Film Bitch Awards Finale - The Medal Ceremony

by Nathaniel R
Cue trumpets and confetti! The 18th annual Film Bitch Awards have finally reached their conclusion with the "best scene" page fully up and complete with nominations and medals for BEST KISS, BEST ACTION SCENE, and BEST MUSICAL SEQUENCE and the like.
64 movies were honored over our 40 regular categories for the 2017 film year. Lady Bird and Get Out led this past year's crop with 13 nominations each and 10 and 9 medal wins respectively. Other top ten entries that scored multiple medals were Call Me By Your Name, Baby Driver, and Atomic Blonde. The films that made the strongest showing without scoring in headline categories or the top ten list were: Phantom Thread, The Greatest Showman, and Blade Runner 2049.
Some curiousities: The Florida Project won only gold medals, never a silver or bronze. Oscar's best picture winner The Shape of Water was nominated in six categories but only took home one medal (gold for Production Design). And the film that Oscar completely ignored that performed strongest here was -- no surprise I suppose -- France's Oscar submission BPM with 8 nominations, 1 gold, 1 silver, and 4 bronze medals.
Part 1 - Film, Director, Picture
Part 2 - Acting Categories
Part 3 - Visuals
Part 4 - Music and Sound
Part 5 - Non-Traditional Acting Categories
Part 6 - Character Prizes
Part 7 - Best Scene Work *NEWLY COMPLETED*
...and in case you missed it, the top ten list write-up. We hope you enjoyed all our 2017 coverage. Now on to 2018 as Spring begins!
Reader Comments (15)
thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU! I LOVE these awards!! I can only imagine how difficult this huge project is and I am very grateful you made it happen again this year!
excellent choices all round! thanks for the hard work!
Off the subject but RIP Louise Latham (95)
Yess! I love hearing your favorite "Best Scenes (excluding aforementioned etc)"! Some years you don't get around to it and it's such a loss.
Ooooh- you liked the ending to The Florida Project better than the ending to Call Me By Your Name? They're both great of course, but I would have guessed CMBYN given how you've championed the fact there's so much going on during the credits scene.
it's disappointing that Emma Stone got a medal over many other actresses for her not even good performance in Battle of the Sexes.........
Michael Stuhlbarg's monologue from Call Me by Your Name does not make it for best scene? I'm shocked!
Could not agree more about Gil Birmingham. So effecting in Wind River.
Raul -- well he took the silver medal so he was rewarded for it :)
Call Me By Your Name has so many moments I’d love to discuss and praise. One of my favorite scenes in the film is the interaction between Elio and Oliver right after “The Peach” scene. It is such a vulnerable moment between the two characters and it’s one of the moments I think about when the movie crosses my mind (which is all the time lately). Anyways I applaud your choices. They make me excited to see some of the films I’ve yet to see and happy for the ones I saw and loved.
Oh and thank you for The Greatest Showman love. I would have swapped medals on “This is Me” and “Rewrite the Stars”, but that’s only because I love one just slight more.
What a fun bunch of lists, thank you!
I just watched Get Out again the other night for the first time since Feb 2017 and again was so impressed with Betty Gabriel's stunning scene (you know the one). A joy to see someone take a small role, run with it, and make it indelible. I look forward to seeing what Gabriel does next.
On with 2018!
Stone should have won gold. And the haircut is the scene of the year.
So happy! I love these and enjoy seeing my favorites awarded again. Love the mentions of the "This is Me" and "Rewrite the Stars" musical scenes, No Man's Land, Atomic Blond action, and the perfect endings of Ladybird, Call me by your Name, and the Florida Project. The endings of the last two really elevated the movies as a whole and left a major impact.
Wow Nathaniel! Great work!
To me The Killing of a Sacred Deer is the movie of 2017
I keep on going back and forth on if I should watch The Florida Project or not. Maybe I will...sigh