YNMS x 4: Amsterdam, The Woman King, The Last Movie Stars, and Luck

A lot of this actually happened.
Let's talk trailers. Here are the five latest we've seen (though we skipped a few "final trailers" because we don't need to see that much of new movies before we actually see them!) Talking to you, Nope! We've seen more then enough and we WANT to be surprised, that's especially helpful with jump genres like thriller or horror where surprises are a huge part of the pleasure.) After the jump we'll break down five new trailers into quick Yes No Maybe So responses as is our habit. Provide your own in the comments...
Yes - Since everyone in Hollywood is in this and it's hoping for major Oscar play (check out that prime real estate release date of November 4th), we're duty bound to see it. Plus it looks quite fun if self consciously FUN. "A lot of this actually happened" is a smart tag. It's also nice that the trailer really doesn't give anything away, selling us only on it being a kind of murder mystery comedy involving three friends and a dead body. Finally the craft team is a total murderer's row including the legendary Oscar winners Albert Wolsky on costumes and Emmanuel Lubezki on cinematography.
No - The online discourse will be a total nightmare, that's both because of David O. Russell's on-set / offscreen behavior and the EXTRA way everyone reacts to his movies as if they're total masterpieces or complete junk (neither or which have ever been true)
Maybe So - Russell movies usually have entertaining manic energy, and a fascinating mix of acting styles that somehow cohere. But a little of that can go a long way and the story and performances will have to be strong enough to channel that in non-exhausting ways. It's a balancing act. Russell has had a long hot streak with Oscar voters -- his last four movies have received Oscar nominations for acting and three of them Best Picture nominations too -- but all hot streaks end at some point and Joy, though it was a long time ago now, suggested a chink in the Oscar armor.
Some things are worth fighting for
Yes - We're always game for more Viola Davis. Plus the film has a who's who of exciting rising black actresses as supporting cast including Lashana Lynch, Jayme Lawson, Thuso Mbedu, recent Olivier winner Sheila Atim, and recent Tony winner Adrienne Warren. It could be exciting and dramatic. Plus, we like that it doesn't reveal too much of the story like why is this army all female despite having a male king? And how does the film title play into it given John Boyega as the king?
No - Looks super bloodthirsty, which is harder and harder to stomach (at least for us) in movies with the world clearly heading towards violent bloodshed and chaos now that the extreme right has taken such much power in multiple countries. On the other hand that could just be the editing choices of the trailer, which at least twice, cuts right before something really gory as if enticing us to buy a ticket in order to see the blood gushing.
Maybe So - Gina Prince-Bythewood is a very talented director (see Love & Basketball and Beyond the Lights) but her last film, The Old Guard, while popular, didn't prove any particular gift for shooting action sequences (they were kind of generic) and this looks action heavy. Was she just warming up? Talented filmmakers have made big leaps in skill-sets before while trying new genres.
Yes - There's no way we're missing a documentary on one of the best movie star couples of all time, Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. Plus Ethan Hawke, the director, is on a popularity roll.
No /Maybe So- not applicable!
Yes - Voicework by Tony nominee Eva Noblezada (Miss Saigon) and Simon Pegg. So that might be fun. The animation on the cat looks delightful as does the early slapstick about the lead's bad luck.
No - But once we get to the magical world of Luck (or whatever it it is) we worry. Feels over-designed with less than totally appealing characters. At least in this short glimpse.
Maybe So - High concept stuff like this is hard to pull off. Pixar can do it (see Inside Out and to a lesser extent Soul) but can Skydance? They're a brand new animation house and their first two releases hit this year: Luck and the musical Spellbound.
What do you make of these trailers?
Reader Comments (12)
My response to all 4 trailers is... YES!!!!
Amsterdam looks like fun despite the fact that David O. Russell is a fucking asshole. The Woman King looks badass. The Last Movie Stars does look intriguing as I do like Paul Newman. Luck looks like pleasant fun.
I have liked O'Russell's films but this trailers story bored me,not that interested in the Viola one either bring on the Salem's Lot trailer.
YES - The Last Movie Stars. Paul Newman is my favorite classic male movie star and Ethan Hawke is my favorite contemporary male movie star, so of course I've been geeking out about this entire project.
YES, with reservations - Amsterdam. I do like Russell's movies, but this trailer didn't sell me as much as they usually do, and I do dread the online discourse.
NO to the others - After watching The First Lady, I think Viola needs a break. I'd like to see some other talented Black actresses get these high-profile roles. Luck just isn't for me.
Yes to all.
I liked Russell's last five movies, so will just stay away from internet rants. It looks like De Niro is doing more than just phoning it in, which makes me happy.
Always chose Redford over Newman, but recently I've seen HUD, SWEET BIRD OF YOUTH, and THE VERDICT, so have a new appreciation. This doc film has an interesting concept, though sort of weird.
Yes to Amsterdam. Looks good and Christian Bale doesn't take part in junk.
Yes to The Woman King. Nice to see that someone cares about black African history. The genre of black films needs to move on to something substantive like this.
Big Yes to The Last Movie Stars. Always had a big crush on Paul and love Joanne too.
No to Luck. Why does every animated film have to be so frenetic???
Yes to Amsterdam. Looks good and Christian Bale doesn't take part in junk.
Yes to The Woman King. Nice to see that someone cares about black African history. The genre of black films needs to move on to something substantive like this.
Big Yes to The Last Movie Stars. Always had a big crush on Paul and love Joanne too.
No to Luck. Why does every animated film have to be so frenetic???
Maybe so to everything but the doc "The Last Movie Stars", which obviously is a yes for any cinephile... the rest, neither convince me (yet) to go to the theatre in my limited time, and can wait for some streaming service...
While I don't think people should boycott Amsterdam, I do believe it's time O'Russell faces some sort of accountability. There's documented proof of this guy being an abusive asshole to a lot of people with less power than him and he keeps getting money to do whatever project he wants.
And I'm sorry if I'm being part of that online discourse, but times change and this behavior needs to be addressed now. I hope the press junkets are at least a bit uncomfortable.
@Pam-Even Nailed/Accidental Love?
I would like to curb stomp David O. Russell one of these days despite the fact that I do like his films.
Last Movie Stars-Big yes
All the others-Big meh...
The Last Movie Stars: Yes. Wheeee!
Amsterdam: Yes to the cast (so many that I like so much) but with some reservations.
The Woman King: Yes. Great cast, good story, a favourite director in Gina Prince-Bythewood.
I liked The Old Guard (watched it 3 times) that director Gina Prince-Bythewood did, and found its action sequences clear, understandable, and satisfying. Many of the action sequences in big action movies are parts where I drift off, so I don’t think that achieving that same thing is a goal to work towards.
I liked Chloe Zhao’s tweaking of action sequences in The Eternals, adding some imagination and imagery. But I can see how it’s tough to swerve the expected standard into slightly different paths.
I expect the action in The Woman King will serve the story well, which is what keeps me engaged.
Definite Yes to Amsterdam, with all of those stars.
I don't have kids, so "Luck" is a one day maybe.
I've also been catching up on Paul Newman's earlier career, so that's an "of course".
If "The Woman King" gets really good reviews, than probably.
And where IS that "Salem's Lot" trailer? Movie is less than 2 months away!