Prime in November: Excalibur, It's a Wonderful Life, and Julia Roberts x 3

Time to play Streaming Roulette. Each month, to survey new streaming titles we freeze frame the films at random places with the scroll bar and whatever comes up first, that's what we share. No cheating. What does Amazon Prime offer us for free viewing this month? Let's survey...
-Can I help you with something?
-Fuck, what was I gonna ask?
Homecoming Season 1 (2018)
Julia Roberts first TV series! She's about take a tour of 'the facilities' (MOST PRODUCTION DESIGN) in one long showy tracking shot. I have no idea what this show is about but I'm eager to watch it. Especially since it's only 1/2 an hour long.
[Laughter / Gasp / Sigh]
Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert (1994)
Bonus points to anyone who knows exactly what the queens are reacting to in this scene...