Would you rather?

Haven't done an Instagram share for a couple of weeks so here are some celeb photos, arranged in our typical Would you rather fashion...
• compare muscles with Mark Ruffalo & Chris Hemsworth?
• sip aperol with Naomi Watts?
• sail away with Neil Patrick Harris?
• reminisce about your first Oscars with Rossy de Palma?
• stretch it out with Aint to Proud to Beg's James Harkness?
• cosplay Star Wars with Brie Larson?
• attend Moulin Rouge! on Broadway with Baz himself?
• cool down with Morena Baccarin?
• peel bananas with Cazwell?
• appreciate nature with Daryl Hannah?
• adopt your first puppy with Nicole Kidman?
Pictures are after the jump to help you decide.