Watch at Home: Eighth Grade, Bad Times at the El Royale

What's newly available for home viewing? Herewith a very quick survey of new releases and/or great deals. Links go to reviews.
• Bad Reputation a doc for Joan Jett fans
• Bad Times at the El Royale seven strangers, each with "a secret to bury" meet at a hotel. So like Clue + 1 only noirish?
Also new: AXL, Love Gilda, Night School, and White Boy Rick
iTunes 99¢ Deals of Note This Week
• Eighth Grade -Bo Burnham's inspired you-are-there comedy about everyone's favourite existential horror: middle school
• 12 Angry Men - the legendary courtroom drama was nominated for 3 Oscars including Best Picture of 1957 (pssst. it's also available right now on Prime)
• The Apartment -1960's big Oscar winner starring Jack Lemmon & Shirley Maclaine and an over-extended bachelor pad.
• Fargo -This freezing cold comic noir is still the best Coen brothers movie, right? Best Actress winner 1996 Frances McDormand.
• Platoon - Oliver Stone's bracing 1986 Vietnam war drama and Best Picture winner
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