Red Carpet Lineup: Four On Blondes

Nathaniel: hey you!
Jose: sir
Nathaniel: Time for a total quickie Red Carpet Convo.
We just have four blondes today starting with LUCY PUNCH at the premiere of Bad Teacher. There's something about this look (is it the seven bracelets?) that makes me think she's taken her gawdy character in You Will Meet A Tall dark Stranger to heart. (I have yet to see Bad Teacher...)
Lucy Punch, Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, and Evan Rachel Wood
Jose: Is it me or does Lucy look like a more wholesome version of Gaga?
Nathaniel: Wholesome is not what i think of when i think of Punch so maybe it's ME who has taken her comic characters to heart?
Jose: something about her bone structure...but yes, the bracelets and heels, yikes, very Pretty Woman
Nathaniel: Pretty Woman before it was Disneyfied... $3000 !
Jose: lol
Nathaniel: I don't understand what CAMERON DIAZ is wearing. Like, not just the cut but the material itself. What is it? Apparently there was a black & white & blonde & leggy theme at the Bad Teacher premiere.
Jose: it looks like her mesh t-shirt got attacked by pins from here, but let's not kid ourselves, everyone's just staring at her legs anyway
Nathaniel: I was actually staring at the bracelet wondering if it could deflect bullets but I am very gay.
Jose: Maybe she's trying to steal the Wonder Woman thunder from our Christina!
Nathaniel: (I think we should all except that there won't be a big screen Wonder Woman.)
Jose: I do wish Cameron would do something different with her hair sometime though. we get it, you're sporty and surfy and whatnot but find a freaking iron sister
Nathaniel: ♪ ♫ She's as free as her hair She's as free as her hair. She is her hair. She is her hair. ♪ Doesn't it seem like a trillion years ago that Cameron Diaz and KATE WINSLET were actually co-stars in a romantic comedy. Ohmygod maybe-it-never-happened-at-all?
Jose: I'd been trying to forget The Holiday for years, thank you for rekindling that trauma
Oooh is Kate wearing the classy lady version of Cam's dress?
Nathaniel: I don't know but I have to say that it's both fierce AND fugly. That midriff detailing is so... is she expecting the postman to deliver bulk mail?
Jose: LOL Actually I loved it for very odd reasons it's a Victoria Beckham dress. and I remembered when i was 12 how I loved Kate and how the British press was always making her try to be as skinny as Posh Spice, so I see her in this dress as kick-ass cosmic retribution
Nathaniel: the 12 year old in you rejoices.
Also this dress on Kate… David Cronenberg would salivate. It's very eXistenZ "portal" and... well, I can't look at it for too long. Disturbing.
Jose: thanks to you now I'm expecting Jude Law to emerge from it (Holiday reunion?)
Nathaniel: LOL. Speaking of emerging from Kate Winslet (ba dum dum chhhh)... Next we have her evil incarnate spawn from "Mildred Pierce" at the "True Blood" premiere.
Jose: ...channeling Hayden Panettiere by way of "Express Yourself"
Nathaniel: When you put it that way I suddenly love the look not.
And I was just about to say that I liked it.
Jose: EVAN RACHEL WOOD always wears odd things to premieres, last True Blood premiere she did a librarian sort of thing that everyone hated.
Nathaniel: I was going to compare this to one of Dazzler's looks from the X-Men comics but I realize that would be like the 4th time I've gone there this summer. There is something very wrong with me. I apologize.
Jose: uh-oh, she would make an awesome Dazzler though
Nathaniel: Anyway I kind of love it because it makes me think that I don't fully understand Evan Rachel Wood yet and that's always a good feeling when it comes to young actresses. Surprise us or risk replacement! There are a gigajillion young blondes eager for your spot.
Jose: Totally. When it comes to the freaky, what-will-she-do-now department, Marilyn Manson did good by her. And her smile made me forget how much I hate her as Veda Pierce too
Nathaniel: her or the character?
Jose: o Veda, I hate all incarnations of that tramp but Evan's was especially easy to loathe.
Nathaniel: but that's the point!
Jose: I know but I was worried I'd hate Evan too afterwards. Hopefully True Blood will make me forget all about her
Nathaniel: Veda. You know you're trouble when undead soulless bloodsuckers have more soul.