Drag Race RuCap: “House of Fashion”

Janelle Monáe is this week's extra special judge.
CLÁUDIO ALVES: Five episodes and four weeks in, Drag Race season 15 finally delivers an episode that isn't criminally ill-paced. Sure, the beginning is rushed as fuck, and there are still no judge deliberations to be seen, but it’s miles better than the previous episodes. Some would call this a filler episode, I wager, as no storyline moves forward in any significant way. Nevertheless, “House of Fashion” left me satisfied in a way I hadn’t felt yet this season.
NICK TAYLOR: The truncation of the reading challenge was a clear sore point, but it’s maybe my only complaint in what’s otherwise a well-paced episode of television. It looks like dropping a few contestants really has eased up the editor’s gas pedal. This week’s elimination keeps “House of Fashion” from being as paradigm-shifting as Snatch Game, but it’s about the best showcase for all of the queen’s talents so far...