Ezra Miller, the devil child that could put Damien in a headlock and kick Rosemary’s Baby off a bridge a la Jack Black in Anchorman, has come out as "queer".

I'm queer. I have a lot of really wonderful friends who are of very different sexes and genders. I am very much in love with no one in particular. I've been trying to figure out relationships, you know? I don't know if it's responsible for kids of my age to be so aggressively pursuing monogamous binds, because I don't think we're ready for them. The romanticism within our culture dictates that that's what you're supposed to be looking for. Then [when] we find what we think is love – even if it is love – we do not yet have the tools. I do feel that it's possible to be at this age unintentionally hurtful, just by being irresponsible – which is fine. I'm super down with being irresponsible. I'm just trying to make sure my lack of responsibility no longer hurts people. That's where I'm at in the boyfriend/girlfriend/zefriend type of question."
-Ezra Miller to Out
I’m not one for semantics, personally, so if there is a brouhaha abrewin’ regarding the use of the word ‘queer’ rather than ‘gay’ or ‘homosexual’ or whatever label we’ve adopted/reclaimed recently, I’m not participating in it.
I will merely say that the young actor, so good in Lynne Ramsey’s We Need To Talk About Kevin (and one of the stars of the upcoming The Perks of Being a Wallflower) has appeared, in several interviews, to be kind, generous, self-possessed and remarkably aware of each action taken and word spoken on his behalf. I’m not going to say it’s brave (redundant/extraneous) or powerful (hyperbole); I’m simply going to say congratulations to a young, talented actor from my generation for taking a step into unknown waters. Beautiful abandon.