Chris Gives Thanks!!

Team Experience members were invited to give thanks this week so you'll be hearing from a few of us. Here's Chris Feil...
Thank you love, thank you life, thank you faithful Film Experience readers!
2018 has been a busy year for yours truly! Between being TFE's resident soundtrack obsessive, starting a podcast, and having another go at TIFF, it's nice to indulge in a little bit of reflection on what this year has meant to me cinematically. As always, I'm grateful to our benevolent host Nathaniel for allowing me to share my voice with you all and my fellow genius cowriters here at TFE. In a terrifying world, our little corner of the internet is a salve. But as for the movies, I am most thankful for...
• "[staccato piano keys] ... I'm alone in my HOUSE!"
• Nicholas Britell's majestic If Beale Street Could Talk score. The rare beast that feels inextricable from its images, forever tied together in my brain.
• Janelle Monáe's Dirty Computer in general, but specifically "Pynk" in particular. Listen, if folks are allowed to put Twin Peaks on their best films of the century lists, I can put a music video in mine...