Drag Race RuCap: “The Crystal Ball”

NICK TAYLOR: Following the high entertainment value and disappointing culmination of last week’s LaLaPaRUza, I thought this was a pretty satisfying episode! The Ball’s been through a lot -- originally a late-game nailbiter that’s sent home many a fierce queen, it’s been deployed very early as of season 10. Can you imagine if this had been the third challenge? A nightmare. But here we are, on the 200th episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race, with officially half of the cast gone, to talk about the Crystal Ball! Was it everything you were hoping for, Cláudio?
CLÁUDIO ALVES: This was the season's most satisfying episode thus far from both a structural and entertainment perspective. At last, we have enough queens gone to make the editor’s job manageable within the 40-minute format, leaving enough space for a mini-challenge and even Ru’s typical pre-challenge walk-thru. My only quibble was with the actual performances…