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Oscar Excitement Rises With Magazines / Trailers

A lot of folks are dissing this trailer spoof whatsit heralding the oncoming Oscar but I think that's just a sympton of "you can't please everyone anyone" on the internet / when it comes to Oscar. I'm sorry but I ♥ the moment that they open the briefcase and the golden glow emerges. That shiny naked gold man brings me joy every damn year. It's true! Even when I hate him I love him.

Sure the ad is meaningless / not hilarious but it's kind of fun in a stupid ha-HA way. You were expecting cutting edge comedy with Billy Crystal?

That said I will readily admit that it is a bit odd to have former co-stars of Transformers as your key actors. Nothing against Josh and Megan but no A listers were available? (Remember when Robin Williams was A list? That's as dusty a notion as Billy Crystal hosting the Os--- uh, never mind.)

In much more euphoric Oscar news... I am planning to marry Entertainment Weekly's new Oscar cover. It was love at first sight. It's my favorite Oscar cover since, oh, ever. I considered actually buying it and writing it up like a live-blog magazine read but I couldn't find it anywhere in my neighborhood. Supposedly it hit newsstands yesterday.

Clooney and Viola Davis are both such class acts and if that's who were celebrating, can it be February 24th tonight, please?

She’s amazed at how the Best Actress race is shaping up this year. “Can you wrap your mind around someone throwing you into the ring with Meryl Streep?” she marvels. “I just don’t understand the competition thing. How can you compare two actors’ performances? How do you say one is better than the other?”

“I know how you do it,” Clooney says to Davis. “You have to play Margaret Thatcher and she has to play the maid.”

And yet... In regards to the frontrunner for Best Actor. The only thing that could make this cover better was if it was Brad Pitt in the tux.

While I love Clooney as a celebrity as much as anyone does, he already has an Oscar and I think if we're in the mood for one of those Movie Star Appreciation Nights come late February, we've got a more deserving idol right next door in Brad Pitt! He gave not one but two career best performances this year! And though that blurb might not mean much coming from many loudmouth journos, it means a lot coming from me since Brad Pitt is one of my all time favorite actors. Thus I am able to say "career best" without any of the not so subtle "I was never impressed before" connotations that "career best" citations arrive with. I think he's been sorely undervalued (as an actor) his entire career.

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Reader Comments (35)

Pitt has won the National Society of Film Critics Award! And Kirsten too!
I was expecting Vanessa too. They used to love her in the 80s

January 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPeggy Sue

I always found Pitt to make interesting acting and film choices, striking a balance between popular Hollywood fare and more independently-minded films. And it can be irritating that some critics do not take him as seriously as a good actor because of his physicality, much the same way female screen beauties are dismissed because of their attractiveness.

January 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCraig

Ultimately, I think it will end up being Brad and Meryl.

January 7, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterbia

I have a feeling it will be Brad and Meryl too.

January 7, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterbrandz

I have a feeling it will be Brad and Michelle.

January 7, 2012 | Unregistered Commentertupsy

I think Brad and Michelle.

Furthermore, I think it'll be Albert and Jessica.
Brooks because he's a legend and Drive is a cool movie that they'd enjoy to honour, I think it'll be like Waltz' win for Inglorious Basterds, although, that was also an epic performance.
Chastain because she's the the star of Hollywood right now and I see them wanting to reward her early on like they did Streep, so that means she'll win again in a few years and then in 2042 we'll alll be campaigning for her third!

January 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKeegan

I think Brad will win. He'll definitely win the Golden Globe, I think. I pray he'll win the Oscar!

I think the Oscar really is between Michelle, Meryl, and Viola. I pray Viola will win. She deserves it. And we need another black best actress, especially since Gabby was skipped over.

I honestly think the Golden Globes and SAG could go for different choices too. This'll be such an interesting year. We know Michelle will get the comedy/musical Globe (boo! Kristen or Charlize), and I think Viola will get the drama Globe. But Meryl could too. And then the SAG, I don't know. Michelle or Viola. But the fact that The Help has so much love behind it will do a lot more than I think people are realizing. Unless all that love goes to one of the supporting actresses.

Christopher Plummer has it in the bag.
And supporting actress, I have no idea. I feel like the SAG, Globe, and Oscar could all be different. But really, I think it's between Octavia and Jessica, and maybe even Berenice.

January 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip

Way to go, Brad and Kirsten! Does the NSFC have an awards banquet like the NYFCC does? If so, perhaps we'll get an Interview with the Vampire reunion photo opp. after all.

And I don't get these "need" declarations when it comes to Oscar. Enough already. Why do we "need" another black Best Actress? Why does Meryl "need" to win a third Oscar? If a performance is legitimately the best of the year (a subjective qualification, I realize), that ought to be the only justification for a win (not to mention to root for one). Let's be fair.

January 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMareko

Well said, Mareko, about the "need" declarations! Academy members should judge performances solely on meritocracy and NOT star power, industry respect, personal bias towards the actor's personality, etc.

Also, love the NSFC choices, though I have a feeling it will hardly do anything for Melancholia's prospects at the Oscars. :(

January 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBVR

I'm so glad you love Brad Pitt so much, whenever I mention that I think he's a great actor my friends are always like "Why?" and its incredibly frustrating.

But as far as Best Actress I have this weird feeling that Viola & Michelle will win the Globes, Meryl at the SAGs, and then Tilda will win The BAFTA and ultimately the Oscar just like in 2007. I have no reasoning for it, obviously, its just a hunch.

January 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

Since Best Actress is a mainly a youth and white affair -- Meryl and Viola's need is more than justified.

January 7, 2012 | Unregistered Commenter//3|RT

When I saw the front cover of entertainment weekly for a split second I thought "what's Michelle Obama doing with George Clooney?" They should cast Viola in an Obama movie.

January 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJonn

I wouldn't mind Clooney having a second Oscar, because he definitely earned his reputation. He is a marvelous celebrity but I also love his acting, from screwball comedy to acid dramedies to that dramatic brilliance of Michael Clayton. And boy, he knows how to pick projects, and these projects always make him shine - as an actor. And he is so effortless!

That said, I am rooting for Pitt, because I've always though he was a fine actor with some outstanding performances. I want him to win now.

January 8, 2012 | Unregistered Commentercal roth

So Viola says "I don't understand the competition thing" and "How do you compare two actors' performances?" and yet she agreed to be on the cover of the Entertainment Weekly Oscar Magazine with the title "Frontrunner for Best Actress" below her name? What the wha???

In a weird way, I sort of admire Kate Winslet's gusto during her campaign and her gall to simply say "I want an Oscar" rather than this faux-humble shtick and obliviousness that Sandra Bullock and now apparently Viola Davis is employing. Girls, we know you really, really want[ed] an Oscar so why not just be upfront about it. We're not idiots--it's great for your career, your bank account, your choice in movie material, etc...

Ugh, sorry for the rant. Bad day today! lol

January 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAaron

@Matt...that would be one of the most rewarding and incredible things for me if Tilda somehow miraculously won the Oscar--for many reasons! Not only does she give the best performance of the year (for me) but it would be such a slap in the face to the "system" that now requires actors and actresses to campaign for a nomination as if they're running for political office. In all honestly, I don't think Tilda gives a shit about the Oscars or any type of awards for that matter and she sure as hell doesn't campaign for a nomination to the extent that many do.

January 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAaron

I think it'll be Jean Dujardin for actor. Clooney's already won, and Pitt's too "pretty." The other two nominees get the "honor to be nominated" slots. And they're gonna go crazy over "The Artist." Picture, director, original screenplay, actor, score, and maybe even supporting actress. Actress will probably go to Davis since she'll be in the only BP nominee.

And that is a beautiful cover. I had no problems finding the magazine in my area. Who would have thought that those two were close friends? I know they've worked on films together, but that doesn't mean they were friends. I think I like them both a little better in light of this article.

January 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPaulie

Although Brad Pitt is not as (over)celebrated as Clooney, he has been treated fairly well as an actor (working with countless auteurs, scoring two Oscar noms, one Golden Globe, and one Volpi Cup). If he is sorely undervalued, then what adjectives would you use to describe Mia Farrow, Donald Sutherland, Charlotte Rampling, Jeff Daniels, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Gary Oldman, Kerry Fox, Ewan McGregor, Lily Taylor, Kevin Bacon, Kimberly Elise, Hugo Weaving, Robin Wright, Guy Pearce?

January 8, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterjoy

Three years ago Sean Penn already had an Oscar but that didn't stop the Academy from giving him the Best Actor Oscar over Mickey Rourke. I still say Clooney will take home the prize.

January 8, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterajnrules

As i said in a previous post I've now feeling that brad and Meryl will win... but I could change my mind anytime as GG, SAG and BAFTA winners come out... the competition this year is soooo open!

January 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTerris

Joy - I agree. Pitt has always been treated fairly well. Want to talk about "undervalued". Look no further than Gary Oldman. For decades. And it still goes on. At this point it's just a running joke, and a real, real, REAL shame.

January 8, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterzn3v6

Aaron - Sandra Bullock played for her oscar the best way she could. Even with a hit, a performance like that would not have gotten near oscar even if they love Sandy herself, if she didn't play the humbleness up. She didn't have the crazy amount of nominations history with the academy that Winslet had. Well played Sandy.

January 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterYoyo

After seeing the full EW spread of Davis and Clooney, I'm really hoping they get cast in a movie as a couple. You can tell just from the photos that they have chemistry with each other.

January 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterK

wow. i think this cover may have just won Viola the Oscar...

January 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRyanSt

Viola looks rather like Michelle Obama from that angle (with that hairstyle).

I think it'll be Brad and Viola, ulimately, but George/Meryl/Michelle could also win (I think Meryl's vehicle is going to prove even less effective than Julie & Julia, though).

I really hope Davis wins, because I also want Chastain to win, and if Chastain wins without Davis winning we'll get a bunch of articles complaining about the only acting Oscar for that film going to a white woman.

January 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSean C.

Could the academy do the unthinkable and nominate Pitt for BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR for The tree of life and therefore give Clooney the ACTOR award and Pitt the supportring?

or how about nominating Clooney for both ACTOR and SUPPORTING (for Ides of March) and give Pitt the ACTOR award and Clooney another supporting?

the real loser here is DiCaprio who should be the frontrunner given the subject matter and the cast and crew he is working with.

and the other big loser would be Streep if she is overlooked again.

Viola and Michelle will win one day - but it would be an injustice if Streep misses out again.

January 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBette Streep

"Viola and Michelle will win one day" - I must ask people who have the nerve to say this: where are the good roles for black actresses then? No black actress has had more than two Oscar nominations, so getting another nomination will be a task in itself. In fact, Viola will be only the second black actress with more than one nomination, after Whoopi.

Sure, it's easy to say that. But are you really thinking about what you're saying?

January 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip

Chastain winning over Spencer would be some grade A-level BS. Let's accept that a win for Chastain would be for the hundred films that she was in first and foremost. That shouldn't be the reason for any Oscar win. That's like Queen Latifah winning over Catherine Zeta-Jones, and the only reason Latifah was getting more votes was b/c she appeared in other films that year. Not to mention the negative press that I'm sure the Academy would get if Davis loses along side Spencer but Chastain wins. If Chastain were winning for "The Tree of Life," then there's no problems. But otherwise, I think that's a no go.

January 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGerry

Chastain winning over Spencer would be some grade A-level BS.

No it wouldn't. It's perfectly easy to argue that she was better in that film than Spencer was (as I think she was). And "body of work" enters into the equation; always has, always will.

January 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSean C.

Yes it would. Chastain wasn't even the best supporting actress of "The Help" by any stretch.

January 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGerry

I like your video and also video clarity coz both are awesome.

Gerry: Okay. An acting prize for The Tree of Life over The Help? This choice would BAFFLE most people in the future and I think even some film freaks would be at least a little sceptical because, although Malick is ALWAYS light on the acting butter, here he's almost giving us dry toast as far as acting's concerned. (And this is from someone who thinks Bruce Campbell's physicality in Evil Dead 2 puts him in second place for his year in acting. (No one beats Richard E. Grant's Withnail.)) And as for Chastain: She had the challenge of making the most...tonally complicated...character feel like she still fit in this ensemble.

January 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterVolvagia

One other thing....that Billy Crystal ad for Oscar.....just reminded me how freaking bad Megan Fox really is. Whoa.

January 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPepe

@Philip. I really have problems with statements like this, because it takes the factor of race over more applicable factors like talent and merit. Viola has gobs of talent but I think she has much, much more to offer than The Help, as good as a performance it is. I think it's not only injustice to her as an actor, but also a person, to suggest that she win simply because she is a black actress and she would be the second to win in this category. My gut is saying that this is Meryl's year, and once the film is released wide this Friday and the public can finally see her performance, I think the talk will be all about her.

I do think that Octavia Spencer is the frontrunner (right now) for best supporting actress, so that may be The Help's biggest win. I have a feeling the Academy will make Jessica Chastain wait for a little bit (and they might not have to wait too long, considering she has five movies coming out next year). However, if The Artist is as beloved as many think it is, then I wouldn't count out Berenice Bejo. The film could end up being the general consensus favorite at the Oscars and may just sweep the awards.

January 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAaron

It's time for a Malick film to garner an acting win, and if it can't be Brad Pitt (this is what he should be winning an Oscar for, not "Moneyball"), then it should be Jessica Chastain. I don't care if the public doesn't "get it." And if you couldn't tell, I thought that she was one of the worst parts of "The Help." So at least I can put all of that aside and recognize when she's actually worthy of some accolades, like with "TOL."

January 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGerry

Aaron - That's not what I meant. I do keep saying it's time for another black best actress, but that's more out of my frustration. I truly think Viola deserves it, I'm not saying vote for her because she's black. I just don't like someone saying "she'll win one day" and not thinking about the fact that she's black and that just doesn't happen. Unfortunately that's something that can't be ignored.

January 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip
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