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Best Actress Finale: Dresses, Reactions, Questions

Like we did with supporting actress, I've displayed the most lauded ladies of 2010 in the order of your preference: Natalie Portman stabbed all competition with a nail file "IT'S MY TURN" to the tune of 47% of your votes; Annette Bening (19%) just barely edged out Nicole Kidman (18%) in the last day of voting for second place and second place is always where Bening seems to end up (more on that tomorrow); Michelle Williams (11%) and Jennifer Lawrence (2%) followed. But look at Lawrence. She doesn't care. She had a grand time at the Oscars apparently, turning heads in the red tank dress and relaxed enough to quip to the press about bringing her brother as her date.

I'm from Kentucky, so that's normal.

It's interesting that her distinction  "Second Youngest Best Actress Nominee Ever" has been so ignored by the media; She's only 20. We might be seeing a lot more of her on Oscar's red carpet. She's already too old to nab the "fastest to two nominations in any acting category" since Angela Lansbury was 20 when she accomplished that. But theoretically Lawrence could still beat Joan Fontaine's record of fastest to two Best Actress nominations (Fontaine did the double by 24 and won) if good lead roles come soon. Up next are three supporting roles: The Beaver, Like Crazy and X-Men First Class.

Reaction shots, questions for readers and Portman's speech after the jump.

Jeff Bridges didn't waste any time opening the envelope so there was not a lot of dramatic reveal in terms of those tiny but mythic faces in the little boxes.

Natalie was ready to go, and I don't think anyone was expecting anything else. Bening, for as much as she's been pegged as Regal Bitch in the public imagination at times due to a few theatrically brittle roles, always seems to take these things in stride.

What was more interesting was their responses to their own clips, don't you think?

 Annette winked and mouthed something to the camera (obviously intended for someone watching) but I couldn't make it out. Anyone know what she said?

 Nicole Kidman shrugged her shoulders like "it's no big deal" which is so weird because her Rabbit Hole performance is A VERY BIG DEAL. Gold medal.

 Michelle Williams is either:

  1. the definition of serenity
  2. terrified at public events
  3. above it all
  4. bored
  5. eager to get back on set to go about her real calling in life.

Which do you think it is?
Her expression never changes in public though onscreen she's quite expressive.

Darren Aronofsky kept glancing between Jeff Bridges on stage and Jennifer in front of him, two shows going on at once. Jennifer seemed delighted by the clip they chose and it was a goodie. My favorite thing about her Winter's Bone performance (and it shows in that clip) is the flinty no-nonsense intelligence and wit which give you a dry-eyed but sad indication that if Ree Dolly had real opportunities like an education, moving away, a career goal, she could really bloom. But it's not going to be. This is her world.

About Natalie's Speech
It went like so.

thank you thank you so much Thank you so much to the Academy. This is insane and I truly sincerely wish that the prize tonight was to get to work with my fellow nominees, i'm so in awe of you. I'm so grateful to get to do the job i get to do. I love it so much. I want to thank my parents, who are right there, first and foremost for giving me my life and giving me the opportunity to work at such a young ag. and showing me every day how to be a good human being by example.... [series of names] ....

My friends who are everything to me no matter what's going on in my career. And everyone who has ever hired me: Luc Besson who gave me my first job when i was 11 years old; Mike Nichols who has been my hero and my champion for the past decade; and now Darren Aronofsky. You are a fearless leader, a visionary. I am blessed to have just gotten to work with you every day for the period of time that we did.  [A series of names that helped her train]. And my beautiful love Benjamin Millipeid who choreographed the film and has now given me my most important role of my life.

Also there are people on films that no one ever talks about that are your heart and soul every day: Marjorie who did my hair and makeup; Nicci who dressed me; Kate and Laura Mulleavy who designed the beautiful ballet costumes; Joe Reidy our incredible first AD and our camera operators; Stacey and Steve, you gave me so much soul behind the camera every day. You gave me all of your energy.

Most importantly my family, my friends, and my love. Thank you so much.

Portman has taken a lot of flak over the awards season for her girlie giggly unusually personal-life-exhibiting  speeches but if you ask me she did brilliantly on Oscar night. It was professional but also emotional. The mention of her fellow nominees was distinctive, it was very classy to include Luc Besson and Mike Nichols (Nicole Kidman taught her well. Remember the note about choosing directors in the Hollywood Reporter Roundtable?). Finally, wasn't it especially interesting that she went so far down the metaphorical call sheet in her name-dropping. She wasn't thanking the heads of departments (some of whom were nominated) or even her co-stars but camera operators, dressers, trainers. Methinks she wins big fans among the crew members on every set.


  1. The Williams / Bening Questions above.
  2. Do you think Nat will pull a Gwyneth and disappear post-win? I mean, she's peaked right?
  3. Best Dressed?
  4. "It's My Turn!" which young actress (not these women) do you think is hungriest to have it be Her Year right quick?

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Reader Comments (75)

Excuse me all, but I really don't like Michelle Williams look, that hair and makeup, specially the eyebrows in another color... for me (no offense please) that's awful.
For the dresses: Natalie > Jennifer > Nicole > Michelle > Annette

March 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterIsabel Archer

I think The Bening just winked and said "muah," like a kiss.

March 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip

I truly sincerely wish that the prize tonight was to get to work with my fellow nominees. Nicole, you could play my mother; Annette, my grandmother...

now that would have livened up a dull evening

March 1, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterpar3182

I expected Natalie to win, and I'm glad she did. She gave a great speech too. I thought this was a very strong year for female performances, with all five certainly deserving consideration. I think Natalie was the pick of the women this year. I'm looking forward to seeing more of Jennifer Lawrence. Damn, she is hot!!

March 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew Buckle

In terms of fashion, I loved Portman, Kidman and Bening, didn't care for Williams and thought Lawrence was just a cup size or two shy of looking exactly like Scarlett Johansson when she wore the same dress a couple of years ago. Hmmm.

Doesn't Nicole look like her younger self in that screenshot you nabbed?

I loooved that Natalie thanked Luc Besson. So many don't thank anyone from their moviemaking past, and it was nice to see someone acknowledge that someone took a huge gamble on them at one point. It's nice to know that she's still grateful about that. Was in complete contrast to Melissa Leo who tried to pull a Mo'Nique "it's about the performance, not the politics" but kinda failed.

March 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGlenn

Am I the only person who thought she was saying something about Julianne Moore? I was sure I saw her mouth Moore in that clip.

I think that Portman looked the best (at least the dress looked the best), but I have strong feelings toward Jennifer as well.

As for who wants it the most-Hathaway by a country mile. That said, I'm starting to think we'll have someone winning a second Oscar again soon. It's been a while, and it feels like a repeat could happen soon.

March 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJohn T

1. Bening: "Swan"

Williams: "You noticed how great I was in that clip but not how great Ryan was?..."

2. Oh, I hope so! Natalie, I'm real happy for you but, please disappear for a while.
But I don't think it's the same as it was with Gwyneth. Gwyneth hadn't really peaked.

3. Bening=Best Dressed because a) I love her b) Spider-Woman

4. Love this question! Honestly? Meryl Streep. I can't think of any one who is in the movies for more than 10 years and is Oscarless and hungry for one. Not sure Moore cares that much. Pfeiffer? Obviously not. Keener? No.

March 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJames T

1. After seeing the Nominees Luncheon, I would say Williams is terrified at public events (and also serene :)). She is really very not communicative off-screen, I would never have thought. I don't have any idea about Bening though.
2. No way she would disappear, she has been giving strong performances for years and she has just matured as an actress, I think. It's not just a sudden momentum with the Oscar but the peak of a long process of improvement. I hope she continues with performances like this one.
3. I would have liked to love Annette's dress, so much potential there, but something was not right for "loving". It's still a favourite of mine. Michelle Williams and Jennifer were stunning - simple but great - much to do with their bone structure though, these dresses don't look that ravishing on just anyone. Special mention to Natalie's dress, it did wonders to her figure, it could hardly be seen she is pregnant. I'm amazed when the pragmatics are combined with art this way :).
4. It's nice that none of them seems to be seeking attention but focusing on their acting. So who knows. I'll be interested to see.

March 1, 2011 | Unregistered Commentervg21

The contrast between bubbly Anne and reserved Michelle is so interesting and wonderful, considering their critical breakthroughs came in the same movie. I wonder if they could ever be in the same movie in which they actually appear together.

March 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPercy

1. I agree with Alex that Williams is doing a pre-campaign for next year. You know how in rehearsals actors sound a little flat because they haven't yet decided how to play it? I think Williams was taking notes and planning her campaign for next year, where she will suddenly shine as interviewee (she's got the acting skills after all). Same for Amy Adams. Gracious this year, not putting herself forward, omnipresently charming next year.

2. Natalie Portman will take a break, but probably be signed up for work before the last of her finished movies is out. She's positioned herself really well. She'll do the outre movies that require a lot of work, but isn't a snob about doing other work. So she's a safe bet to offer a role that's in the middle, where an actress's reputation can be sustained. She's smart, hard-working, beautiful, grounded, easy to work with - attributes that signal longevity

3. Best dressed? Williams and Portman. I actually thought Kidman looked very nice. I don't think Bening's dress was flattering. Lawrence's Baywatch dress looked great on her, but reminded me of Melissa Leo's ads: "Consider".

4. "Hungry" actresses: I'd agree with Anne Hathaway. I also think that Abbie Cornish, Keira Knightley, and Kristen Stewart have an intense desire to win. Stewart is under-rated and I think has a passion to prove herself.
The Brits that have been hovering peripherally, I think may also come into focus. Carey Mulligan, with a better sense of how to campaign. Rebecca Hall, who's an explosion waiting to happen. Sally Hawkins, who they finally "get". And Rosamund Pike, who has been winning hearts and accruing respect.

March 1, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteradri

adri -- i so hope you're right about virtually all of that when it comes to the girls who will soon come into focus. There's just so much talent out there ready to join the Oscar game. although you attribute far more cunning to these women (the pre campaigns) than i imagine they've actually thought through. They don't seem like "plotters" to me ;)

Percy -- i hadn't even thought of that. You're so right though. I'd love to see them try. sometimes opposites do spark together.

PAR -- evil!

March 1, 2011 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

Nicole Kidman gave the best female performance of the year and she was the best dressed among the Best Actress nominees.

March 1, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterlily

I wish natalies dream of working with them all would come true! um haha maybe a Little Woman remake:

Sarandons role : Bening
Older sister : Kidman
Winona : Natalie
Claire danes : Michelle
kirsten dunst/ random older girl : jennifer

There we go lol

March 1, 2011 | Unregistered Commentersteven

steven -- that "little women" would be more like "full grown women"

March 1, 2011 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

-The Williams / Bening Questions above.
Bening:*twink MWAH
Williams:*thingking* why didn’t they choose the tap dance scene?

-Do you think Nat will pull a Gwyneth and disappear post-win? I mean, she's peaked right?
although it’s her peak, she’s a way better actress. beside, she loves challenging roles. who knows after babysitting she’ll get a role like Million Dollar Baby.

Best Dressed?
Michelle Williams is like a goddess from other universe visiting us the hopeless earth people

"It's My Turn!" which young actress (not these women) do you think is hungriest to have it be Her Year right quick?
Hungriest: Duh..Hilary Swank. She loves baity roles. Bring it on!
Quickest: Michelle Williams.

March 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMikhael

In many of the interviews she's done for Blue Valentine, Michelle Williams said that after making the film was over, she felt a huge loss, because it had been the greatest acting process of her life. (The whole living-together with Ryan and the director for weeks, more or less in character; the whole getting-back to acting after a year off....) She really loves her craft. And she really doesn't love the flashbulb/p.r. side of things -- can you blame her? The press hounded her and Heath and their daughter from NY, and their marriage never recovered. Then she had to go through his death, and the constant sensationalization of it etc. etc. etc.

No wonder she's writing yoga books! Bliss out honey, you've earned it. (That look on her face: Savasana.)

March 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSan FranCinema

1.Bening was winking at Swank... I'm on my 4th, bitch.

Williams was uncomfortable watching her clip next to her BFF TV star Busy Philipps of Cougar Town. Who she knows is a better actress than her.

2. Natalie won't dissapear. She'll appear in a bunch of RomComs, probably in an overhyped political thriller alongside Peter Saarsgard or something (ala Rendition), or will play Adam Sandler's wife (/daughter?) in another one of his man-child slapsticks.

And I think Gwyneth has not peaked. She's on Glee right?...

3.Best Dressed? Andrew Garfield.

4. Next big "actress year"? Maybe Rachel McAdams. or Bryce Dallas Howard. or Drew Barrymore. I dunno. These women have that movie star factor but they are deep down serious actresses. Don't judge me when I say Drew was surprisingly Heigl-ish in the Apatowish "Going the Distance".

March 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLalaland

Hungriest is definitely Cameron Diaz. In Her Shoes, My Sister's Keeper... Lord. She doesn't fit those roles!

Give her a supporting role as Peter O'Toole's uncaring daughter.
Make her a skydiving instructor whose chute failed freefalling 35,000 feet with nothing but a camera and flashbacks of her broken marriage to Jude Law.
Or pair her with an Liam Hemsworth as a "older mistress" in a sultry/suspensful corporate drama co-starring Leighton Meester.

March 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLalaland

1) Bening is either mouthing "Moore"(to Julianne Moore) or "More" as in I want more nominations so I can win in the future cuz I am in the goddamn Board Of Governors for Heaven's sake if not I will reveal all your secrets and scandals(like spiking the votes to aid Sandra Bullock) to the press!
Williams is a sweetheart. She is definitely scared shitless in these kind of public ceremonies and probably wants to be hard at work on a indie film set right now. Sne and Kidman are sweethearts.

2)No. She is a smart young lady and I bet shes gonna take a year off and probably take a smaller film or sum crap rom-com sex film. I think she is a good actress but probably not as gifted as Kidman or Williams, but she has lots of personality and charm. Unless she makes horrendous choices in films like Halle Berry then yes backlash is gonna happen.
3) Jennifer Lawrence or Mila Kunis. I thought Kunis' nipples were going to pop out.
4)Yeah definitely Anne Hathaway. She seems really eager and wanting. But I think Williams will beat her to that. She has 3 potentiaally good and even great films coming out this yr. I can definitely see her back here at the Oscars next year. And I got a feeling the Meryl Streep Thatcher movie is going to be god-awfl due to the director.

March 2, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbluemoon02

I'm sorry, but what the hell is going on with Michelle Williams? Those eyes and weird haircut are scary. Seriously, what's the deal with her? That dress is very similar to most of her other red carpet looks this season too.

All the dresses were winners though, even Nicole's origami look. So glad she's stopped with the Botox. She looks so fresh and natural now finally.

Jennifer Lawrence turned a lot of heads with that red dress. I think she even one-upped Scarlett Johannson's same look from a few years back. And speaking of Scarlett, whatever she was wearing on Sunday paled in comparison to her previous looks.

Annette didn't really hit the mark. Didn't like her hair either.

Natalie rocked it, and if you look at that dress from the right angle, you wouldn't know she was expecting. That dress more than did its job, and that's a lovely shade of purple. Perfect Oscar-winning look. I wasn't a big fan of her hair though. She looked better ini that respect at the Globes.

Overall, well done ladies!

March 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterUrey

Don't get me started on Annette's hair. She has been rocking Al Pacino's hairdo all season.

March 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMurtada

Sara, I love your comment! Perfect!

Natalie Portman really deserved the oscar.
She gave a real life for Nyna Sayers. It's timeless...

March 2, 2011 | Unregistered Commentergabriel s

I'm gonna be the one that goes against what everyone else is saying, sorry, but I don't get the hype with Michelle Williams. She has always kinda bothered me, she is an honorable actress and I'm not saying she didn't deserve this nomination but I don't believe at all that she deserved a win. I believe Natalie was the right choice. But that's just my opinion.
Natalie Portman isn't done, I can promise you that. I think people are forgetting how her career started out, The Professional. She is a very talented lady and extremely versatile. I love the fact that her next upcoming film is a stoner comedy (Your Highness, looks absolutely hilarious). Also, she is a total bad ass. She can do the funny stoner films, she is quoted as saying she wants to make a film that is the female version of the Hangover (yes!) but she can be a serious dramatic actress as she has proved with Black Swan and she has proven in the past. Another film I'm waiting to see a release for is Hesher, it had a 2010 release date but I'm not sure where it stands now. Joseph Gordon-Lewitt is another up and coming actor.
Some actresses I think we'll be seeing a lot of in the years to come, and that I'll be interested in seeing a lot of, will be Mia W (as everyone has been saying) but also Chloe Moretz. This young actress I feel could be very good and she isn't afraid of taking a risk ( as she showed in Kick Ass). She was also very impressive in Let Me In and she has an upcoming film with director Martin Scosese playing along side Christopher Lee. She has promise. And she also has a lot of movies coming out in the next year.

March 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMaggie

The Coens are preparing an outright horror movie starring Frances McDormand. Could she become a Two-Time Best Actress Winner?
Come on Tarantino – cast Kathy Bates in something soon! Please. She’ll get naked and she has a worse potty mouth than Melissa Leo but has enough sense and class to not be classless at an awards ceremony – see Oscar speech.

March 2, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtfu11

Natalie will disappear for a while but i could bet that one of the first movies she does next will be with aronofsky! they have a good partnership and he likes her work style...

March 2, 2011 | Unregistered Commentersteven
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