Podcast: First Man, Colette, and A Star is Born

Nathaniel R and Murtada Elfadl talk three new films in theaters.
Index (54 minutes)
00:01 Intro & Festival fatigue
02:00 First Man Nathaniel is pro and Murtada mixed
14:30 We both love A Star is Born (but aren't rooting 4 Gaga to win)
35:00 Backlashes at the Oscars and what happens.. or doesn't
38:00 Best Picture randomness and Roma
42:35 Keira Knightley as Colette
48:20 Please look out for Border and Shoplifters which are opening soon
Referenced in this discussion
• Roma review
• NYFF Reviews
• Best Actress Chart
• Best Actor Chart
You can listen to the podcast here at the bottom of the post or download from iTunes. Continue the conversations in the comments, won't you?
Reader Comments (16)
Nathaniel, do you have plans to see LOVE AFTER LOVE starring Andie MacDowell? It's terrific.
I can tell already this is going to be one of those maddening Oscar seasons where the big star's fans rabidly and obnoxiously try to create the narrative. I do like Lady Gaga in general, but this could get ugly.
Hey Nathaniel - you forgot to pop the link at the bottom!
evangelina - until Nathaniel adds the link , you can also click on the podcast tab at the top the page and it's the first entry there. Thanks for listening!!
apologies -- the internet was down so i was just able to fix this. link at bottom now plus the itunes list.
No offense but how are you surprised by he nitpicking when all of the festival tweets referred to ASIB as like the greatest masterpiece of the last 20 years? I liked the movie well enough but when the bar is set that high by the Internet, nitpicking is going to happen. It’s the festival bubble’s fault and it happens every year. Y’all forget what it’s like to see movies opening weekend like the rest of us.
Off topic, but Nathaniel, have you seen The Rider yet? I know it has about zero chance at this point, which is all the more reason to try to keep it from being forgotten in the deluge of Oscar bait coming down the pike. It's a masterpiece.
Bruno - I've basically felt that way about Close all year, for what it's worth.
Loved First Man myself and the sound and score. "The Landing" reminds me of Michael Nyman's score for The Piano in parts.
Nice balanced talk on A Star Is Born. My favourite songs are Shallow and Maybe It's Time. I would like Bradley Cooper to win Best Actor and Gaga can win Song.
The Rider is nominated for a Gotham Award for Best Film. Huzzah!
Looking forward to listening to this. For the record, I didn't really like ASIB. If Bradley Cooper is a contender for Best Actor, not a prob, but he has a ways to go as a director. He seems to have 2 major shots in him: Close up and Less Close Up. The movie was ok but I found my interest really flagging in the final stretch.
Great podcast, guys. Love hearing all your insights. I'm seeing First Man this weekend so it was great getting your thoughts.
I will differ on your perspective on Gaga. I think Bradley was terrific, maybe his best performance ever. But for me, Gaga was the true revelation. I think she could win this thing--we shall see.
Ryan, my understanding of the festivals' reactions to ASIB is that they really loved it and responded emotionally. I'm not sure any of them were saying it was an all-time classic. They were stressing how audiences connected to the movie in a very big and unique way. JMO.
Oh, and I too love ASIB lol. It has very few flaws.
@Suzanne Glenn Close has nowhere near the fanbase of Lady Gaga. It's not even in the same stratosphere.
Bruno - You're right. I probably feel that way because I mainly pay attention to actress/Oscar fans, and Glenn is massively popular among them.
It's not the movie's fault you allowed other people's opinions to set your expectations impossibly high. I read the same ecstatic reviews and came out loving it regardless.
Watched First Man last night and surprised by how much I liked it, perhaps given my low expectations going in. I like what they ended up framing the entire story around. Really worked for me. I hope Gosling gets in. I think the character could have been a bit more awards friendly if they wanted to but ultimately I’m glad they didn’t do that. Beautiful performance.