Thirteen years ago (gulp) we launched a series called 20:07 which was immediately popular and imitated around the web (back when everyone had blogs, natch). In the series we froze a movie at just that spot, a punny play on time stamps vs the year we were living through. Occassionally we revisited the series with a different timestamp in other years due to our ongoing fetish for freezeframing movies at random. But we haven't done it in forevs. So since half the internet believes that, like, 'no movies came out in 2020' let's revisit 2020 releases that happen to already be streaming and freeze them at 20:20* just because. If you enjoy or if it piques your interest, we'll keep going for a whole 2020 release library ;). The movies were chosen at random. How many of these 11 pictures have you seen? (We're going to have to start bingeing 2020 releases ourselves in order to catch up in time for the Film Bitch Awards. This will be the first year where those awards don't exactly line up with the Oscars, eligibility wise, since we want to stick to calendar year since that's what we've always done.
* timestamp is not exact. DVD counters were exact but streaming tends to be difficult to read exact time stamps due to backwards counting on some sites, the lack of frame by frame ability, time stamps disappearing with pausing, pre-movie ads, and the like depending on the service, so these are "approximations".

Always wondered what Grandma kept in those locked closets. Turns out it was full of medicinal herbs and elixirs and old books about ancient healing.
THE WITCHES (Robert Zemeckis, US)
Warner Bros. Original release date: Oct 22nd. Streaming on HBO Max
I was such a fan of the 1990 version and Anjelica Huston's amazing performance as the Grand High Witch that I haven't yet had the heart to watch this remake despite sturdy Octavia Spencer not to mention Anne Hathaway camping it up. Have any of you watched this yet?

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