Oscar History
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Jennifer Jones Centennial: "Love is a Many-Splendored Thing"

Reader Request: You voted on which Jennifer Jones films we had to write about for her centennial and this was your top choice. So it's your fault, then.

One of the tag lines reads...

In each other's arms they found a love that defied 5,000 years of tradition!

'Defying tradition? But what's more traditional than Hollywood casting white stars in Asian roles?' he said sarcastically. Figured we should get this out of the way upfront and then try to ignore it: Jennifer Jones's last Oscar nomination came for playing Han Suyin, a biracial doctor, who falls for Mark Elliott, an American foreign correspondent (William Holden) in Hong Kong...

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Open Thread for International Women's Day

Still sick. Apologies!  So herewith an open thread. I'll give you a prompt.

Name the first three actresses you ever loved in the comments! Mine were probably Hayley Mills and Maureen O'Hara (because The Parent Trap was my favorite movie as a wee tyke) and Natalie Wood (because I was obsessed with musicals as a kid and particularly West Side Story airings on television). The trifecta of Michelle Pfeiffer, Kathleen Turner, and Meryl Streep that completely done me in* at movie theaters happened a bit later. 

 *aka caused my actressexuality


A Golden Lion for Julie Andrews!

We woke up to wonderful news, to distract us from this hacking cold that's not going away *sniffle*, Julie Andrews has been named as the recipient of this year's Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement. She'll be honored at the 76th annual Venice Film Festival which runs August 28th through September 7th.

The film lineup won't be announced until later in the summer but this is exciting news to tide us over 'til then. We hope Julie is helicoptered & parachuted umbrellas in from the sky to accept her Golden Lion!

About this choice, the director of the festival Alberto Barbera says:

“At a very young age, Ms Andrews made a name for herself in the music halls of London and, later, on Broadway thanks to her remarkable singing and acting talent. Her first Hollywood movie, Mary Poppins, gave her top-tier star status, which was later confirmed in another treasured film, The Sound of Music. Those two roles projected her into the Olympus of international stardom, making her an iconic figure adored by several generations of moviegoers. Above and beyond the different interpretations that can be given to her two most famous films (and highlighting the transgressive value of her characters rather than their apparent conservatism), it must be remembered that Andrews went out of her way to avoid remaining confined as an icon of family movies. She accepted roles that were diverse, dramatic, provocative and imbued with scathing irony. For example, The Americanization of Emily by Arthur Hiller, and the many movies directed by her husband Blake Edwards, with whom she formed a very profound and long-lasting artistic partnership, a marvelous example of human and professional devotion to a captivating esthetic project that prevailed over the commercial success of the individual movies. This Golden Lion is the well-deserved recognition of an extraordinary career which has admirably parsed popular success with artistic ambition, without ever bowing to facile compromises.”


"Shoplifters" wins big in Japan

by Nathaniel R

Sakura Ando and Kirin Kiki in "Shoplifters"

Awards season never truly ends. Someone somewhere in the world is always handing out a prize. The latest are the Japanese Academy film prizes, where Hirokazu Kore-eda thoroughly dominated with the exquisite and also Oscar-nominated Shoplifters. It was nominated in every category it was eligible for. It won 8 awards, including both of the female acting prizes for Sakura Ando and Kirin Kiki. Sadly, Kirin Kiki's prize was posthumous as she died a few months after the movie won the Palme d'Or at Cannes.

A list of winners, including (sigh) their choice for foreign film, is after the jump...

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One Last Round of Applause for the Year's Great Actresses!

Last year's performances by leading ladies were so rich, that I could have filled up three Best Actress lists and not once felt of any of the choices as "filler". In fact, 2018's leading actresses were so strong that I'd chuck out all but one of last year's nominees (I'm keeping Saoirse Ronan in Lady Bird) if I had 10 spots to give for the two years combined. Check out the chart for more...