by Cláudio Alves

In 1991, Nicole Kidman was nominated for Best Supporting Actress by the Golden Globes. Interestingly, though it marks the first time she wever scored a major precursor, the film that did it, Billy Bathgate, is a somewhat forgotten stop in the star's Hollywood journey.
After the splashy box office results from Days of Thunder, the actress was a hot commodity, some beautiful import from Australia whose persona was still malleable for American audiences. Moreover, her true powers remained untapped, perchance untested. In that context, Robert Benton's Doctorow adaptation is a chance to test Kidman's talents, an attempt at transitioning from popcorn cinema into prestige fare. After all, haven't we seen similar projects elevate a starlet's profile? In a cast dominated by men, she's the only important woman, the linchpin of the protagonist's arc and an alluring sight that sings a silent siren song. She's the Hollywood Golden Age brought back from the dead for one more gangster movie…
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