The Oscar Winners

Previously: Arrivals
Next: Tomorrow begins the extensive post-mortem mania!
And The Oscars Go To...
SUPPORTING ACTOR Christoph Waltz, Django Unchained
"Respect" to the fellow nominees... "Unlimited Gratitude" to Tarantino
Three Best Pics introduced
ANIMATED SHORT John Kahrs, Paperman
ANIMATED FEATURE Brenda Chapman & Mark Andrews, Brave
CINEMATOGRAPHY Claudio Miranda, Life of Pi
COSTUME DESIGN Jacqueline Durran, Anna Karenina
MAKEUP Les Miserables
James Bond Tribute -Dame Shirley Bassey killed it.
LIVE ACTION SHORT Shawn Christensen, Curfew
DOCUMENTARY SHORT Sean Fine, Andrea Nix Fine for Inocente
Three more best pics introduced
If I know Haneke & Chastain, she was more excited by this win & kiss than he was! #oscars…
— Nathaniel Rogers (@nathanielr) February 25, 2013
DOCUMENTARY FEATURE Searching for Sugar Man
FOREIGN FILM Michael Haneke for Austria with Amour
Musicals Tribute with performances from Catherine Zeta-Jones, Jennifer Hudson, and the cast of Les Misérables
SOUND MIXING Les Miserables
SOUND EDITING (TIE !!!) Zero Dark Thirty and Skyfall
It came true."
-Anne Hathaway's opening words
BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS Anne Hathaway, Les Misérables
Adele Performs "Skyfall"
Last three Best Pictures introduced
PRODUCTION DESIGN Rick Carter, Lincoln
Governor's Award Clips
In Memoriam & Babs "The Way We Were"
ORIGINAL SCORE Mychael Danna, Life of Pi
ORIGINAL SONG Adele & Paul Epworth (hello!) for "Skyfall" from Skyfall
With this prize, Skyfall's second of the evening the Bond franchise doubles its Oscar win tally. It had only won two Oscar previously, one for Sound Effects for Goldfinger (1964) and one for visual effects for Thunderball (1965).
ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY Quentin Tarantino, Django Unchained
DIRECTOR [drumroll...] Ang Lee, Life of Pi
I'm not into that movie at all but I love him. I'ma just pretend it's a prize for Crouching Lust Hidden Caution. For what it's worth Ang Lee is both the first and the second (and therefore the only) non-caucasian director to win this prize. He is not however the only director to win twice despite having never directed a Best Picture winner. That trick was also performed by Frank Borzage in the late 20s/early 30s (his two wins: Bad Girl lost to Grand Hotel, and Seventh Heaven lost to Wings), George Stevens in the 50s (his two wins: Giant lost to Around the World in Eighty Days and A Place in the Sun lost to An American in Paris). [Note: John Ford actually won Best Director without winning Best Picture THREE times. But for How Green Was My Valley he won Best Director and the film also won Best Picture]
ACTRESS Jennifer Lawrence for Silver Linings Playbook
ACTOR (Meryl Streep should just give this Best Actor Oscar to herself to get #4 overwith) And the Oscar goes to ... Daniel Day-Lewis for Lincoln
Finally... Jack Nicholson came out to present Best Picture which led to a weird and shocking moment when The First Lady appeared via satellite to congratulate the nominees and talk about art teaching us to overcome our problems. Fun tweets followed:
If the First Lady presents Best Picture, does that count as crossing the boundary between Church and State?
— Nick's Flick Picks (@NicksFlickPicks) February 25, 2013
Pigeons. They make such a mess. RT: @guylodge Due respect, Mrs Obama, but what obstacles did AMOUR teach us we can overcome?
— Nathaniel Rogers (@nathanielr) February 25, 2013
Grant Henslov spoke first cracking up about the three sexiest producers as he stood between George Clooney & Ben Affleck. Ben spoke second, teared up with a speech that was kind of endearing kind of annoying and all over the place (more on the speeches tomorrow). George Clooney never spoke.
And hey, to everyone reading. You survived another Oscar Year.
You da man!
Good night!
Wrap-Up Party Blogging tomorrow after some sleep.
P.S. Don't forget to like The Film Experience on Facebook. Please and thx
Reader Comments (57)
I can't believe Christoph won. I mean, I guess I can because he won the GG and the BAFTA, but like ... it just feels so..undeserved. And weird. His first American film was Inglorious Basterds and he won for that, and here he is three years later, with only mediocre films in between, winning for nearly the same role.
Geez super suprised he won. Every year there's at least one big shocker of the night. Is this it? I still praying.
Am I the only one who thought the Jaws music thing was super rude?
Sad man - It was totally rude but also kind of clever and hilarious. I'm ambivalent.
Yeah, the idea of it is funny, I admit. But it seemed more fit for an SNL skit or something. The guy also seemed to be talking about something serious, thought I heard him say "financial trouble"
As awful as it was, it was worth it (from an entertainment point of view) for Nicole Kidman's reaction. So pouty, so sad for the guy, so wonderful. She should be invited to every awards show. She's gold at these things!
The winners so far have been much better than the show (minus Shirley Bassey). Seth is GODAWFUL, the banter is beyond lame, they played the visual effect guy off in the rudest way possible...this may be the most raggedy Oscar show I've ever seen!
did anyone understand that 'joke' about beautiful women after the makeup award?
I hope it's not what I was thinking.
to clarify: what I was thinking he meant.
After J-Hud...everyone in Hollywood is deaf. :p
a tie for sound editing!
Wow, Seth McFarland is even worse than what I had anticipated.
Here are some photos from old Oscar ceremonies to help you through the telecast.
how on earth can they present 8 categories in 15 minutes? lol
Oh I get it now. Three will be the magic number of wins for the night. Argo (Picture, Adapted Screenplay & Editing), Lincoln (Director, Actor & Art Direction), Life of Pi (Cinematography, Visual Effects and Score) and Les Miserables (Supporting Actress, Sound Mixing and Makeup).
So can Amour do three with Foreign Film, Original Screenplay and Actress? :)
Ang Lee!!!! Soooo very deserved!!!
oh god the internet will die.
So, 19 years after winning Best Supporting Actress, Anna Paquin (now 30) is no longer the youngest living Oscar winner.
surprise please for best actor.
oh god what is this?
The last time Jack Nicholson announced best pic he got it wrong. Crash was a mistake, right?
Confused about this whole Michelle Obama thing.....
So, is Ang Lee the only person to win two Best Director Oscars but lose Best Picture both times?
and both times presented by Jack Nicholson
@ denny: Nope, George Stevens shares that one.
An excellent night for predicting Oscars, huh?
I got all the big ones, Ang Lee, Tarantino, Lawrence... I even got Brave right.
Mad that I didn't consider Lincoln for Production Design...
All in all, 21/24 without alternates, 23/24 with alternates. Not too shabby, huh?
@ MrW: Anna Paquin hasnt been the youngest Oscar winner at least since 2008 - Marketa Irglova, who won for best original song for Once is almost 6 years younger than Paquin.
Of course, Lawrence is younger than both - the first Oscar winner born in the 90's. Now I feel old.
Frank Borzage also won two Best Director statues without Picture wins, and Frank Capra and John Ford won multiple Director awards without Picture wins, though they did win Best Picture once each.
Interesting that of the seven people to win supporting actor at least twice, five have done it w/in five years. It's not an award where they make you wait. If it had been Jones or Deniro, it would have been twenty or forty years, setting a record.
That Michelle Obama clip was...what exactly?? It was so awkward and out of place; does she not realize that she has nothing to do with the film industry?? I thought the run up to the election would be the last of these shoved-down-your-throat Obama clips but I guess I was wrong; a terrible ending to an otherwise passable broadcast.
@ Me: That comes from keeping track only of the acting and directing categories, I guess...
I don't understand, why is this year's Oscar soooooooooo looooooong????
I was rooting for Riva, but Lawrence is ok by me....I guess....
RIVA lost snif!.. but at least Lawrence had the grace to say "Bonne Fête"!
Anyone looking for a blow-by-blow of the evening with pics, video(s) and gifs, hit up my recap/live-blog.
Also, I don't think I've ever done a worse job at predictions than I did tonight. And I've never been happier to be so wrong. (Seriously, ANG LEE! QUENTIN!)
Well, as much as I thought I'd be disappointed by JLaw winning ... I wasn't. I was disappointed, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
I analyzed it ... it's not as bad as Meryl beating Viola last year. I legitimately wanted to crawl in a hole and stay there - not even because I dislike Meryl or anything, I love her, I just couldn't help but feel that disappointed that Viola lost.
Yes, I wanted Emmanuelle to win, but not as badly as Viola. Also, I somehow genuinely didn't see Meryl winning, so I was blindsided by it. I totally saw Jennifer winning this year, so it wasn't shocking. And I mean, I like her. She's funny and I do think she's talented. I don't think this was a good role though, at all. But whatever.
I was pretty bored with this telecast honestly. Probably because there wasn't an acting winner I was excited about.
Denny -- i shared all that trivia in the post. FRESH UPDATES.
everyone -- the post is as updated as its going to get. refresh ur screens for more. TIME FOR SLEEP. Tomorrow and maybe Tuesday depending on how it goes lots of wrap-up party fun... as long as I can hold out.
"I thought the run up to the election would be the last of these shoved-down-your-throat Obama clips"
Imagine our First Lady making appearances unrelated to the purpose of winning an election!!!! WELL I NEVER.
good gifs:
(atention for emmanuelle riva in the little window for david o. russell during the best director award... lol)
I thought the First Lady's appearance was odd but it didn't bother me as much as Argo winning.
I was happy for Ang Lee's win and we didn't have to hear Ben Affleck tell us how proud he was of himself twice.
Thank god they didn't say that Ben was the actual best director tonight though I'm sure the bearded ones wanted to.
Of course Zero Dark Thirty's one Oscar was in a tie that was with a Bond film that was presented by a Teddy Bear. That really is the neat bow on its crazy Oscar season. Frankly, I am just glad it won something so its haters on the political blogosphere cannot sneer and high-five each other like they accomplished something (except you know, not policy).
MacFarlane was terrible. Nice voice, but ill-fitting for the Oscars with exception to that really well-executed Sound of Music bit. I can see how it played better for a certain sect, there were people in my party laughing, but I just found the 'women are hot' angle and 'oh that Maya in Zero Dark Thirty, how she nags!' to really be a turn-off. Then again, I expected worse like in those super-impose montages of the nominees with the host, I thought for sure MacFarlane would be playing a detainee tortured by Jason Clarke or in the compound raid scenes for the Zero Dark Thirty clip.
I was really turned off by the first lady and I am actually to the left that I am practically a Sandinista (which is why people are very surprised that I support ZD30) who is still blinded by the charms of Michelle Obama. It felt like there were only 2 options for Picture. Lincoln or Argo. You knew both were favorites of the President and First Lady because Spielberg, Kennedy, Katzenberg, Clooney, Affleck, and Heslov are major DNC donors and especially to that President. But as Lincoln no indicators it was pretty clear who won. That said, the White House aligning itself with Argo is what makes its critics so uncomfortable with the notion of CIA as save the world, do-gooders, especially when the whole story portrayed in the film is completely backwards. I've got no problem with Michele Obama, she's fine, but with all of the crap Zero Dark Thirty got it seems a little off that Argo just was able to avoid such similar accusations when the film's liberties were always questioned and nobody had a problem with it.
Hated how they group the Picture nominees. And we didn't even get a montage all together as opposed to clips of specific scenes and then major montage of all of them at the end. That was a poor choice, especially when you knew aside from Lincoln, Zero Dark Thirty, and Argo the other groupings would be pretty insane to try to find a defining thread among them.
I just realized that for the first time since 1956, all six of the top Oscars (acting Oscars + Best Director + Best Picture) went to different movies. It also happened in 1952. I never thought I'd see it in my lifetime. I wonder if it's prophetic for Argo that the winners of Best Picture those years were The Greatest Show on Earth and Around the World in 80 Days. (The other awards: Best Director went to The Quiet Man and Giant; Best Actor went to High Noon and The King and I; Best Actress went to Come Back, Little Sheba and Anastasia; Best Supporting Actor went to Viva Zapata! and Lust for Life; Best Supporting Actress went to The Bad and the Beautiful and Written on the Wind)
Anyways, super excited about Ang Lee's win, although Brave beating out the likes of Wreck-It Ralph, Frankenweenie, and Paranorman was the disappointment of the night.
Just realized something. Not since 2005 when Crash won the Best Picture, has the Best Director not been awarded to the helmer of the eventual Best Picture winner. And even back then, it was Ang Lee who won for Brokeback Mountain.
I was not a fan of a lot of these winners, I have to say. That Lawrence over Riva moment (tho unsurprising) really did sting me, especially since Riva seemed to have a late legit shot. Lincoln winning Production Design was a huge WTF when you consider the competition. Zero Dark Thirty losing editing made me question if they even know what good pacing is. Disney winning both of the animated categories left a sour taste in my mouth since Paperman leaked online months ago and was by far the most high profile of the nominees and therefore got tons of automatic votes and Brave was the default lazy choice when Paranorman was RIGHT THERE. I rolled my eyes when Curfew won since that director is already in their club and he's now proven to be a horrible writer twice over. The Screenplay categories were a bust with two pieces of work that have no business being called the best of the year. And again, look at what they could've chosen instead! The Argo wins made me queasy when I really thought about what they were actually rewarding with the whole film. I don't even wanna talk about Christoph Waltz. Co-lead and giving the same type of performance - charm gets you everywhere. Hathaway didn't do much for me and I didn't have a horse in that race anyway but she's awfully good at testing my nerves when she speaks.
Onto the mostly good. DDL gave an undeniably fantastic speech to pair with his deserving win, on top of looking great. Adele winning was telegraphed months ago but awesome to have it official, despite my non-love for that song. Life of Pi won exactly what it should have since it was such a technical achievement and I was fine with all that, Ang included. I think had the film been bolder and more impactful, we'd be looking at our Best Picture winner here. Glad to see Jacqueline Durran pick up an award for her continually excellent work with Joe Wright. The Inocente people seemed really touched by their win and if you've seen the film, you'd know that something like this happening in the context of that girl's world is insane. Any time spend on praising Michael Haneke is good time indeed so I'm glad the FLF committee didn't let their ass hang out by not giving it to Amour. Skyfall's two wins feel like a triumph and cherries on top for the Bond series so that's all good for them. And that's sort of it for me since I was not a happy camper as things kept progressing. By the end, I was antsy and completely over it since Seth wasn't helping in such a great way. A Tina and Amy-hosted fun boozy party with great zingers this was not. Ah, well.
I realized that Argo winning was the first time I've agreed with the Best Picture winner (out of the nominees, that is) since 1998. Considering that for most of the time, there were only five nominees, that's pretty amazing to me.
Overall, I thought the hosting was terrible, the performances wonderful (and so diva-centric!), and the clips shown during the BP spotlights/acting awards excellent.
One thing I can never decide though: is it okay for the Oscars to spoil a movie in the clips they show? My gut says that they showed far too revealing clips of Silver Linings, Django, and Amour in the BP spotlights, but I kinda figure: in a show that highlights the year's best, isn't it sorta expected that you've already seen the movies?
1.- I want Channing and Charlize to dance every year.
2.- It was amazing to watch Babs and Dame Shirley Bassey singing. Thank you.
3.- Amour deserved more and Django none.
4.- I hated the host: The Boobs Song, the Salma joke, the gays loving musicals... Tacky.
5.- Meryl totally killed the suspense altought there was none. She looked very tired
6.- Jane Fonda looked amazing.
7.- No more face-lifts, please!
8.- Anne's second dress was far better than the Prada one.
Thank the gay heavens for Babs, Shirley, Adele, JHud and the Les Mis cast for bringing the drama,
I thought Seth McFarlane was ok but really that opening monologue belonged at the Emmys not the Oscars.
Was happy for Anne, but the minute she said 'it came true' I cringed, not because of her but because I know people will latch on to that to hate her more.
The Jaws music was slightly amusing to play off the winners, but let them at least finish their sentence.
Daniel Day Lewis gave the best speech of the night. It's the Meryl Streep effect, even those near her give good speech. They can't help it.
Adele gave the second best speech.
I miss the humor of Tina, Amy, Will and Kristen from the Globes, can the Oscars please get them to at least present next year. (Amy and Tina need to host)
How adorable was Q Wallis ?
I don't think Chastain would/should be happy for kissing Haneke since, you know, kills animals for his movies and Jessica kind of..has a heart. :/
It say's something that for me, and most people I've spoke to, the highlight was undoubtedly Adele.
The Lawrence over Riva has given me that feeling, that emptiness, that Crash over Brokeback Mountain gave me, what's the point?
I loved Dame Shirley Bassey: how she wobbled during the first thirty seconds or so of that iconic song and everyone prepared for a respectful but uncomfortable listening of the seventy-six singer fall short of her former glory and then BOOM! Killed it dead as much as ever it was killed dead!
Best Oscar clip: Helen Hunt
Worst reaction shot: Kerry Washington's 'Oh yes, the CIA is amazing'
Best reaction shot: