Oscar History
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Doc Corner Goes to Slamdance

by Glenn Dunks

Okay, so if we had really gone to Slamdance I feel like you would have noticed with some extra coverage given that it runs at the same time and in the same city as Sundance. So despite not travelling to the snowy surrounds of Park City, I was still nonetheless lucky enough to get a peek at Slamdance’s documentary slate. And here we are telling you about FIVE of the titles in this super-sized edition of Doc Corner. Those five include outback savages, musical amateurs and geniuses and more that should be coming to festivals and VOD over the next year...

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8 Things To Do While We W8 for Ocean's 8

Chris here, with more of Ocean's Eight (or Ocho? Which is it?). 

After poring vociferously over every single set photo we come across, the studio has finally given us an official first look. With the horribleness going on in the world, this shot of the assembled gang makes us yearn for its sweet relief nownownow. But the wait will be longer than your early morning train ride - can you believe we still have to wait until June 2018 to actually see this thing? Here are eight things to do while we wait for Ocean's Eight...

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Farhadi Isn't Coming to the Oscars. Go See "The Salesman" in Solidarity

As we've previously noted briefly, the leading actress of The Salesman was not coming to the Oscars in protest of  T****'s unconstitutional and immoral ban on Muslims entering the US. Now the great Iranian director Asghar Farhadi (A Separation) will not be attending the Oscars either. The ban has created chaos around the world and the awards show plans of filmmakers is, of course, low on the totem pole of injustices. But still, this sucks. When I spoke with Farhadi about The Salesman in December, he spoke fondly of the Oscar experience and how international it felt, sharing the experience with the other nominees.

Farhadi released a beautifully articulate damning statement which reads in part:

Hardliners, despite their nationalities, political arguments and wars, regard and understand the world in very much the same way. In order to understand the world, they have no choice but to regard it via an “us and them” mentality, which they use to create a fearful image of “them” and inflict fear in the people of their own countries.

This is not just limited to the United States; in my country hardliners are the same. For years on both sides of the ocean, groups of hardliners have tried to present to their people unrealistic and fearful images of various nations and cultures in order to turn their differences into disagreements, their disagreements into enmities and their enmities into fears. Instilling fear in the people is an important tool used to justify extremist and fanatic behavior by narrow-minded individuals.

Speaking truth to power. Every word of that is exactly right. 


Red Carpet: Best Looks at the SAG Awards

Jose here. In terms of fashion the SAG awards tend to be the least exciting awards show this side of the plain dull Critics’ Choice Awards. More often than not the stars are exhausted from the myriad luncheons, panels and critics’ awards they’ve attended (some are also still hungover from the Golden Globes), and they know they still have to save their best look for Oscar (is that why TV stars usually outshine movie stars at the SAGs?) This year, however, seemed to be the exception as many stars showed up in stunning designs. Coming up with *just* 10 was quite the task. Apologies to Emma Stone, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monae, Kirsten Dunst, Sarah Paulson, and Michelle Williams (although I’m still torn about her recent love of chokers) who almost made the list, but there was just way too much to love this year.

The ten best looks after the jump... 

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Review: "Paris 05:59: Théo & Hugo"

This review was originally published in Nathaniel's column at Towleroad

You've seen the moment many times. Two future lovers see each other in a crowd, and something clicks. In West Side Story that moment prompts a blur on the edges of the frame, with only the lovers in focus. In La La Land, it takes the form of a camera push-in with all the lights, but for a spotlight, going out. The moment is so familiar in fantasies (and desired in reality) that there's even an old showtune about it.

Some enchanted evening, you will meet a stranger
You will meet a stranger across a crowded room.
And somehow you know, you know even then...

The last place you might expect to see it deployed is in a new French film which begins with 18 minutes of explicit activity in a sex club...

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