mother! posters... who's next?

by Nathaniel R
Darren Aronofsky's mother! has now released two posters (which you can click to embiggen if you so desire). We already discussed JLaw's version (though they've changed the typeface) but now we have Bardem's. Once you start getting character posters you can usually assume more are on the way. Since Lawrence's poster is earthy with the nature, and Javier Bardem's is fiery can we assume La Pfeiffer gets air or water?
Fair warning: if there is not a painted character poster for Michelle Pfeiffer, I'm going to burn Protozoa Pictures down.
(In related news I want to make out with whoever designed the new title font and I can't stop thinking about that teaser)
Reader Comments (28)
I'm loving all this promotion but agree Pfeiffer needs more exposure,are they withholding her for a reason.
^ Maybe she has a tiny role. I mean, I hope it's a substantial role, but who knows.
Yeah it could be tiny aka Hershey in Black Swan
I think we'll get her poster still though. Even if she has an equally sized role Lawrence and Barden would come first because, like it or not, they have more name recognition/pull with audiences nowadays.
Hoping this is not a case of AHS where the promotion is brilliant (posters, images, teasers, trailers, etc) and the final product is beyond terrible.
I have heard this is about a cult leader and his young wife, a fundie mother played by Pfeiffer, and a baby that may or may not be sacrificed similar to Rosemary's baby?
i wish that people who heard something About the plot of the film, would refrain to put it in the comments . Some of us like being surprised when going to the movies and even avoid trailers. The film is doing a fine job being enigmatic and it's coming out in a bit over a month.
Just to repost what I said earlier, my gut feeling is that Pfeiffers role in the film is being kept deliberately obscure. There was a substantial amount of fanfare when it announced she was working with afronsky and he interviewed her in interview. People point to Hershey but Burstyn and Rourke were the center of their films and as much as I love Hershey, Pfeiffer even at this late date is treated like an institution in a way Hershey never has been. Plus even for a film that hasn't been seen by anyone, it seems as if we know next to nothing about what the movie's plot is beyond JLaws life being disrupted by a "visitor". And it's called Mother.
These are just my guesses but I very much hope I'm correct.
You guys like these posters?! - I find them horrible-looking! Especially Bardem's.
Ulrich I agree- Barden doesn't even look like him.?! And what are they trying to sell- horror or melodrama- the bleeding heart is very religious
I love how Lawrence and Bardem seem to be communicating with each other via their posters. Doesn't it look like she's offering him her heart and he's reaching out to accept it? All of the little hints hidden in the artwork are really fun — is a baby in Javier's globe-thingy? We don't know if Sue's comment is accurate or not, but I wish I hadn't read it. Oh well, this is still one of my most anticipated of the year!
I believe a longer trailer is coming out August 8.
I got some serious Rosemary's Baby vibe from the teaser. Especially in the "Who are these people?" "They come here to see me" part.
I said this in another post, but yeah I think Pfeiffer's role is small, hopefully not Winona in Black Swan small. I think she filmed for about two months, though, at least according to her stand-in on Instagram, so we'll see.
Also, let's hope this isn't The Fountain Part 2.
Considering Michelle Pfeiffer was actually included in the teaser, I would assume her role is bigger than Gleeson's and Wiig's. But we shall see.
I asked Darren but given there is no Pfeiffer or Harris mentioned on the poster I think it's unlikely.
The Fountain Part 2?!
That'll be a day one for me, please.
Agreed with sati... unpfortunately I don't think the Pfeiffer poster is coming since it's just JLaw and Bardem on the marquee :(
people are setting themselves up for disappointment if they are expecting the movie to be focused on pfeiffer (with nothing factual pointing to that)... I can already hear the negative reactions... but there is the movie you wish for vs. the actual movie we'll get.
I'm sensing that perhaps Javier Bardem may be a co-lead alongside Lawrence in this film.
I saw the new trailer, it has a few new quick shots, nothing new of Michelle. Michelle and Ed didn't even get their names in the full trailer. Tiny roles, indeed.
It's about the same as the teaser they put online a few days ago...
I sort of like Pfeiffer but calling her an institution? Lmfao. This isn't 1999 anymore.
Does it only look to me as if Lawrence is giving the heart to Bardem and Bardem receives it and gives back that ball thing with the infant ?
So I guess that 1:20 trailer in theaters now with Detroit is just ANOTHER teaser and a 2 minute proper trailer is coming on the 8th. I give up. Lol.
leon - "institution" might be a bit of a reach, but she has taken long breaks and is still able to come back with some pretty good to great projects. Stardust, Hairspray, Cheri(mess, but a prestige project) after her first long break, then Wizard of Lies (wasn't very good but an elite HBO film which got her an Emmy nom), getting raves for Where is Kyra? and is in a highly anticipated Aronofsky film after her second break. That's star power, baby!
Catwoman ALONE makes her an institution. Fight me.
Pfeiffer ever since she sang on top of the piano is a modern movie goddess.
While I might not use the word "institution," she's totally iconic. Hell, numerous popular songs in the last few years alone have referenced her. Her name is synonymous with beauty. Her Catwoman is iconic. The piano scene in Fabulous Baker Boys is iconic. Even if she hasn't done much in recent years, her absence lends her a sense of mystery. She's always been sort of a private and mysterious figure, which I think works in her favor.
Pfeiffer had that amazing 5 year run (1988-1993) with Married to the Mob, Tequila Sunrise, Dangerous Liaisons, The Fabulous Baker Boys, The Russia House, Batman Returns, and The Age of Innocence. She deserves to come back and is not that old. Bow down!