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Type @ Me: Leo Drowns, Josh Barks, Nicole Poses

My time has been atypically divided lately and I've missed the social interactions that are part of blogging full time, whether that's rapidfire tweeting or IMing or whatever. So in the absence of your comments (seriously Les Miz dropping without comments? first time for everything!) I thought I'd share some brief movies notes from friends/readers via text, facebook, twitter and such that made me giggle this past week about topics you just might have been texting your own friends about.

1. Titanic is a really long movie and friends get impatient when you're watching it and are supposed to meet them. 

He forgot to type "Spoiler Alert". 

2. Readers know from Kidmania. Respect the actressexuality!

Jei Dee is psychic. Love this I do. Honestly I haven't been this excited for a Nicole Kidman performance (Cannes entry Paperboy) since the musical Nine. Not that that one turned out spectacularly well but I'm talking about preemptive enthusiasms. shut up. I loved Nine on stage. What can I say?

3. One of my friends likes to torture me with incessant Chloe Moretz related messages. Stop it!

I can't keep blogging about the Carrie remake but yes, Julianne's involvement would make it SO CONFLICTING somewhat confusing for me. If only because my Julianne Completism would force me to actually see the sure to be stillborn movie. If you missed the post about why I'm already in hate with the movie, that's here.

4. The reader poll "who is cuter: Josh Hutherson or his special-needs puppy?" prompted this response which gave me good lolz 

Hee. Weirdly Josh Hutcherson is winning said poll. I guess you're all cat people (yay!)

5. "Chloe" himself Drew Droege responded to my "nineties" nostalgia article dedicated to him.

Unexpected shout-outs are heartwarming. This was almost as exciting as that time on Oscar night live-blogging when Sandra Bernhardt tweeted me about my strong [ahem] feelings about her snub in the 80s for The King of Comedy

Name Dropping for the Finale!

That's all.

We need a dumb catchy word like "sexting" that's about movie texts, don't we? Nothing works. "Flixting"? pues no. Let's come up with one, shall we?


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Reader Comments (10)

omg that picture of Kidman is to die for. That icy stare alone....

This is such a departure for her. Can't wait to hear more.

April 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTaylor

Nicole, Nicole, Nicole...that's all I see.

April 21, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterthefilmjunkie

Nicole channeling Ann-Margret. Gotta love it.

April 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Outlaw

OMG Nathaniel...what did Sandra say to you? Can you re-post the conversation?

Let's remember this is not Nicole's first foray into trashy...she did it so well in Birthday Girl. BTW, whatever happened to her BG co-star Ben Chaplin? He's totally underrated.

April 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSoSueMe

Birthday Girl was a far better film but she played white trash in The Human Stain as well. I'm so excited for Paperboy.

FYI Nicole attended a panel at the Nashville Film Fest today. Says she wants to film Family Fang in Nashville - she got Stoker to film there last year.

April 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCity_Of_Lights

Yay, Nicole......and count me in as of those who loves "Birthday Girl"

April 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLia

I've just read that Macy Gray is in The Paperboy and now I'm looking forward to it even more!

April 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSVG

Looks like Nicole is giving her best Michelle Pfeiffer bitch. How can this go wrong?

And as I've said before, lil' Josh is one cute pocket pistachio.

April 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMareko

Nicole Kidman channeling Saraghina, I love it. I just saw The Others recently and the costumes made her look slight but that all changes when she's with Christopher Eccleston. Gurl has it.

April 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPaolo

I enjoyed Birthday Girl too, it's slight but amusing. This pic, though - YOW. If it's possible for a lesbian to get an actressexual hard-on, this pic did it for me. I need to see this performance NOW.

April 22, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJanice
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