, but my initial thoughts: Jennifer, Emma and Jessica seem kind of desperate for nominations this year, and only a bit of variety is provided by one black woman, one Irish woman, and one woman over 50. Generally, it would have been great to see some more diverse voices and not just the customary vanilla favorites (Jennifer, Emma and Jessica) that have their PR people get them to the table. I don't think Jennifer, Emma or Jessica will even be nominated for an Oscar this year, so something felt off about half of this group.
I would love to hear the perspective of Daniela Vega, a newbie on the scene who'd add so much diversity to the conversation.
And let's do a gender-flip on THE OUTSIDERS for this crew. Saiorse Ronan for Ponyboy, y'all!
I would take Jennifer and Emma off and replace them for Florence Pugh ("Lady Macbeth") and Jane Fonda ("Our Souls at Night"). I would add Brooklynn Prince ("The Florida Project") and Tiffany Haddish ("Girls Trip").
Recast? Well... An English-speaking version of "Volver":
RAIMUNDA - Scarlett Johansson
SOLEDADE ("SOLE") - Jessica Chastain
IRENE (Raimunda and Sole's mother) - Allison Janney
PAULA - Elle Fanning (with right clothes and right makeup&hair, she can play Raimunda's teen daughter)
AGUSTINA - Mary J. Blidge
AUNT PAULA - Jane Fonda
TV PRESENTER - Tiffany Haddish
Are they even photographed at the same time? The positioning looks weird. Previous roundtables at least have extravagant shoot.
I keep hoping Meryl does one of these each year and it never happens.
Do we think Julia Roberts could be a surprise sneak attack Oscar Mom for the tearjerker WoNDER? She’s getting great reviews
This is a weird one. There’s only two (Janney and Ronan) who I think are sure things for nominations. The others, I’m not so sure (especially Lawrence). I’d love to see Holly Hunter in one of these. She would be great!
@Jamie - Meryl gives speech...Meryl clip speaking at CPJ' 2017 International Press Freedom Awards I think is the beginning of her personal campaign this year which better (and more powerful) than this kind of interview for me, and it will be a lot more to come.
We have presumed Supporting Actress frontrunner Allison Janney, Saoirse Ronan in the indie hit of the fall, Mary J. Blige for a buzzy as hell film that's gotten her great notices, and then three returning ladies who are barely in contention. That feel super weird. Why not Tiffany Haddish, Salma Hayek, Sophia Lillis, Octavia Spencer, Daniela Vega, Frances McDormand, Sally Hawkins, Melanie Lynskey? It'd be one thing if any of these repeats were more than the only probable chance their films had for a nomination but as it is this just looks kinda stale. I kind of can't even imagine what to cast them all in. It's an odd group, but maybe not a totally interesting one.
Nice cover
Well, at least Amy Adams was not invited
Won't complain about the actresses that I think should not - everybody knows who they are; I'm happy for Alisson Janney. I'd like to see someone like Margot Robbie in one of these. They are always more diverse with the male version and they think it solves the problem. No it doesn't. Surprised that nobody made any "Amy Addams joke".
I always watch these so I can hear interesting discussions about acting. Whether or not the actors involved are front runners for Oscar consideration is not high on my list.
@Ed-If that happens and with Almodovar's involvement, then SHUT THE FUCK UP AND TAKE ALL OF MY FUCKING MONEY because I want to fucking see that.
TheBoyFromBrasil -- Angry about you! You killed my comment, how could you? When I was typing mine you had not sent yours yet. Angry... I should know someone would make an "Amy Adams joke" sooner or later... You won! Peace.
THAT is one bizarre picture of Ronan
Does not look like her at all now, does it?
@Aaron - Hunter is doing the Los Angeles Times Supporting Actress roundtable with Pfeiffer, Kidman, Chau, Janney and Metcalf!
I am taking one of their slots.
LEVENE (Lemmon): Allison Janney
ROMA (Pacino): Jennifer Lawrence
MOSS (Harris): Jessica Chastain
BLAKE (Baldwin): Emma Stone
AARONOW (Arkin): Mary J. Blige
WILLIAMSON (Spacey): Saoirse Ronan
i really wish they'd have tiffany hadish instead of one of jennifer lawrence.
Where is Sally Hawkins?
Also surprised Kate Winslet isn't here.
Terrible lineup tbh, I'm usually so excited for this, but these are such boring choices. Emma and Jessica are unnecessary, and Jennifer has absolutely no chance for Oscar this year--big waste of a space.
So boring.
They've had more interesting line-ups in previous Years.
It Is indeed strange that Robbie isnt there.
It seems in a post-Weinstein scandal world Winslet's Oscar campaign is dead in its tracks, I can't imagine she will want to face more questions about her working with Woody Allen than she needs to at this point. Her Variety interview was done before the #metoo movement took off.
Why not Frances McDormand???
Yes, keegan. Where is Hawking?
Replacing Stone and Lawrence with Hawkins and McDormand seems more logical, IMO.
I can't believe Janney is finally happening!!!!!
Watch out for a sweep.
She is the exact position J.K. Simmons was for Whiplash, the beloved and incredibly consistent character actor that finally has a shot.
I'd donate a lot for a Kickstarter to make this all-female Glengarry Glen Ross
It's a decent line-up. I'm a bit over Emma Stone right now, so replacing her with Margot Robbie or Gal Gadot would be my 2017 jam. Hmm, actually I want both Robbie and Gadot in my line-up.
Someone mentioned desperation from Jéssica, Emma and Jennifer, as If they seem desperate for a nom This year.
In Jessica's case, If she really is indeed desperate, I can understand. She is over 40. The window is closing, If It isnt already closed.
Makes more Sense. Emma and Lawrence already have their undeserved Oscars. They should be cool about the whole thing for now.
Jennifer Lawrence was at the Governor Awards, The Hollywood Reporter's Actress Roundtable, is doing interviews. Maybe she does have an opportunity yet.
@Ed - don't you dare touch "Volver." It's perfect the way it is.
@Alex - switch Chastain and Stone and that would maybe work? I'm not sure Stone fits in anywhere in that movie, though.
I could see the Globes nominating Jennifer, just so she would show up. They can put Saoirse and Emma even in the comedy category to make more room for drama. But an Oscar nomination for Jennifer next year would be a travesty. There are too many good films with women this year, and mother! was not one of them.
@Marie - but the category isn't "Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Really Good Film." It's just for the performance, period. An actor shouldn't be punished if their film isn't very good. I don't see Lawrence getting into Oscar's top 5 but with the Globes' expanded categories I don't think Lawrence would be totally out of place in the Drama race.
I don’t think these roundtables ever have two actresses from the same film, so it stands to reason that both Allison Janney and Margot Robbie are not included. (The omissions of Frances McDormand and Sally Hawkins are more notable, but who knows; they could’ve been asked.) Emma Stone was MVP in Battle of the Sexes, although it might’ve been wise to sit out this season. Jennifer Lawrence always shows up to hog a spot. What else is new?
Lawrence and Emma each participated once before in the Roundtable - Lawrence in 2015 and Emma in 2016. Chastain has never participated before.
McDormand is not much for campaigning, and I can't imagine her doing these types of events. Showcasing Winslet, given the discussion revolved around sexual harassment, would have certainly been interesting. Chastain could have asked her why she worked with Roman Polanski.
@Alex - Brilliant
@thevoid99 - I think the world would become a much better place is more movies like "Volver" were made... An English-speaking version of "Volver" with the involvement of Almodovar would just made my year and most actress-sexuals going crazy!
@DJDeeJay - I know it is perfect, but I would be amazing to watch no matter what (it could be a more american-culture version and we can change the name!!! (please?!!! :P)
@Ed - oh, who am I kidding? If Almodovar was directing again, it would be pretty great. I'll allow it! ;)
'I only saw clips of this, but my initial thoughts: Jennifer, Emma and Jessica seem kind of desperate for nominations this year,' from @jono
My dream roundtable (this year) would be
Hong Chau
What a terrible line up....hollywood reporter is huge fan of lawrence....
My fav powerfull performance this year so far:
1. Kate winslet score 92 (hollywood filmaward.variety award. San farnsisco film honour etc on her belt
2. Francis mcdorman score 87 I love this filmand her character she is abosolutly safe in oscar actress nom
3. Sally hawkins score 86 no matter what this is one of great film ... Love her act...and secure her nom this year as same as Sandra bullock in Gravity they have same connection for nominated
4.Soroise ronan score 86 yeap she's great love it. She the best actress in her generation
5.This place for meril strip but depend how her move run out... BOX office flopp reason to add meril in this category
Other great performance:
6 jessica castain 84
7 margot robbie 84
8 judi dench 83
9 annete bening 82
10 florence pugh 80
This end of great performance for oscar
Emma stone 79
Salma hayek 79
Nicole kidman 78
Jennifer lawrence 76
Gal gadot 75
If academy and golden globe still put JLaw and stone.... Its time to BOICOT these award
New face great acting ar coming like
1. Margot robbie
2. Florence Pugh
3. Daniela vega
4. Diane kruger
There is no golden kid or what ever u call for putting some one to get nominated...
What an odd bunch. Three of these seem like non-starters for nominations (although maybe Emma Stone can pull of a small Oscar miracle?)
Golden globe actress drama
1.Kate winslet
2.Meryl streep
3.Sally hawkins
4.Annete bening
5.Choose florence pugh, jessica castain
Golden globe comedy musical
1.Francis mcdorman(absoluttly)
2.Margot robie
3.Judi dench
4.Saorise ronan
5.Salma hayek or emma stone
Y Frances McDormand, Sally Hawkins & Margot Robbie not there?These 3 are like the frontrunners for Best Actress...
My Predictions (Best Actress - Oscar) ...
Sally Hawkins - The Shape of Water
Frances McDormand - 3BOEM
Saoirse Ronan - Lady Bird
Margot Robbie - I, Tonya
Judi Dench - Victoria & Abdul / Jessica Chastain - Molly's Game
Marsha- Since when does a movie have to be a phenomenal hit in order for Streep to get a nomination? That may be true for others but not for her.
@Jamie nope its all bout spielberg ... No box office for the post it means fail...yeap streep now days for me overated and over acting like florence foster last nom...if meril could be nominated without box ofice so equal to the other....
The Post will have box office appeal.....
Marsha, well said - Streep overrated and over-acting.