Baby Clyde's TIFF Diary #2: "The Woman King", Oprah, and "Sidney"

by Baby Clyde
You think I’m just here enjoying myself, don’t you? You think it’s all World Premieres and swanky parties, hobnobbing with the stars and swilling champagne. Unfortunately, that is not quite the case. My trip so far has been somewhat more mundane. Saturday, I had 5 films to see but spent most of my time visiting various electrical shops trying to find a US/UK travel adapter (I idiotically left the half dozen I own back in London). Instead of sipping Mimosas over a leisurely breakfast I was in Best Buy at 10am perusing plug sockets. At time of speaking, I still haven’t found one. I didn’t eat anything until 6.30pm. I’m now home and hastily throwing together this dispatch before my laptop dies. I’ve got about 20 minutes. Here goes.
First film of the day was a particular treat for this Brit after all who needs a Queen when we have The Woman King...