Have Link Will Travel

New York Times on Paul Thomas Anderson's secretive new movie The Master. It's about... something.
MNPP Charlize Theron and Alexander Skarsgård are dating? The Mayans were right about 2012
Your Movie Buddy interviews The Hunter's storied leading man Willem Dafoe
Draw Adrian Draw isn't happy about Anne Hathaway as Catwoman but is sketching her anyway
Michael Musto "who's your favorite Taylor?" fun question except there's only one appropriate answer. La Liz! Not that I don't appreciate Taylor Mac...
The Incredible Suit unexpectedly loves The Avengers ... even the Hulk part.
Awards Daily Sasha Stone loves HBO's Girls and Lena Dunham in particular
Stale Popcorn meet the Cannes class of 2012. Serious Thespians (lol)
Flavorwire always finds interesting things. Did you know that crazy auteur Werner Herzog didn't realize that crazy auteur John Waters was gay for 30+ years. lol
Gold Derby who will Laura Dern (Enlightened) knock out of the Emmy Best Comedy Actress race this season?
Today's Most Oscary Discussable:
Stranger Than Most looks at the oddest Best Picture snubs of all time. i.e. films that were nominated in the always Best Picture related fields (Dir+ Editing + Screenplay + Acting) and still missed out. Incidentally I love every single one of the "top five" that weren't actually top five (They Shoot Horses Don't They, Hud, Thelma & Louise, Bullets Over Broadway, and My Man Godfrey) Like crazy 'would run away with them for lost sex-weekend' kind of love. That's how much!
Hud (1963), for example, is a movie I continuously feel guilty about not forcing upon people at every opportunity -- we should totes do it for "Hit Me" but I keep forgetting to put it in the schedule. It's just a freaking masterpiece. And it's weirdly underdiscussed given how many of Paul Newman's films endured.
Reader Comments (10)
Seriously, if Laura Dern doesn't win an Emmy for "Enlightened", I'll go as crazy as her character. Beautiful work!
Was just thinking about Hud the other day and just what a great movie it is. Beautifully shot and just amazingly acted. I just loved how "natural" it all feels, especially Patricia Neal's performance. Looking at that entire list of films, and the level of acclaim that they've maintained, one does wonder how they missed out on the Best Picture nom in their respective years. Until today, I'd just assumed that My Man Godfrey was a nominee based on a list of 10 and 30s embrace of comedy.
Patricia Neal in Hud is one of the all-time great performances.
We should do Hud for "Hit Me With Your Best Shot". I've never seen it!
Omg, thank you for letting me know Kylie Minogue is doing a movie that is apparently Cannes material. I know it's supposed to be mockery but somehow it has got me even more excited voor Cannes!
Finally, Charlize Theron dates someone to her level.
Useless comment of the day but yes to Squasher88. We should do Hud for HMWYBS. God, as much as I wouldn't survive the casual racism, I wish I lived in the 60's,when mature and intelligent women like Patricia Neal ruled the screen and a straight man can do a pose like that on a poster.
And everyone crapped on Paul Newman back then but his leading ladies always had great performances and he must have helped with that.
I don't know if this is "on topic" or not, but I just discovered that Sebastian Silva completed something called "Crystal Fairy" starring Michael Cera. IMDB currently says it's set for release in 2013, but Cera getting two films by the same director released in the same year would confuse me, especially since IMDB says it was completed three weeks ago and the thriller formerly titled Magic, Magic (currently untitled) is still in pre-production. My guess is we'll see it at Venice. The offered description of shoestring budget and meandering pace actually leave me interested. I've mentioned Looper, but this idea of American tourist meets Chilean hippie is interesting at least. Keep an eye on it.
Nina! I'm very excited for the Kylie movie. It'll be interesting to say the least. My piece wasn't actually a mockery of the actors, but a mockery of the people who just assume these actors (Efron, McConaughey, Pattinson, etc) aren't real actors or don't have talent. I look forward to lots of "WOW! [so-and-so] can really act!" as if acting throughout the Twilight movies with a straight face isn't evidence enough.
We should do "Hud" because I think I'll love it more on second viewing.
Actually we should do more of Paul Newman's films because from my research there are 6 from his films that won Best Cinematography and there are other 4 that got nominated for that category. He sure knew how to pick films.