Beauty vs Beast: Foes of the Vampire Slayer

Jason from MNPP here - I think we can get away with some more Buffy love this week, right? It's 20th anniversary might have been a whole several days ago but seeing as how we made it to 20 years and the internet still cared, and cared deeply (I can't be alone in having had my timeline entirely flooded with Sunnydale Fever), what's a few days?
Thing is we have devoted more "Beauty vs Beast" competitions to the show than any other single piece of entertainment - we've already asked you to choose between Spike & Angel and then also to choose between Faith & Buffy herself. But if there's one thing the Buffyverse isn't lacking - besides quips, chokers, and Xander Harris in a speedo - it's an endless supply of loveable mooks from which to love. So I went with my two favorite villains - Mayor Wilkins (Harry Groener) from Season 3 and Glory "Glorificus" (Clare Kramer) from Season 5. Raise your hand if you're invulnerable...
PREVIOUSLY Last week we said our prayers and sent our souls off to the hell of Ken Russell's making, taking on The Devils - for a quick minute I thought (my beloved) Oliver Reed might win it but Vanessa Redgrave's masochistically mad nun ultimately raved her way to victory with 58% of the your vote. Said thefilmjunkie:
"I bought a region-free blu-ray player for the sole purpose of being able to watch this movie and it was worth EVERY penny. I'd love to be able to watch it on the big screen. Of course my actressexual vote went to Redgrave, she really threw herself into this role in a way few actresses could/would have."