When the Globes Cut To Commercial...

One of my very favorite things about the Golden Globes is the scan of the crowd whenever they're cutting to commercial or returning. You feel like you're in the room, mingling. Or, rather, gawking. You catch little glimpses of conversations ("they know each other?!?"), unofficial screen reunions (Colin & Julianne!), and you end up pondering the sometimes amusing seating arrangements. For instance, Madonna and Meryl Streep, once vocal rivals over Evita (1996), were separated only by Meryl's dutiful husband Don Gummer who never seems to enjoy these things. At one commercial break Madonna was seen gabbing away. He said not a word.
Here are some of my favorites shots from the evening.
Zooey Deschanel has her thumbs up for Ryan Kwanten. Whatever for? Care to make a guess? I immediately made a false memory that she had actually played Lizzy Caplan's role on True Blood. If you squint they do look kind of alike and imagine what Zooey could do on V.
Laura Linney has either been demoted to the TV section, that outer elevated rim, or she was running about visiting. But she and Charlize obviously like each other. There will be enthusiastic hugging and kissing.
Viola was extremely eager to get her Moet refilled (wouldn't you be?). Octavia is probably looking off into the distance but it's fun to think that's she's all "slow down girl! You haven't won yet!"
three more after the jump including two Marilyns
This shot is not retouched. I swear. Some poor woman has been spray tanning too much but watch out for Evan's Queen of Louisiana fangs. She's totally vampiric!
This amused me because Emily Watson looked right in the camera ('yeah, I'm drinking. And I'm in the Spielberg. Move it along) while Morena Baccarin (who is just lovely but will always be an intergalactican courtesan to me) was wishing the camera was on her instead.
Finally, how fun is this: two Marilyn's chatting! Katharine McPhee, currently playing an actress seeking the role of Marilyn in "Smash" squatted down to tell our current Marilyn (Michelle Williams My Week With Marilyn) a story. Or maybe she was saying "I'm not worthy to follow you in Marilyn's heels!"
Reader Comments (21)
Nate, since we all know you are a raging Meryl and Madonna fan and since you brought up Evita, do you think Meryl would've done an excellent job? And what about Madonna what did you think of her performance?
I just can't see Meryl in that role, Madonna looked the part to a T. Her acting was good, but the script was not meaty enough so I can understand her not getting an Oscar nom. She's not America's sweet heart a la Bullock, or the indie darling, she was and is Madonna the diva so it wasn't even possible for her to sneak in with a nom. The Academy likes there nominees humble.
About Zooey and Ryan Kwanten: he's guest starring in NEW GIRL on the Valentine's Day episode. Probably they're talking about it.
I so wanted to be on Table 10 with them Help girls. I bet that Moët filler was busy all night.
Thank you for these - posts like these are some of my favorite things you do on this blog. I particularly love interpreting Octavia's glance that way.
Did you happen to catch the Help table comment "Ooh, he's cute!" when Channing Tatum was on stage?
JayJ -- i LOVE Madonna in Evita. But since all three of my favorite women of the 80s were up for the role (Michelle vs. Meryl vs. Madonna) it was like specifically made for me and i woulda been happy with any of them ;)
Andrew - thx
Craig -- i didn't see that, no!
I'm still not convinced that Zooey Deschanel and Katy Perry are not the same person. I don't know why. Zooy's eyes could be fake. That's the only difference I can spot.
James -- maybe Zooey, Katy and Lizzy are all the same person with different manifestations?
Nathaniel, I made the same exact fake memory about Zooey being on True Blood when I saw that last night.
While it was probably because Kwanten is going to guest star on New Girl or something, I choose to believe that her thumbs up is in regard to his dynamite ass--of which she is clearly a fan.
I was bummed that Madeline Stowe did not win for REVENGE. She looked FLAWLESS!!!!!!!! and Jane Fonda WOWZA !!!!!!
how about that sourpuss mrs Martin Scorcesse!?!!? Every time they showed her table I thought we were at a funeral. Please put him and his family in the tv section next year.
So we have the BAFTA nominations and one or two typically strange choices like Carey Mulligan for Drive and the complete snub of The Tree of Life saddens me - surely at least a cinematography nod has to happen come Oscar announcemount...it should be the frontrunner for the win but there you go.
I love these moments too. The stars look so normal, but so phenomenal at the same time.
They didn’t nominate Carey for Shame because she was shortlisted as lead actress for that movie.
^ Yeah, but that doesn't excuse them for that nomination, or Judi Dench for MWWM, or The Iron Lady for Screenplay.
The BAFTAs are soo questionable. Like damn. Overall, it could've been worse compared to the longlist, but still. It's sad when that's how you have to look at it. I wish Evan Rachel Wood would've gotten in over Judi or Carey, but they're both british and great actresses even if they didn't have much to do in those roles, so they got nominations.
I'm very happy for Melissa McCarthy though. Looking more and more like an Oscar nominee. :D Glad I stuck by her from the start.
Oh my...sorry for this unrelated tangent. Saw someone else post about it and I got carried away.
Yeah-the McCarthy thing shocked me, and seems to be another step toward her getting nominated at AMPAS (the Globes snub is the rare exception this cycle). While I think most of the taste was questionable, with nominations for the likes of Wefn, Mulligan, Dench, Oldman, etc, it's certain that this wasn't a BFCA "predict the Oscars" sort of thing.
Fun fact I read in an interview: Katharine McPhee was named after Katharine Hepburn.
You go, Emily. (Love that woman - she was the only thing that made the first 20 minutes of War Horse watchable, even if her face was way too young and unlined to be that man's wife and that boy's mother in that time and place. Whatev.) Why isn't she getting more work? Did the movie industry forget how awesome she was on a regular basis in the '90's?
Nat you say Linney was "demoted" to the TV section. I'm thinking back to the memory of that best comedy actress lineup and those 6 awesome women on stage, and the fact that I can watch on a regular basis the likes of Falco, Poehler, Plimpton, Danes, Patinkin, Hamm, etc etc (and in May we'll be seeing Kidman on HBO) - and I really don't think it's a demotion anymore; especially given the fact that movies are dominated by franchises. I think the TV section is now the place to be, for actors.
Did anyone notice Mike White hamming it up for the camera whenever he noticed one aimed in his direction? Next to Tina Fey camera-bombing Amy Poehler's nomination screen time, he was my favourite part of the Globes.
Clearly, The Help table had the most fun. I noticed Viola's refill moment as well... and appreciated her very polite and very sincere "Thank you!"