20:11 Just Go With The Eagle. Never Say Never!

Year in Review Fun... Much more to come! Herewith the 20th minute and 11th second of the movies of 2011 in chronological order of US release date. It's like flipping channels for snapshots of the film year! For those who like a mnemonic challenge, I've written the film titles in invisible ink below each screencap (you can highlight to see them). Would any of these tiny glimpses make you want to stop channel surfing and watch?
january | february | march | april
Part 2: February
- I even stole some once.
- I know. "
THE ROBBER Very intense movie. They're supposedly going to remake it with Andrew Garfield rumored for the title character.
-We passed that on the way up.
-I know."
Hotels make people naughty. They do! This is a still from ...THE OTHER WOMAN ... which I did not like at all.
He's a blue?! Not a blue!!!"
GNOMEO & JULIET ...... which is hoping for animation and original song nominations.
Seven more snapshots after the jump. How many have you seen?
You Smile. I Smile."
Here! Cut the others free!!!"
Isn't that a shitty name? Yep yep yep."
I am Dr. Martin Harris. The man upstairs is pretending to be me."
-Eavesdropping. That's not going to win your friends.
-Tell that to the principal with the fishtank for an office. It's kind of hard not to hear."
I AM NUMBER FOUR ( (previous thoughts on this one. Plus this tweet on friday made me lol.)
-I thought you were dead.
-You hoped I was dead. Not the same."
[no dialogue. quick shaky downward pan]
Does this jog your memory at all? Or perhaps you avoid the cinema like the plague in February.
Reader Comments (12)
Just Go With It...uninspired and terrible...the funniest actor in that film....Dave Matthews!
I Am Number Four...throwback 80's teen sci-fi...I liked it.
Unknown...good, but forgettable.
I've only seen Heartbeats (good, but I like I've Killed My Mother better).
Out of the others I only have a bizare desire to watch Drive Angry, maybe I just wanna see anything Drive related. hee
i think it's funny (depressing?) how many of these involve one close up of a head positioned off center.
i watched all of this except The Robber and I really loved Hearbeats!!
Checko -- you are an overachiever! you see everything
Drive Angry! HAHA I loved that movie.
Only saw two: The Robber, which I found kind of dull; and Gnomeo & Juliet, which I've now seen about three times. Such a good soundtrack, too!
Heartbeats sits firmly in my Top 5 of the year. Can't wait to see what else Dolan can produce in the future!
I have a soft spot for Gnomeo and Juliet. Love the voice actors involved and the whole film is just so... British.
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