Yes No Maybe So: "Nightmare Alley"

by Nathaniel R
one of many memorable images in the trailerGuillermo Del Toro has never been what one might call an Oscar-bait director, as his preferred genre is the fantastical monster movie. And yet with his inspired auteur's eye and significant command of craft he bucked the odds to helm two movies Oscar just adored, the creepy mythological creature filled fantasy Pan's Labyrinth and the sea monster in love Best Picture winner The Shape of Water. So now he's most definitely an Oscar player. This time up he's doing a remake of the great 1947 noir Nightmare Alley which featured Tyrone Power's all time best performance and two fascinating female supporting roles. Will his latest movie be another Oscar player or another Crimson Tide (which people were very excited about in theory until it became reality). But, more importantly, will it be great? Let's do the Yes No Maybe So™ breakdown of the new trailer after the jump...