
In Contention the Stephen Hawking biopic Theory of Everything starring Eddie Redmayne is getting an Oscar prime November release. Best Actor is going to be tight this year, people
Telegraph interviewed Winona Ryder last month. Not sure how I missed this one but it's a good interview with smart comments on her career and age.
Shadowplay "things I read off the screen in In The Heat of the Night" interesting piece on 1967's Best Picture
Playbill has a history of Cabaret's journey from the pages of "Goodbye to Berlin" to the stage and screen
Cinema Blend I hadn't heard about this but there's a Twilight related lawsuit going on about profit sharing. Apparently Robert Pattinson made $25 million from Breaking Dawn. Wow.
Pajiba on Rob Lowe's "awesome" Reddit AMA
The Playlist Denis Villeneuve's career is heating up post Prisoners/Enemy and he's prepping a sci-fi thriller called The Story of Your Life which might star Amy Adams. It sounds vaguely Contact-esque to me.
Towleroad X-Men Hugh Jackman, Michael Fassbender, and James McAvoy do great impressions of Sir Ian McKellen and more. Adorable.
AV Club on "the return of the consumptive heroine" via The Wind Rises and Winter's Tale
Today's Watch
It's a new Batman short in the style of his animated adventures in the 90s to celebrate his 75th anniversary (which is actually in but people are excited so they're starting early)
Creative Tributes
Cinema Blend Jackie Chan, who turned 60 this year, has been immortalized with a portrait in chopsticks
i09 2001: A Space Odyssey gets an homage via fruits and vegetables in this commercial
Chaz Ebert her late husband Roger Ebert is getting a statue during EbertFest
An Actor's Director
Guardian Sean Penn is returning to the director's chair for a South African romantic drama starring his new squeeze Charlize Theron (originally from South Africa so that's kind of cool) and Javier Bardem. My main concern with Penn as a director is that he's just so heavy/grim. I hope he finds a way for a range of tones here. This will also be Adele Exarchopoulos follow up to Blue is the Warmest Colour as she's playing a journalist
And finally...
AV Club let's us now the remake of Time Cop (1994) is back on. I don't care about this but I will take any excuse to post Jean Claude Van Damme's infamous kitchen counter split. It's one of my most vivid memories of 1990s moviegoing. What?
Reader Comments (5)
Nat - do you have any information on why "Enemy" has been given such a small, slow distribution even though "Prisoners" just had a big release and did pretty well for a grim, R-rated drama? It played for like 2 weeks in Chicago in one theater which is now only giving it midnight showings and hasn't really registered much anywhere else nationally. What happened?
DJDeeDay -- i assume it's a lack of faith on the part of distributors... i'm not sure. i have no info
I love Penn as a director. He is one of the few actors turned director that seems to know how to master mood. Loved the pledge and into the wild. Ps I saw Cabaret on broadway and williams was incredible as bowles. I loved her british accent. It almost seemed to present her insecurity and naivety very well. She is one of the best actresses of our generation and Alan Cumming was even better. He had the flu when i saw it and he was still amazing. The role of the emcee seemed to be tailor made for both him and Joel Grey.
Enemy was great until the ending - then it was stupid. I don't recommend it unless you are a Jake fanatic (per usual - he's pretty solid).
thanks for the ryder interview Nat. very cool.