Beauty Break: Stars on the Phone

A key "on this day" we forgot this morning. March 7th was the date, way back in 1876, when Alexander Graham Bell got his patent for the telephone. So let's gawk at sexy photos of movie stars with telephones. It's really the only appropriate way to celebrate because who talks on the telephone anymore? Movie stars don't employ them much in photoshoots anymore either.
Sophia Loren
Kim Novak
Lauren Bacall
Clint Eastwood
Catherine Deneuve
Elijah Wood
Joan Blondell
Diane Kruger
Anne Hathaway
Rock Hudson
Vivien Leigh
Yusaka Matsuda
Marlon Brando
Monica Vitti
Joseph Gordon Levitt
Tyrone Power
Gene Kelly
Sophia Loren Again
Steve McQueen
Ava Gardner
Reader Comments (26)
Great post - phones are always interesting props for movie stars
You want to see phones used prominently in movies again? Wish for a Alexander Graham Bell biopic (although a TV movie would probably be more appropriate).
My word, Gene Kelly was breathtaking.
I only got past Sophia Loren and Kim Novak when I decided to get a landline.
Next week: Hollywood sexpots with their dial-up modems!
Who is Yusaka Matsuda? He seems gorgeous.
I agree JB never noticed Mr Kelly's very sexy lips
Monica Vitti looks like Jennifer Lawrence. Maybe a biopic is coming?
This post makes me want to get a landline.
Remember Lena Dunham's Tiny Furniture? Jemima Kirke's dreamy character put "has a landline" on her resume.
Elijah Wood should have on fewer clothes.
I first fell hard for Channing Tatum when "She's the Man" came out over 10 years ago (Oh my goodness, where does the time go?!). I love the part when he's trying to be suave and impress Laura Ramsey's character and answers his flip phone trying to be all dreamy about it.
Oh. My. Goodness. Sophia Loren in that LIFE photo! How am I meant to concentrate on this uni assessment now?!
Tom, don't give Hollywood ideas.
Ava <3
Tyrone Power and Gene!
@Tom - I noticed that, too. Not sure we need that particular star in that particular biopic, though. lol
Clint Eastwood or Hugh Jackman???
Sophia Loren as Carla in Nine, is that it? A Call From The Vatican vibes.
I particularly like the Joan Blondell photo. And it's lovely to see Marlon Brando smiling so broadly.
I've just realised the film experience themed banner of movie stars has gone.....just how long have I been not paying attention????
Good were the days when actresses were aloud to have bodies such as the ones seen in these Photos. Sophia Loren nowadays would be considered morbidly obesos. No designer would dress her as she is not a size 0.
It was heartbreaking all through the most recent award season to see all these actresses looking unhealthy, emanciated, skin-and-bones. Some looked more like 12 year old boys then grown women.
Its a damaging idea being sent to young girls..... So Many People in the world still suffer from starvation, famine, hunger, and the movie Industry celebrates eating disorders and looking unhealthy underweight. So sad.
Matt --- it only left during oscar season because of the advertisements that were on the site. but i had heard concerns that the site was looking cluttered which is why I didn't bring it back because it is already an image heavy site. I do miss it though.
Amanda -- while i get this frustration I do think we must be happy for some progress. I dont believe this problem has been EVER as bad as it was in the late 90s / early 00s when everyone, no matter how gloriously talented, was looking alarmingly anorexic (Cate, Renee, Keira, and less remembered beauties like Lara Flynn Boyle etcetera) and there were a ton of thinkpieces about this. I think things have improved for sure!
Agree, Nat. But even today- Emma Stone, Michelle Williams, your beloved Kidman, were all looking unhealthy. Emma has looked even more emanciated, circa The Amazing Spider Man, when she was looking scarily thin. Dont People remember what she looked like during her superbad/easy A days?
Natalie was heavily pregnant, but on Jackie she was very underweight.
As the mother of a 5 year old girl, it really worries me. What message is being sent? What is this Industry telling girls about Food, about feeding oneself, about their post-puberty bodies?????
My god, Catherine Deneuve is one of, if not the most, beautiful woman in the world.
Rock Hudson!!!
I'm also seeing Luise Rainier!
none of these hookers can compare to the greatest one!
"Call Me"