By Glenn Charlie Dunks
We are looking at some of the movies playing Canada's beloved HotDocs festival. This week we're taking a trip through the films of Christine Choy who is the recipient of the 2023 HotDocs Outstanding Achievement Award and is screening a series of her films.
Despite all of the increased attention that has been paid to documentaries over the last decade (and believe it has been a marked improvement!), it can still be frustratingly hard to see recognition for works made before that shift took place. Particularly so when you consider pre-digital and even pre-video era, where widespread praise tends to fall around a certain canon of titles.
As ever, who gets that build the canon does so by means of access and identification. For example, it’s hardly surprising that the films of HotDocs’ Outstanding Achievement Award winner for 2023, Christine Chow, aren’t as widely known or critically recognised when they have remained so hard to find. Even her Academy Award nominee, Who Killed Vincent Chin? from 1988, has been difficult to see for decades—and it’s not the only such title by Choy or otherwise. It’s hard to imagine these works, marked with the telltale signs of a medium that still didn’t quite have the budgets or the avenues to do so, making headway into the popular zeitgeist. Unless, as was often the case with docs that became big hits, names attached were the likes of Madonna, Michael Moore or Martin Scorsese or from pioneers of the form like Wiseman or Maysles.
But now that they are making their way back through the festival scene and on digital platforms like Vimeo and Criterion Channel (no Netflix yet!), it’s about time to address them.
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