The Eternal Hotness of Paul Newman

Before our next Centennial celebration begins (Robert Altman) here's one last ode to the late great Paul Newman, born in 1925
by Baby Clyde
Happy belated centenary to my Golden Age Hollywood husband Paul Newman. My esteemed colleagues here at The Film Experience have been busy over the last few weeks lauding the man for his impressive career, full of era defining performances and classic films with legendary directors. I’m going to lower the tone somewhat for this finale and talk about the thing that matters most. He is really, really HOT!
It’s the impossibly high cheek bones that swoop down into a prominent nose off set by the surprisingly full lips and cheeky, boyish grin that can turn wolfish all within the same smile. And then there are of course the heart melting, ice blue eyes. It’s as if Technicolor was invented specifically for them. How we all would have missed out had his heyday been in the B/W era...