Friday Night Links

Emmys for Chandler and Britton, please
Don't mind me. I'm just weeping over here in the corner that my beloved Friday Night Lights is no more. The end of that 'Texas Forever' era ended the same day as a certain record breaking pop culture phenomenon but if you ask me Tammy & Coach & Riggins & Dillon were where the true magic was at. While I dab at my leaky eyeballs, enjoy these articles...
i09 remembers the time (aka screen tests) when Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Gint were embryos
IndieWire new release dates for upcoming critical contenders: Weekend (9/23), The Skin I Live In (10/14) and Melancholia (11/11) and more...
MTV Movies Chris Evans on working with Joss Whedon on The Avengers
Film Flam Flummox honos Aishwarya Rai's superior Bollywood dance skills. Now that she's pregnant she won't be doing these moves for quite a while.
Serious Film "Line Reading Hall of Fame" you betcha
The Awl 5 secondary characters who dominate Harry Potter fan fiction (and why).
My New Plaid Pants on the Spider-Bum and other photos from The Amazing Spider-Man.
I find it so odd that I have to defend the hotness of Andrew Garfield so much to people. Are people just blind? Is that it? Is this that Julianne Moore movie?
Change the Thought spotlights celebrity photographer Matt Hoyle and here's a talk he gave on portraiture, idealization and concepts of beauty. It's pretty interesting.
Off Cinema
Art of the Title Sequence investigates the nominees for "Outstanding Main Title Design". I'm rooting for Game of Thrones but I'm perplexed as to how Boardwalk Empire is eligible. Doesn't this Emmy race cover its second season?
Critical Condition Mark & Joe discuss the Emmy nominees. They funny.
The Wrap I'm finding all this news about Glee Season 3 departures to be very odd. High School series often have problems with people graduating so EASY FIX: Stagger your cast a little bit to include freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. It's not like a story about Glee clubs needs everyone to be in the same year. Why do TV shows keep making this mistake? The solution is so simple. In other words do it like Friday Night Lights. ;)
Cinema Blend on the Friday Night Lights finale
Finally, check out the Rufus Wainwright Timeline a really cool interactive feature created by fans that details his whole life and career. I had totally forgotten about that "Across the Universe" video he made with Dakota Fanning. Ha. This is way better than a Wikipedia entry. (hat tip to Arjan Writes)