Halfway Mark - Team Experience Favourites

I'll be sharing my midyear ballots (such as they are) over the next couple of days but first let's hear from the whole team. Or, some of them - those that volunteeered their little in progress top fives. The team hopes you enjoy these little peeks into our individual film experiences from January through June at the movies (and in some cases, at home).
Chris Feil's midyear top five
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01 Her Smell's redemptive anarchy in five acts
02 Ari Aster's hilarious Midsommar -time sadness
03 Claire Denis' sci-fi descent into the black hole of our biology High Life.
04 The haves-and-have-nots horror of Us.
05 Zhao Tao giving another masterclass in Jia Zhangke's Ash is Purest White.
Paolo Kagaoan's midyear top five
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01 Homecoming: A Film By Beyonce... When Beyonce descended from those steps, Sergei Eisenstein rose back from the dead, burned every copy of Battleship Potemkin, and killed himself.
02 Elizabeth Olsen in Endgame because she reminded me that Thanos is an asshole...