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The New Oscar Actress Hierarchy - 33 Most Beloved Women

This is your daily reminder that Julianne Moore is now an Oscar winner!

 I thought it might be fun to revise the Oscar Acting Hierarchy which I did once very long ago, I believe in connection with the rapid rise of Kate Winslet through the ranks. 

What follows is a List of 33 34 All Time Favorite Actresses of Oscar... restricted to women with 5 or more nominations. Only the acting statistics are accounted for so Emma Thompson, for example, is not ranked. If you included her screenplay win or had she been nominated for Saving Mr Banks last year than she would have been on the list. If you counted non-acting nominations, you'd also see Shirley Maclaine jump a rank as she was nominated for documentary once. Now that virtually every major star is a producer these types of extra nominations stats are going to get progressively murkier in Oscar lists of the future so we're opting not to include them. 

How the ranks were determined. Number of nominations determines general placement. Once that's established wins are most important. In the event that someone has the same exact stats in nominations and wins, the tiebreaker factor in rank is that lead counts more than supporting. If the tie stubbornly remains the tie is broken by endurance (thus Vanessa Redgrave beats Kate Winslet though they have the exact same stats because her nominations are spread across 26 years instead of 13). Further mitigating factors: Three statues is so uncommon that it gives the actress a phantom extra nomination in terms of ranking (thus Ingrid Bergman trumps Geraldine Page). Honorary statues (Oscar or Jean Hersholt) give the actress a phantom extra boost with the same affect as an additional nomination and win (thus Liz Taylor jumps Jessica Lange)... unless she never won a competitive Oscar in which case it only counts as a phantom win or nomination (thus Kerr cannot pole vault up to do battle with Lange or Blanchett) which of those to be determined by the gatekeeper (yours truly). In the event that someone has multiple wins they may vault over the next immediate rivals if said rivals have never won a competitive Oscar and/or half or more of their nominations are in supporting (thus de Havilland trumps Glenn Close & Thelma Ritter despite having less nominations but can't displace Kate Winslet. This also accounts for two women with only 4 nominations entering the 5 nomination only "Most Beloved" ranks.) 

And Thirty More Royals 

after the jump


01 Meryl Streep 19 nominations | 3 wins
02 Katharine Hepburn 12 nominations | 4 wins
03 Bette Davis 10 nominations | 2 wins


04 Ingrid Bergman 7 nominations | 3 wins
05 Geraldine Page 8 nominations | 1 win
06 Jane Fonda 7 nominations | 2 wins 
07 Greer Garson 7 nominations | 1 win
08 Judi Dench 7 nominations | 1 win
09 Elizabeth Taylor 5 nominations | 2 wins | honorary statue
10 Jessica Lange 6 nominations | 2 wins
11 Cate Blanchett 6 nominations | 2 wins
12 Maggie Smith 6 nominations | 2 wins



13 Audrey Hepburn 5 nominations | 1 win | honorary statue
14 Sissy Spacek 6 nominations | 1 win
15 Deborah Kerr 6 nominations | 0 wins | honorary statue
16 Ellen Burstyn 6 nominations | 1 win  
17 Vanessa Redgrave 6 nominations | 1 win 
18 Kate Winslet 6 nominations | 1 win
19 Olivia de Havilland 5 nominations | 2 wins
20 Glenn Close 6 nominations | 0 wins
21 Thelma Ritter 6 nominations | 0 wins 
22 Shirley Maclaine 5 nominations | 1 win
23 Anne Bancroft 5 nominations | 1 win 
24 Susan Sarandon 5 nominations | 1 win
25 Susan Hayward 5 nominations | 1 win 
26 Norma Shearer 5 nominations | 1 win
27 Jennifer Jones 5 nominations | 1 win 

and the two new members of the club (Julianne & Amy) mix it up with four classic tough ladies to close out the list of Oscar's Most Beloved...

28 Julianne Moore 5 nominations | 1 win  
29 Barbara Stanwyck 4 nominations | 0 wins  | 1 honorary
30 Jodie Foster 4 nominations | 2 wins
31 Glenda Jackson 4 nominations | 2 wins
32 Shelley Winters 4 nominations | 2 wins
33 Irene Dunne 5 nominations | 0 wins
34 Amy Adams 5 nominations | 0 wins 

Movement within this royal court?
Cate and Julianne could continue to scale the exclusive ranks if Carol and Freeheld, two lesbian dramas for 2015, are as promising as they sound. Winslet and Adams could conceivably rise as well if not by much.

Any immediate threats to this list?
Possibly Helen Mirren who is still in demand and just one nomination away from joining. Four-time nominees like Thompson, Bening, Hunter, Keaton, Roberts, or McDormand could surprise if they get one last killer role but chances are always slim for that... especially the oldest among them since those roles go to either Streep or Mirren.


As for the younger stars, most are still waiting on their first or second nominations. But then there's Jennifer Lawrence, and she's coming in like a hurricane to disrupt the palace grounds. Consider: she already has three nominations and a win, and actresses tend to get their most iconic roles between their mid to late 20s and early 30s and she's only 24 !!! 

Other possible disrupters: Michelle Williams (3 noms, 34 yrs old); Anne Hathaway (2 noms, 1 win, 32 yrs old); Jessica Chastain (2 noms, 37 yrs old); and Saoirse Ronan (1 nom, 20 yrs old) who could win her second nomination very soon; and Mia Wasikowska who seems like the type if Oscar ever notices her.

Only 3? That's Insanity
Kidman, who should be on her 7th nomination by now, only has 3 so good luck with that. Pfeiffer, who should be on her 6th, also only has 3 and doesn't care at all so that's obviously not happening either. Finally , Sigourney Weaver who has never quit working, is stuck at 3. What's more, after Julianne's win she's now the only actor to be double-nominated in a single year not to have won an Oscar.

... Julianne Moore won an Oscar! So there's no point in crying about anything Oscar related ever. And by ever we mean 'until next awards season.'

Please do share your obsessive feelings about this list.

Like... how satisfied are you with it? Who do you wish was higher or lower? And which actress would you like to see more write-ups on? 

Comment. You know you wanna.

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Reader Comments (105)

shawshank, that Fences idea is brilliance. And we can get Ava DuVernay to direct. Come on Harvey, call Meryl and make it happen!

Another point worth mentioning: Surely it will be a talking point that if Viola does get another nomination, she will be the most nominated black actress in the Academy's history. (Right now she's tied with Whoopi at 2.)

February 28, 2015 | Unregistered Commentereurocheese

I love that you found a way to include Stanwyck the Great on this list.

Also I love that Julianne Moore has an Oscar and a career resurgence to boot.

February 28, 2015 | Unregistered Commentergoran

I think this is the year Winslet decides to make her big movie/Oscar come back like Blanchett in 13..

February 28, 2015 | Unregistered Commentermark

"What's more, after Julianne's win she's now the only actor to be double-nominated in a single year not to have won an Oscar."

Didn't Emma Thompson had a double nominations in 1993 with The Remains of the Day and In the Name of the Father and lose both too?

February 28, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterPJ

Oops sorry I misread your statement, you meant Sigourney Weaver didn't have an Oscar after had two nominations in the same year. I need my morning coffee now.

February 28, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterPJ

Mike M. -- I miss her too. Very much.

Meryl will get her 20th nomination next year. I can see Dench, Smith or Mirren getting another one. Blanchett and Winslet are obviously not done. They can't get at least a couple more.

I would also like to see Cotillard, Binoche and Cruz getting more nominations, preferably in their native languages, and since I don't believe in accumulation, I would love to see fantastic character actresses such as Allison Janney, Lois Smith, Mary Kay Place, Linda Emond, Debra Monk or Celia Weston receiving their very first.

February 28, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterPeggy Sue

As Judi Dench was about 63 when she received her first nomination and now sits with seven nominations and one win, I'm going out on a limb to predict that Tilda Swinton might soon join this "club". Tilda seems to be on critics' lists regularly, so hopefully she will gain more Oscar love in the near future.

February 28, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterRJL

Yavor -- Yeah, my first instinct was to watch the Oscar-winning performance, but what if it was like "Iron Lady" or "The Reader" where it wasn't actually her best performance and it just felt like the right time to reward the actress?

Henry -- "The Valley of the Dolls" sounds exciting. I'm intrigued by your mention of a wig scene.

February 28, 2015 | Unregistered Commentercash

Thanks for the daily reminder , Nathaniel :-)

If only Pfeiffer would start acting again, I believe it'd be possible. But Julianne kept at it for all this time and even if she was forgotten by the Academy she was out there. Pfeiffer stays home and paints. Oh well.

February 28, 2015 | Unregistered Commenteradelutza

@cash-I Want to Live! is good but Susan's best performance is in I'll Cry Tomorrow which she should have won for.

Beside those two and Valley of the Dolls, where she's good but the movie isn't really, Smash-Up: The Story of a Woman, My Foolish Heart,The Lusty Men, With a Song in My Heart, Ada and my personal favorite The President's Lady are all worth watching.

February 28, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterjoel6

Happy to see to Streep at the top, and appropriately so. Would so love to see Sigourney finally win an Oscar. Ans Judi Dench so deserves a Lead Actress win.

February 28, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterbrandz

cash: joel6 is correct in saying that Valley of the Dolls isn't a good movie, but it is terrific guilty pleasure and Hayward is everything you could hope for. It was the 50 Shades of its day. Sex, drugs, beautiful women, sniveling men and fashion to die for. Patty Duke left the cousins behind and nobody cared that Sharon Tate couldn't act. Enjoy it with some drinks and snacks.

February 28, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterHenry

Roz Russell - His Girl friday should've been five

February 28, 2015 | Unregistered Commentermame

I am rooting for more for Marisa tomei, to avenge for all the crap talk she got for her Vinny win.

March 1, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMark

Mark ---

Marisa's nomination prevented Alfre Woodard for earning a sophomore nomination in supporting for Passion Fish. Because Marisa won: Judy Davis is Oscarless, Miranda Richardson is Oscarless, and Vanessa Redgrave only has one Oscar. I really am not interested Joan Plowright, hence her Oscarless status is not cause for hard feelings.

March 1, 2015 | Unregistered Commenter3rtful

Valley is just a little to campy for my taste. The first Hayward movie I ever saw was Song....I thought she was Jane Froman for years. I agree with joel6. Watching Rachel Jackson smoke a pipe makes President's Lady my favorite

March 1, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterLeslie19

Is that a portrait of Jennifer Lawrence, or Jennifer Coolidge?

March 1, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterBrevity

Well done, Nathaniel!
I think this year we might have a previous winner get at least one of the two female actor statues. Winslet might go supporting for Steve Jobs and win (though Ellen Page seems like the best bet right now, I think) and Blanchett (gasp) or Lawrence (gasp again) for Best Actress.

I would like to see Dench get more good/great roles and more nominations because she's amazing and I love her. Yep, that simple.

March 1, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterJames T

Amy Adams (who I mildly appreciate) being on that list when Nicole (NICOLE!!!) isn't, is the strongest testament ever of the Academy dreadful tastes/choices. Bad bad bad

March 1, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterlonglifemargo

longlifemargo -- and to think if the situation had been reversed with PAPERBOY and THE MASTER in 2012 than they'd both be at 4 nominations and the world would be slightly more correct.

March 1, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterNATHANIEL R

I can see several of the four-time nominees getting at least one more nomination any given year, especially in the supporting category. I think Kidman may well have a second act with Oscar in the future, grabing a pair of supporting nominations (and even a leading one) if she becomes that kind of respected veteran actress that suddenly everyone wants to vindicate. Same for Roberts, but more in the sense of "she was one of the greatest female stars and a living legend". Anyway, independently of Oscar possibilities, what I hope is that all these actresses will get good roles...

March 1, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterbonobo

Roberts is definitely winning a 2nd.

March 1, 2015 | Unregistered Commentermark

I think Winslet should top Redgrave, since her win came in leading. If two actresses have the same number of nominations in leading and supporting, the one who has won in leading shpuld prevail, I think

March 1, 2015 | Unregistered Commentercal roth

cal -- that's probably a good point. i was just thinking of overall statistics and didn't even consider the wins as different but it's a good tiebreaker.

March 1, 2015 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

Adams' Master nomination is the least offensive in the category. Jacki Weaver earned a sophomore nomination for just showing up.

March 1, 2015 | Unregistered Commenter3rtful

I read Mary Mapes's book on which Truth is based. If they really follow the book, there's no way Blanchett is not the lead, with Elisabeth Moss having a good chance in Supporting. (Redford may very well be Supporting, too.) The whole story follows Blanchett's character. Given Carol, they may hold it to 2016.

March 1, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSuzanne

Vivien Leigh's two Oscars are for stone-cold, inarguable classics. Has any actress ever won for two more unimpeachably great performances than she? It seems like most multiple (lead) Oscar winners have at least one dubious win.

Sigourney Weaver should have won for Working Girl, which is one of the most delectable and delicious supporting actress turns ever. (Plus has anyone had three more distinctive, genre-spanning nominations than she?!)

Keira Knightley should have four nomination already, in my opinion: Pride and Prejudice (lead), A Dangerous Method (supporting), Anna Karenina (lead), and The Immitation Game (supporting).

Nicole Kidman should have been nominated for at least To Die For (lead), Birth (lead), and The Paperboy (supporting), with a slam-dunk win for Birth (and I mean no contest).

Regarding Fences, Meryl Streep is an old-school actress-for-hire so unfortunately NEVER produces ANYTHING. If anyone could bring Fences to the screen (and help Viola win an Oscar to match her Tony), it would be Denzel Washington, who seems more content to produce and star in shoot-'em-ups like The Equalizer (and, God forbid, its sequel) than put his triple-threat producing, directing and acting power behind something as seminal and lovely as Fences. *sigh*

Viva les actrices!

March 1, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMareko

Four-time nominees like Thompson, Bening, Hunter, Keaton, Roberts, or McDormand could surprise if they get one last killer role but chances are always slim for that.

Hunter and Keaton are the least likely. McDormand's recent miniseries vehicle for HBO shows if given the chance she could earn her second Best Actress nomination. And she is popular enough she could win again in either category. Thompson really needs something significant to breakthrough since Saving Mr. Banks was not enough for them. Julia Roberts will always be a thing even when it looks like she's not.

You know where I stand on Kathy Bates, but her rival Anjelica Huston could still earn a fourth in supporting or a fourth in lead if Nicholson chooses her for his final Oscar vehicle---though he might reserve that for Oscarless living legends Glenn Close or Michelle Pfeiffer.

March 1, 2015 | Unregistered Commenter3rtful

@Mareko: I co-sign every point you made. Vivien Leigh's work stands the test of time, which is why quality not quantity counts more. As for Weaver, Kidman, and Knightley, Oscar has been particularly stingy & unfair with this trio. They aren't done yet, so we can hope for more.

As for Denzel Washington producing - I think Oprah is a more likely candidate to make that project happen. I wish Oprah would follow the template of Tim Bevan of Working Title films in the UK.

March 1, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterLadyEdith

If only Geena Davis would cone back to the big screen with a killer role. If only ... not holding my breath. T&L!

And The actress I'd most like to see move up in rankings is easily Tomei.

March 1, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterTravis

@LadyEdith - Perhaps, although Denzel *did* star in Fences with Viola on Broadway -- they both won well-deserved Tony Awards -- so it only seems natural that, with his industry clout and producing/directing experience, he would make this project happen. Oprah, however, would be a terrific producing partner and, hey, they already made The Great Debaters togerther (although I'd prefer not to have to recall that film, thank you very much).

March 1, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMareko

Everytime I think of Knightley's snub in Atonement and A Dangerous Method as well as Kidman in Birth and The Paperboy AND portrait of a lady, it hurts inside.

March 1, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterDian


She is just as beloved as Amy.

March 1, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterTomo

@ Cash: beside I Wanna Live!!, check out I'll Cry Tomorrow, A Lilian Roth Biopic. Hayward really POUR & SING her heart out in that one! lol...She won Best Actress at Cannes but lost to Magnani in The Rose Tattoo...I wld hav prefer she won in 1955 & let Roz Rusell won for Auntie Mame in 1958

March 1, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterClaran

Thank God Botox Kidman did not get nominated for Paperboy. Jackie Weaver deserved that supporting nomination!

March 1, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterDerrick

Love this post though I do prefer a ranking system where points are assigned depending on the wins/ nominations. For example, 4 points for BA wins, 3 points for BSA wins, 2 points for BA nominations (excluding wins), 1 point for BSA nominations (excluding wins). Ties are broken based on the number of BA wins, then BSA wins, etc. In any case, the holy trinity will remain unchanged based on this system. :)

March 2, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterBecausewhynot

Based on the points system I described above, the Top 7 would be Streep, Hepburn, Davis, Bergman, Fonda, Garson and Lange.

March 2, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterBecausewhynot

Fantastic list though I do take small issue with the apparent comparison of Kidman and Pfeiffer. Or at least that's how I read the "good luck with that" and "obviously not happening either" comments. Kidman should indeed have more nominations than she does (and if she weren't snubbed for To Die For or Paperboy she'd be in the 5 nomination club by now) but, unlike Pfeiffer, Kidman still actually has a keen interest in acting and is working constantly. That counts for something, I think. Kidman's last nom was also only a few years ago while Pfeiffer's last nom was over 20.

The Academy may not be in love with her, but then most of the projects she does aren't to their tastes.

I don't think it's odd to think she can get, say, 2 more nods before it's all over and done with. Pfeiffer on the other hand has a very steep hill to clim, unfortunately.

March 2, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterZeek

This was an interesting and fascinating read - I love statistics.

Will be interesting to see which of those just bubbling under will get more nominations, but sometimes you just seem to fall out of favour with Oscar and never return, whereas others become default nominees.

March 2, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterRichie

It's your ranking of course, but I'm pretty sure the Academy considers the 29/30 two-picture noms two nominations (not the 27/8 ones). That will make NS a six-time nominee and Greta with four nominations, an honorary and just for being should top al those British interlopers. (Really love Maggie, Judi not so much.)

Also, in case anybody gets too close (those C/Kates!), consider Bette's write-in; after all she got third place – above nominee Grace Moore.

March 2, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterCapita

Capita -- i thought about that but decided since the system was only that way for the first year (with multiple films cited) that they should only count as one

March 2, 2015 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

Excellent work compiling these rankings - I applaud your dedication!

I definitely think Blanchett and Winslet have more to come - possibly even in 2016 with Carol and The Dressmaker? Speaking of which, I can't talk Oscar without a shoutout to my beloved Judy Davis, who should have at least a matching pair of bookends by now if there was any justice in the world. Sadly, even I must admit that it's a bit late in the day for her to ever make this list, but surely another nomination and potentially a win aren't totally out of reach?

March 2, 2015 | Unregistered Commenter7bis

I agree, Garbo and Shearer had a double nomination in 1929-30, they should both count. Yes, it was only that one year, but still, being nominated twice, as opposed to the other actresses the same year, should make a difference!

March 2, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterBenji

Nathaniel, you've really outdone yourself! Thank you for all this Oscar love for actressing.

A closer look at the filmography of Greer Garson will reveal a real treasure trove of riches. In the first half of the 1940s, she was MGM's biggest female box office star. She had a string of hits that have stood the test of time. The fact that she is almost forgotten by today's moviegoers is criminal.

I would absolutely love for Marsha Mason to get a fifth nomination for a juicy supporting role; then she could get on this list.

I am still stunned that Nicole only has three nominations. Truly ridiculous considering her amazing talent.

I too miss the incomparable Anne Bancroft.

Today is the birthday of my favorite actress--Jennifer Jones. Truly sublime. I would put her above Shirley.

March 2, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterbrookesboy

Under the multiple win exception for only 4 noms but two wins, I could picture Dianne Wiest picking up a supporting nomination somewhere along the way and joining Foster/Winters//Jackson.

March 2, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterEddie

Dianne Wiest must be cast in a movie where her character's name starts with the letter H. Hence her three nominations for Holly, Helen, and, Helen Sinclair.

March 2, 2015 | Unregistered Commenter3rtful

i find it depressing that Close only manages a 20th placing; i am somewhat bouyed that a single nomination could propel her to 8th or 9th and a win to 7th (longevity beating Garson and Dench). Great list, universal injustices aside.

March 2, 2015 | Unregistered Commentermatt

brookesboy-I agree it is such a shame that Greer Garson isn't well remembered today outside of Mrs. Miniver. I've seen just about all of her films, save Adventure and The Miniver Story, and while there were times she could lay the grand lady stuff on a bit too thick she was generally a warm and charming presence on film. Just saw Sunrise at Campobello last week and she made a fine Eleanor Roosevelt. Also Julia Misbehaves with an impossibly young and gorgeous Elizabeth Taylor as her daughter is a comic treat.

March 2, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterjoel6

So much fun! You have to do it for Best Actor too! Someone said Jack Nicholson has an upcoming project? Huh? That's news to me.

Streep may be beloved with her ridiculous nomination haul, but she's never ever getting to 4 lead actress wins. Katharine Hepburn can rest easy knowing no one will surpass her record...and deservedly so. She was not only an unparalleled screen icon and legendary personality, but also the epitome of the 20th century woman--independent, fiercely determined, and respected for putting her career first. She transcended the movies, unlike Meryl.

Vivien Leigh was only nominated twice, but clearly has two of the best ever wins for an actress. That should count for something.

Julie Christie should return. Because she didn't campaign (seriously, there are no interviews from 2007-8 Away from Her), she lost out on an easy win---not that Marion Cotillard isn't a great talent. Would love to see her do more films.

I think Maggie Smith could contend this year, especially if she's up against all previous winners. Of all the actresses working today, she's probably the closest we have to a Katharine Hepburn type, no nonsense, doesn't attend the awards, a living legend. The last time she won though was in 78... I think many people would vote for her as a career achievement depending on the competition (JLaw, Cate Blanchett, Meryl, Sandra, etc.), and the performance (from the trailer) looks like she's really going for it and not just going through motions.

If that doesn't happen, someone get Glenn Close in a movie fast, any movie!...This could be another open year. Cate finally getting a lead win, then Julianne...I'd love to see someone else, Close most likely, or Sigourney, Pfeiffer (her turning down everything is a serious problem), Viola, Angela Bassett(!!). Great ideas on Fences...Denzel + Oprah + Viola + Ava DuVernay, get that shit made! Meryl owes Viola one. I don't forget her ridiculous Iron Lady campaign tactics...the Cinderella "I lost my shoe" at the BAFTAs gimmick still makes me barf.

March 2, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Maggie Smith should win another Oscar for being the only actress in Hollywood today who has never gotten plastic surgery or botox, nor given a shit about them.

March 2, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous
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